Julius Rage
Well-Known Member
This thread will be used to submit and discuss nominations for FreeStepDodge.com's, 2013, Dead or Alive Tournament of the year.
Each poster may nominate ONE (Offline) Tournament. Along with your nomination, please include an explanantion as to why you believe this Tournament to be the best of the best over the last 12 months.
Number of competitiors, Quality of competition, free alcohol...whatever your personal criteria for a nomination, is fair explanantion but be forewarned that other members may feel inclined to question your nomination - debate is encouraged, be prepared to justifiy your pick.
Each poster may nominate ONE (Offline) Tournament. Along with your nomination, please include an explanantion as to why you believe this Tournament to be the best of the best over the last 12 months.
Number of competitiors, Quality of competition, free alcohol...whatever your personal criteria for a nomination, is fair explanantion but be forewarned that other members may feel inclined to question your nomination - debate is encouraged, be prepared to justifiy your pick.