Community Have Questions for Team NINJA?

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There are several massive events on the horizon for our community and a lot of you have had some pretty legitimate questions come up regarding things. More of you have had some completely insane questions, so if you fall into that particular camp, pass right on by. For the rest of you, we've been able to work out something I'm going to avoid calling an interview for a variety of reasons. That non-interview will be with Team NINJA directly.

We could have just whipped up a quick Q&A and posted it as an article, but we wanted to try something a little different. Those of you who've been around for a long enough time may have seen something similar in the past, but this is a different situation we're working with in 2015. We're going to open this up to all of you guys to ask the questions here. Before you get too excited, though, let's lay some ground rules.

First, we have to respect the fact that the Team has a plan in place for the new character regarding the media. You have to wait to find out the new character's favorite dessert, I'm afraid. Stay away from any questions that are very likely promised to traditional media outlets exclusively. For reference, look back at the Radiou reveal. Second, stay away from questions that are about unrevealed gameplay changes to the game. We will find that stuff out when they choose to fill us all in. Third, use common sense. If you ask a question that is deliberately inflammatory, your question won't be passed along. If you ask about something that hasn't been announced regarding other titles (I'm looking at you, DoAX fans), that question will similarly not be moved on.

That leaves you guys with quite a bit to mine for questions. Ever wondered why the team locked intros and such to 30fps? Might be a good question to ask here. Ever thought to yourself, "Self, why were High Level Jumps removed from the game?" Seriously, go nuts with questions here. A few of us will then screen the questions and probably fix some spelling and grammar before working with Team NINJA on getting things rolling.

We are working with an incredibly busy lead up to the launch of our new game with a brand new character reveal this week. There will be a delay, here. But we will get things polished up and pass the ball. Once we have a time table nailed down we will start to feed things back to the community and go from there. Please do not post questions more than once. If you don't want to ask your question publicly for whatever reason, send myself, @Rikuto or @Mr. Wah a direct conversation with the question and request your name be omitted. We may ultimately remove names from the questions anyway so it might be a non-issue but we do have some shy members.

Post away, ladies and gents.
@CyberEvil This is fantastic! THANK YOU, FSD!!!

A) Can fans of DOA expect the male cast to get more attention in DOA5LR's DLC? (as opposed to their presence in DOA5U's DLC for example).
B) As we know on FSD, there are quite a few female and gay male fans of DOA. Can female and gay male fans of DOA expect any sexy DLC for the men in DOA5LR?
Please note, these questions are genuine and not meant to be inflammatory in any way. If you feel either question is too off-topic or inappropriate I would understand if you do not wish to ask them. Whatever they have to say about DOA's male cast, I will be interested in hearing about.
1. Will you guys stop forcing costume catalogue downloads? It makes it very hard for new players to pick up the game when they are forced to download and redownload a dozen of catalogues that will only allow them to take a peek at the DLC.
1) Even though PS3 will be missing some
Features of Last Round will the PS4 and PS3 be able to do cross play?

2) Not sure if this is out of line but I noticed some characters move properties have changed but haven't noticed any new moves, any chance of them getting some?

3) More so of an online problem, but will it be as easy for those that do, to hack the system and alter there grades, points, platinum and leaderboard rankings? (that was annoying ._.)
1. Will you guys stop forcing costume catalogue downloads? It makes it very hard for new players to pick up the game when they are forced to download and redownload a dozen of catalogues that will only allow them to take a peek at the DLC.

I'm just going to comment on this one. This is the fault of the community. Vanilla was designed to not do this by not showing any costumes you didn't have downloaded, like VF5FS. The majority complained about buying outfits but having opponents not see them. So they went the other way and required them to be downloaded so players who didn't own them could still see them. Its either one or the other.
With new characters released, have you guys thought about future of DoA and how they will fit into the future of the story?

Stating that Last Round will be supported in the long run, does this mean a possible character costume contest #3?

With the complaints about sexism going on around in the gaming industry, have plans to add more male content such as beach wear and outfits been on the drawing board now that you have consoles that can hold more content? (can somebody re-word this? it doesn't sound....right.)
Most of the dlc I bought was on an old PSN account I only use for my purchases now. Will the dlc crossover still work in my case for my main account? Seeing as on PS3 you had all dlc regardless of what user account you were on.

Will the fight records/titles be transferring as well?

Will Tag Match be getting some form of balance?
1) What direction is the team taking with Eliot, who is considered the worst character in the game?
1a) Why is Eliot "super light" instead of "light"?
1b) Why is Eliot not fast, despite being "super light"?

2) Would DOA6 consider doing Story Mode and Arcade Mode like anime fighters? Meaning, Story Mode will have the extended main story, while Arcade Mode will have expedited stories for each character with their own endings.

3) How much DLC is going to be planned for Last Round?

4) Will Steam owners get discounts for DLC that is NOT included from Ultimate for Last Round?
4a) Speaking of the PC version of Last Round, what convinced the team to port LR to PC?

5) For future DOA games, would Team Ninja ever consider a generational shift approach, i.e., new characters that inherit the fighting styles of older characters?
Can you change ALL of Jann Lee's forced automatic taunts to optional/instantly cancellable? (in many DOA games, these kinds of taunts that TN gives him are sometimes disadvantageous or even punishable ON HIT!)

Why isn't "crouch guarding from a standing position" executed instantly in the DOA series (including DOA5)?
1) Considering that the Steam release will have no online for three months, in terms of single player content, will story mode be expanded upon or altered in any way? Will PC players receive some sort of compensation for an initial lack of online play despite paying full price?
2) Considering that game modding is well known through the PC community, what are Team NINJA's thoughts towards mods and user generated costumes?
3) Considering that DOA5 is moving onto the current generation of consoles, will we see a DOA successor on the same platforms (Xbox One & PS4)?
4) After Raidou and Honoka's release, other than costumes, will we possibly see more new characters or stages released as DLC?
5) Core Fighters was relatively successful in drawing in new, potential fans and has one of the best free-to-play models to date. Are there any considerations towards expansion onto both Xbox One and PC?
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