Halloween Designer Challenge 2017

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i hope Tina gets a real Halloween costume in doa6. I like this one but not for a Halloween outfit.

Though that costume isn't Halloween, I think it fits her. It's what happens when TN makes a contest based off of one theme and it's moments like these where one would probably say "I can't think of any Halloween ideas but I want to submit this one anyway because it looks good", and well...it kinda does in a way. Do hope they make other themes besides Halloween. If anything, might as well let the cosmetic fans do the costumes for them instead of reskin color swaps.


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Don't mean to make any flattery, but Oni Mila is so badass, it does not have any superfluous details and it fits her, it almost looks like a default costume to me.. can't wait for the results.


Active Member
Don't mean to make any flattery, but Oni Mila is so badass, it does not have any superfluous details and it fits her, it almost looks like a default costume to me.. can't wait for the results.

When was the last time Mila got costume that was like her default ones?


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Well they just showed the next two outfits for today...........And yeah...It's the one's they already have shown last week, It was the Marie and Honoka ones.


Well-Known Member
Basically.... The show two outfits really early in the morning once a day and it's not even outfits we haven't seen yet so... :I

so basically we have a while to sit through them "revealing" all the costumes they already revealed on video to kill time, so it's gonna be a couple weeks before we actually get to see what anyone else got.


Well-Known Member
The translation said "all award-winning introduction first", so don't expect something new until next Tuesday.

EDIT: ...well, if they keep on showing 2 outfits on a daily base...

which is not the case... :bradwong: so expect new stuff way later.
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Well-Known Member
The translation said "all award-winning introduction first", so don't expect something new until next Tuesday.

Oh okay so they are showing the top 11 designs from the stream first oops lol! XD Wish I would have saw that so I was expecting it. :p, So on Tuesday or Wednesday then we should start to see the design outfits have haven't been shown yet and we haven't seen yet! :D That's good.


Well-Known Member
They showed 3 designs today! :D Maybe it was to catch up after the weekend? Now If they show 2 designs on Tuesday and Wednesday that will be all the designs we saw at the live stream shown and then on Thursday we'll begin to see the designs that haven't been shown! :D

Legendary Goken

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They're showing the same designs as they did before. Why can't they show the new ones first and the one's they already showed last.

The anticipation is killing me!!!


Premium Donor
I’m glad something is slowly killing you...
just kidding (:

Anyway they showed costumes that are already shown again today. This time they showed Brad Wong, Bass and Ryu Hayabusa.
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So far they’ve showed 7 of the 11 characters, so which means that in 2 days they either show Kasumi/Momiji or Christie/Tina and 2 days after they show either kasumi/Momiji or Tina/Christie. After that they will show other characters. So around October 8th/ 9th they’ll show other characters I’m not sure wether they post in the weekends. This is just my guess by the way.
I hooe they quit showing ones we've already seen at the streaming at TGS and show us some new ones XD
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