Final Fantasy Thread


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its not even gamers though. its dude bros that pick up games every now and then that freak out over stuff like that. real gamers( hate using that term) greatly respect the legacy of Laura Croft and Samnus too much to do that shit. what tends to catch people off guard is when you play as a girl in an RPG/create your own character video game, but even then all you gotta say is "if im going to be staring at a character for hours id rather it be a good looking girl" and then they'll drop the subject.


Well-Known Member
I prefer strong characterised female characters over generic soldier male A (This is why characters like Claire Redfield, Lightning, Chie Satonaka, Heather/Cheryl Mason etc. appeal to me more than any FPS protag ever.)

I relate alot more to female charcters to beefy Marcus Fenix alikes.


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We are talking of a mere matter as videogames, everyone should simply play what they like how they want, enjoying it without caring for the judgements (judgements then about what basis?) of other people.


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FFX-2 is widely hated and I've seen people refer to it as the dress up barbie final fantasy game and refuse to play it.
Are you sure that's the actual reason the game has its share of detractors?

Are you sure it's not the lackluster (and often meaningless) sidequests that don't take full advantage of its rather expansive take on FF5's Job System, as opposed to FF12 where every sidequest (hunts in particular) had a progressively challenging purpose?

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
I'm not sure if this is front page news, but SE is going to be changing the battle system for the FF7 remake. What are your thoughts? Do you want it to be turn-based or like LR's? I'm personally not really into turn-based (Strategy is cool and all, but the turn-based battle system can be quite tedious and boring at times), but I wanted to hear what you guys think.

Are you sure it's not the lackluster (and often meaningless) sidequests that don't take full advantage of its rather expansive take on FF5's Job System, as opposed to FF12 where every sidequest (hunts in particular) had a progressively challenging purpose?
Wow. That's why people hate it so much?


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Squares current fight system is why we cant play as the rest of the characters as all you do is mash it out while trying to direct the behavior of the party. if they go this route again im going to be largely disappointed.
if i cant have turn based then just rip off Star Ocean, they know how to make fast paced JRPG battles where you can play everyone.


Well-Known Member
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I'm not sure if this is front page news, but SE is going to be changing the battle system for the FF7 remake. What are your thoughts? Do you want it to be turn-based or like LR's? I'm personally not really into turn-based (Strategy is cool and all, but the turn-based battle system can be quite tedious and boring at times), but I wanted to hear what you guys think.
I think SquareEnix needs to come up with a plan to pack in the original version with enhanced graphics for damage control from the purists should the remake fail to please... and fast.

But personally, I'll wait to see what they come up with before I pass judgment.

Wow. That's why people hate it so much?
I wouldn't say hate so much as met with disappointment on what potential the side missions for FFX-2 could've been... or at least that's my personal feelings on the subject matter.

I definitely liked the game, but couldn't help but feel some sidequests were holding it back from being near-perfect.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Squares current fight system is why we cant play as the rest of the characters as all you do is mash it out while trying to direct the behavior of the party. if they go this route again im going to be largely disappointed.
if i cant have turn based then just rip off Star Ocean, they know how to make fast paced JRPG battles where you can play everyone.
My first SO game was SO: The Last Hope. I liked it's battle system a lot.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty certain FFVII 2017 will be basically KH/FFXV style of battle system. so basically we probably won't use the party members and only play as Cloud


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X-2 had more than just that for issues. It was basically a lessened version of FFX. People thought this game would totally defeat and overcome FFX's obstacles in creativity and depth, people were expecting it to or having something similar.

Normally you don't get FF sequels unless story has holes in it that need explaining or if it's far too long, but X-2 had the potential to do so if they actually followed the route and be creative.

I'm pretty certain FFVII 2017 will be basically KH/FFXV style of battle system. so basically we probably won't use the party members and only play as Cloud

What? I really do not want to play as Cloud for the entire game. If that's what I have to do so be it, but I hope that does not happen and provide the chance for the people of the universe to actually play as Sephiroth for once or a whole new flashback towards him. I must play as Red XIII, Tifa, Cid too dammit.

My first SO game was SO: The Last Hope. I liked it's battle system a lot.

I personally do not want to sound bad here, but Last Hope probably the very least liked in the SO community of games. Edge and Lymle makes people cringe (Especially Edge, I actually wanted him to die.)
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Maybe this time they can bring Gilgamesh as an entry from the rift for a Superboss. As well as the missing WEAPONS.


Well-Known Member
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I personally do not want to sound bad here, but Last Hope probably the very least liked in the SO community of games. Edge and Lymle makes people cringe (Especially Edge, I actually wanted him to die.)

Edge wasn't that bad and it wasn't the combat people had an issue with. ive yet to be challenged once when ive said SO4 had the best combat system even by people who hated the game.


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What? I really do not want to play as Cloud for the entire game. If that's what I have to do so be it, but I hope that does not happen and provide the chance for the people of the universe to actually play as Sephiroth for once or a whole new flashback towards him. I must play as Red XIII, Tifa, Cid too dammit.
Really, they just need to nerf Barret and Vincent (particularly their ultimate weapons), and buff certain other characters' limit breaks.

In retrospect, that Overflow glitch the gunners have is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
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Edge wasn't that bad and it wasn't the combat people had an issue with. ive yet to be challenged once when ive said SO4 had the best combat system even by people who hated the game.

Oh no, the combat system was great. It's the character development that drew people off. Neutral with SO4, but I really liked SO2 & 3 a lot more in regards to having everything as well as seeing why people prefer those than 4.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Maybe this time they can bring Gilgamesh as an entry from the rift for a Superboss. As well as the missing WEAPONS.
Let's see if I remember...

Ruby and Emerald were added as rogues along with Ultimate.

Diamond was the only mandatory story boss and was killed by the Sister Ray.

And Sapphire was the one that was killed by the Junon Cannon.

Maybe they can retcon the Junon escape scene as having the Junon only wound Sapphire critically as opposed to killing it. Or better, fight all five Weapons again (where applicable) as superbosses.


Active Member
I enjoyed FF7's ATB system when I played it, but personally I like more action based battle systems than turn based ones. Just as long as I can play as the other characters like Vincent and Tifa, I'll be happy. It would really suck if they remade the game just for us to only play as Cloud. I already think it was a terrible idea for them take out the ability to play as the others in FFXV...