DOA5U wanted Costumes


Well-Known Member
Vinyl Scratch is a pony.
the most kickass pony there ever was. anyways, I did.a quick doodle with some possible final tweaks to my concept, wanted feedback before I sat down and did another full character sheet for it. I added a hood to the jacket, some kinda MMA gloves over the handwraps, and reversed the coloring of the default underwear (was purple with white sides, changing it to base white with purple mesh straps to match the bra better).


Well-Known Member
She looks a lot better in this drawing and I think it's mostly because the lack of color. To be blunt your current color scheme is way too cool (as in cold). The purple accents are nice but if you add some yellow, orange, or red to compliment all the blue/white it would really stand out.


Well-Known Member
She looks a lot better in this drawing and I think it's mostly because the lack of color. To be blunt your current color scheme is way too cool (as in cold). The purple accents are nice but if you add some yellow, orange, or red to compliment all the blue/white it would really stand out.
I can submit an alternate classic color scheme, but the entire point was to give Mila a vibrant cooler (pun intended) outfit, because I'm tired of dull warm colors like browns and reds. but my point was what do you think of the additions, as in, hood, gloves, and inversed underwear colors. (sides, reds and yellows don't really go with blueredpurple.)

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
the most kickass pony there ever was. anyways, I did.a quick doodle with some possible final tweaks to my concept, wanted feedback before I sat down and did another full character sheet for it. I added a hood to the jacket, some kinda MMA gloves over the handwraps, and reversed the coloring of the default underwear (was purple with white sides, changing it to base white with purple mesh straps to match the bra better).
Nice work!


Well-Known Member
I like the costume overall. Is there an option to remove the hood from over the head?
right now its dpad to remove glasses, l1/lb to remove jacket completely, and if I resubmit with the hood, r1/rb to toggle hood when jacket is on. otherwise i was gonna try to have r1/rb toggle between intended blue and classic red color palettes. I think instead of MMA padded gloves.i may try frayed fingerless like her Halloween outfit has...

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
right now its dpad to remove glasses, l1/lb to remove jacket completely, and if I resubmit with the hood, r1/rb to toggle hood when jacket is on. otherwise i was gonna try to have r1/rb toggle between intended blue and classic red color palettes.


Well-Known Member
Meh...I really like the one you submitted not really feeling the new design with a hood.
Alrighty. I think I am gonna put some stylish gloves like her Halloween ones over her handwraps, though. the hood was supposed to be something like a boxers robe, since this is kind of a "celebrity" outfit. iI'm probably gonna keep thinking up possible tweaks to the outfit up until the end of the contest lol. I also need to do another version of Forks Leon design with more detail shown...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Try making your own character: you'll most likely resort to either changing someone you know, modifying another existing character, or make a generic character and make them different from the rest of that type.
excuse you i'll have you know all my oc's are the spawns of sarah bryant satan /pops collar


Well-Known Member
aaaand I decided on the final tweaks for my Mila design. gonna give her frayed fingerless gloves similar to her pumpkin outfit (in love with those gloves), and change the sports bra and underwear from regular spandex/cotton, to shiny white satin with purple mesh back/sidestraps. though now I'm thinking of maybe replacing the wraps with full detached sleeves that still expose the shoulders between them and the sports bra....Nah. oooh, maybe change glasses from violet to teal? wait no, then too much blue on the head. but I did have to ditch the hooded champion jacket because the teal interior would be three shades of blue on the head due to the hair. OOi, I still need to make an alternate classic warm colored palette for final version as well. and try one last version of Forks Leon...busy three days ahead.