DOA5U wanted Costumes


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Standard Donor
I am going to murder the next one in cold blood, who is giving Team Ninja any ideas of releasing more super slutty bikinis or fetish bunny and Christmas outfits! >__<' Or even worse, a mixture of those...
Shouldn't we all be glad, that TN finally is releasing more or less serious costumes, for all the characters?

Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
Ive seen your posts before, so I can't tell if you are joking or not....

I am dead serious. DEAD!

I am going to murder the next one in cold blood, who is giving Team Ninja any ideas of releasing more super slutty bikinis or fetish bunny and Christmas outfits! >__<' Or even worse, a mixture of those...
Shouldn't we all be glad, that TN finally is releasing more or less serious costumes, for all the characters?

This reminds me, can someone please twitter my Lisa xmas outfit to Team Ninja?
This game needs some excitement after the last batch of less than inspiring DLC outfits.


Well-Known Member
I'd like something a little less silly for Zack for a change, so maybe this for his casual wear


:rolleyes: Bad joke aside, Zack could look really good in the right clothes. I like him alot and he deserves way better then what they're giving him.


Well-Known Member
Well, personally I think that lipstick and nail polish could be excessive (and maybe slighty out of place if you want represent a girl with a tomboy personality).

The rest honestly I think that could work (if you are not thinking to bracelets/necklaces too much feminine), so if you think that could improve the idea of Mila in your mind I suggest you to add it (but of course these are only my 2 cents, in the end you have to do what you feel is better ;)).

I seriously can't think of anything else to add in. Mind going ahead and tweeting it to them?

Watch, they'll add shoes that ruin the overall outfit lol.

OOH. Wait, I shoulda added white fingerless gloves. I'll have to do that when I get home.


Well-Known Member
Well, personally I think that lipstick and nail polish could be excessive (and maybe slighty out of place if you want represent a girl with a tomboy personality).

The rest honestly I think that could work (if you are not thinking to bracelets/necklaces too much feminine), so if you think that could improve the idea of Mila in your mind I suggest you to add it (but of course these are only my 2 cents, in the end you have to do what you feel is better ;)).

Aye, so...I added gloves.



Better? Worse? I honestly can't think of anything for shoes (Nor do I have room because of how I cropped it lol) but I trust TN can handle SHOES on their own, at least.

Thought about bracelets and a necklace but...can't think of anything.

Watcha think about the palms of the gloves being the dark blue?

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
The fact that her nipples are holding the entire thing up by themselves?
lol. XD Well @Hoya Destroyer will have to explain to TN how that whole "outfit" could possibly work w/o a nip slip. XD
Do you think such a dress would be technically playable for PS4 ? It didn't look so bad/so glitchy in DW.

It might get a little tricky with her BKO stance but if it was slightly modified I can't see why it couldn't work even now on PS3/360. Granted it's shorter, but look at Lili's in TTT2:
Aye, so...I added gloves.
I really like this Argentus especially with the jacket and gloves. This is one outfit I actually would really want TN to make (including the blue hair).
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Well-Known Member
lol. XD Well @Hoya Destroyer will have to explain to TN how that whole "outfit" could possibly work w/o a nip slip. XD

It might get a little tricky with her BKO stance but if it was slightly modified I can't see why it couldn't work even now on PS3/360. Granted it's shorter, but look at Lili's in TTT2:

I really like this Argentus especially with the jacket and gloves. This is one outfit I actually would really want TN to make (including the blue hair).

Think I should design the shoes, too, or leave that to TN?

And like I said, really debating if i should leave it as is, or add jewelry like a necklace or bracelets or something.

That...and whether the jeans should be baggy like her C2, or tight like Hitomi.

Looking back, the blue lipstick of the original sketch WAS a bit much, hot as it was lol.

I'm asking for opinions because I want enough people to like it that it will be supported when tweeted to team ninja, enough for TN to notice and hopefully put something like it in.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Think I should design the shoes, too, or leave that to TN?
And like I said, really debating if i should leave it as is, or add jewelry like a necklace or bracelets or something.
That...and whether the jeans should be baggy like her C2, or tight like Hitomi.
Looking back, the blue lipstick of the original sketch WAS a bit much, hot as it was lol.
I'm asking for opinions because I want enough people to like it that it will be supported when tweeted to team ninja, enough for TN to notice and hopefully put something like it in.
If you have a cool design for shoes in mind I'd say go for it. Tight jeans are always better on girls imo. lol ;) And I thought the blue lipstick looked better but that's something TN probably won't go for b/c they're weird like that.


Well-Known Member
So....I need opinions on this design before asking Kronin to submit it to TN's twitter for me.

Pants: Baggy/Tight?
Shoes: Leave to TN, or design them myself, which I suck at? (Designing shoes, I mean)
Necklace: Should I give her a little Sweetest Sting bee pendant? Colors would clash, but I could make it all silver instead of the yellow and red.
Glasses: Should I leave them as black and purple or do you think I should try a different color. As is, I like the look, but its blatantly obvious what the costume is inspired by. Then again, Rig's casual outfit is blatantly inspired by Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, so its not like the costumes have been entirely original so far.
Gloves: Leave white, or make the palms the dark blue of the hair?
Lipstick: Yes or no? If yes, its gonna be shiny ice blue.

Not gonna lie, i designed it, but I want community input so its well recieved enough to get support on the TN's twitter.


Well-Known Member
If you have a cool design for shoes in mind I'd say go for it. Tight jeans are always better on girls imo. lol ;) And I thought the blue lipstick looked better but that's something TN probably won't go for b/c they're weird like that.

For shoes...I don't lol. I have no idea for shoes. I'll try some boots or something.

As for the lipstick...I like it too, but not sure if it suits Mila. The whole point of this is to finally have a dlc costume that suits her, AND looks good.

AND is blue.