DOA6 Gameplay Thread


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Evo stream was so lit! I can't wait for tomorrow as well, I'm so excited for DOA6 and I feel like Kasumi will be one of the best this iteration! ^.^ Also remind me not to not take the twitch chat seriously because that chat was something else, like IDK what @Blackburry was smoking when he decided to insult me all because I didn't agree with Kasumi being worse than Phase 4 and her being "mid" tier.... Regardless I can't wait to see more, do you guys think they'll show anorher character reveal when Evo ends??

Sorry, not sorry. You dragged it on, and at the end of the day you're still wrong. Whether she's good in DOA6 remains to be seen as the game isn't out yet.

Shirataki Tsume

Well-Known Member
It's too fast, too flashy, too much emphasis on violence and impacts. The whole tone of the game has changed more to esports tastes, it's tremendously disappointing.
I could only agree the game being too flashy and having more emphasis on violence. Being too fast, I don't know... The game looks slower or maybe the word I should use is "stiff" because it feels more like it. Not really on the movement, but more on the pace of the fighting like when the characters hit each other.

Dead or Alive 4's movement was slow, but the pace felt fast because the attacks and hit animations seemed like it got a speed boost from the previous games.


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Part of the looking fast might be the camera, be interested on opinions from someone who has been at Evo and played it.

I really, really don't like those zoomed in slow mo shots of characters being hit and the blood splatter effects. That shit can fuck off to MK where it belongs.


Well-Known Member
It looks faster in the sense that the characters seem lighter. Reminds me of SC5 and how light the characters feel.


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I think DOA6 might be the best DOA game out of them all. The game is Pre-Alpha and already feels complete. When this game is out I am not playing anything else, at first I was a little bit iffy about the super meter, the break blow/hold and fatal rush but they’ve implemented it so well into the game.
I can’t wait for them to show Momiji (if she returns)


Well-Known Member
EVO stream last night:

I've found the gameplay got little improved also for character's moveset, so far, for Diego...I know he's very new to DOA for some reason and later on they maybe want to add some more moves to him (I hope....)


Premium Donor
Sorry, not sorry. You dragged it on, and at the end of the day you're still wrong. Whether she's good in DOA6 remains to be seen as the game isn't out yet.
I didn't drag it actually bro. And I dont care, you being a stronger player than me doesn't suddenly mean im automatically wrong about my opinions, it was very pathetic and immature of you to act like I didn't "know the game at all" and insulting my gameplay all because I don't agree with you. I may not be the strongest player nor can I play all day everyday but don't degrade me as if I don't know what I'm talking about and as if I don't study the game or characters. But whatever, at least I dont make gofundme pages to attend DOA events instead of actually working. You're the epitome of a high level player I could never respect

Anyways Hoodless said there's gonna be a reveal I think after the tourney stuff so I'm really excited, I hope they show the new girl next!


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Seeing DOA6 at EVO being played by people who knew their shit made my brother want to pre-order DOA6 - and he hasn't played DOA since DOA2H.

Don't know about you guys, but I actually like the new gameplay style of DOA6 and the neutral that was displayed looked hella good. I fell asleep before I could see any Zack gameplay tho and I'm still pressed about it. When the tournament is done, can somebody post the VOD in here/the media page? I think Team Ninja will create one when EVO is done. I actually can't wait to do max-damage Rig combos. This man is defying the laws of gravity and physics rn. I'm fucking with it.

EDIT: Also I have a bit of feedback for Zack in DOA6.
If it doesn't already Zack's 3PP should be able to bound the enemy on both airborne and standing enemies.
And lord. Please give him a 4T. xD
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Well-Known Member
DOA 6 stun system is almost as similar as DOA2/DOA3's which is fantastic! I hope they don't change it when the game is %100 finish.

Now my thoughts on the bound mechanics, I love it but I think it needs to be buff just a little bit.

DOA 6 is looking good so far. :cool:


Well-Known Member
DOA6 is pulling a Soul Calibur 6 bringing back old school mechanics but with new fresh ones.

Man, if they bring back Ein he could actually be good 5s system never worked for Ein like 2/3s system did.


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Ein would be so sick in DOA6 that's the thing. He was so good in DOA2 BECAUSE of the stun-launch game style and he fell off because his movelist is too predictable to push the threshold out for long enough. The stun game in the newer DOAs hit him hard because of his honesty imo. Another set of characters who will benefit better than they did in DOA4/5 for DOA6 is Brad, Bayman, Leon and Tina. Probably even Mila too. These characters already have a playstyle that didn't have to rely on the stun game (Mila did a bit tho) and they'll probably flourish when they play in DOA6's new system.

If Rachel happens to come back (Press X to Doubt), hopefully her move list gets more fleshed out with even more strings from Nicole.


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But whatever, at least I dont make gofundme pages to attend DOA events instead of actually working. You're the epitome of a high level player I could never respect


Well-Known Member
The more I watch of the stream, I really don't like what they've done to the game.

It's too fast, too flashy, too much emphasis on violence and impacts. The whole tone of the game has changed more to esports tastes, it's tremendously disappointing.

DoA has always been flashy and fast. It probably seems faster to some because the stun system seems more in line with doa 2 and doa 3. Also, good players always makes a game look faster than it is.

I don't really have a problem with the violence and impacts. Games gotta keep up with the times.

But whatever, at least I dont make gofundme pages to attend DOA events instead of actually working. You're the epitome of a high level player I could never respect

This is kind of a dick thing to say.....Just because he might be in a financial situation to where he can't afford to fly out to an event doesn't mean he's not working.


Well-Known Member
But whatever, at least I dont make gofundme pages to attend DOA events instead of actually working. You're the epitome of a high level player I could never respect

Yeah that's a pretty shitty thing to say about someone, not cute in the slightest. He's actually been to several tournaments, and considering he's good and supports the scene offline REGULARLY, I wouldn't mind supporting him versus some random.


Premium Donor
Yeah that's a pretty shitty thing to say about someone, not cute in the slightest. He's actually been to several tournaments, and considering he's good and supports the scene offline REGULARLY, I wouldn't mind supporting him versus some random.
I don't care tbh. Just because you're some top player doesn't suddenly mean that weaker player's opinions don't matter as well, that's pretty arrogant imo, especially with the claim he was making. I'm over it tho, don't come for me and say dumb things to me and I won't do the same to you, and he actually did do what I stated as well, I don't make up anything when I read people


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Do NOT get my thread locked. Finish the argument, or just ignore each other. This the only DOA6 tech thread right now