DOA art


Well-Known Member
This Jann Lee is awesome @Chisa! Also, I hope that it's fine if I posted your pictures in the thread (personally I love your sketches of the DoA cast).


Well-Known Member
Damm these are so old!


This is my latest sketch. I don't think i will continue drawing but i guess i can share this one.
im beggining to think you like Jann Lee, just a hunch ;D


Well-Known Member
@Crisman (Awesome drawing) Your post is just perfect for what I had to write =)

Anthony Birraux proposed an initiative to the fans on the official Dead Or Alive Facebook page: having technical problems to use his account on FSD, he asked me to share the invite with you:


To all the fans :

With the last contest who managed to collect a really awesome amount of great costumes for each character, I wanted to keep your imagination and awesome ideas on.
I explain :
I really want to see more and more of fan costumes, because the heart of all of us is a powerful and gold mine for putting a character under the lights.

That's why I propose to all of you, whatever your age, to make costume for a contest I would be in charge.
The goal is only to collect a giant fanbase of costumes for Dead Or Alive.

For the moment I thought about 4 themes :
- Halloween (but only scarry or related to the theme costumes)
- Carnival (whatever what it is, just a costume)
- Casual
- Free theme ( you do absolutely what you want).

For these, you are allowed to draw up to 4 costumes (1 for each theme + 1 character per theme). Then you come with 4 outfits but for 4 different characters. That's the only limit.

I will after the deadline (no precise date yet if it works), post all your entries on 4 different albums on my page. Then you'll vote for your favorites in each theme (no restriction, you could vote several designs per character).

If you want to enter, you just have to message me.

Thank y'all who will take the time to participate, even if it's not an official thing.

Hope it will be a succees ! It's up to you !

PS : As long as it's not an official thing, don't need to spend to many times on it, just a pose + the costume + the colors and that all is needed.


You can send the designs to the FB page of Anthony:
Alternatively to his email address:

This want be just a way to involve the community in other similar initiatives to the contest waiting for the official ones, but at the same time I think that could be even a way to give inspiration to Team NINJA for new outfits (after all, before the contests of DoA5U, the old fan designs ended to be selected by Team NINJA from the fanarts of the fans sent to them).

Like always, more people are involved better is ;)
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@Kronin Thanks for telling us I'm interested. Instead of 4 different themes can I draw 4 characters for one theme?

Sorry I thought you were the host of this contest. I'll ask Anthony soon.


Well-Known Member
Anthony udpated the rules for the contest design internal to the community, if you are interested to partecipate give a look to it:

UPDATE: The rules were expanded and changed for allowing a better choice of themes and characters, be sure to read them if you are interested:

HI DOA FANS, I go on for my contest with new ideas :

GOAL: collect a giant fanbase of costumes for DOA.

- you do the number of themes you want (1 up to 10).
- try to not make outfits for all time the same character (at least 2 different characters if you want to enter more than 1 theme).
- no ages limit.

PRIZES: Fan art of your costumes made by me.

- Halloween
- Carnival
- Casual
- Free theme
- Christmas
- Traditional
- Red Carpet
- Avant Garde
- Decade inspired (20's, 30's, 50's...)
- Future inspired.

It's up to you ! I NEED Y'ALL !
Since its not official, don't worry if the design isn't perfect, the only important things are the costumes.

And, you could also have feedbacks on your costumes, and you could use it again for an eventually new official contest.

Thank you !

Source: https://www.facebook...f_t=photo_reply

Some of the outfits realized so far:




2nd Update:


I still need you ALL, thank you !

to send your design :
- my Facebook account "Anthony Birraux"
- my email :
- my twitter : @AnthonyBirraux.

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New Member

I'm hesitant to share this but here's another costume's really addicting to design outfits. Just curious is there a thread that showcase other peoples design?

*Gasp* Someone actually draw fanart of the guys now!? Especially Bayman! Oh happy days~ \ o / I want more fanarts of them.

Anthony udpated the rules for the contest design internal to the community, if you are interested to partecipate give a look to it:

UPDATE: The rules were expanded and changed for allowing a better choice of themese and characters, be sure to read them if you are interested:

HI DOA FANS, I go on for my contest with new ideas :

GOAL: collect a giant fanbase of costumes for DOA.

- you do the number of themes you want (1 up to 10).
- try to not make outfits for all time the same character (at least 2 different characters if you want to enter more than 1 theme).
- no ages limit.

PRIZES: Fan art of your costumes made by me.

- Halloween
- Carnival
- Casual
- Free theme
- Christmas
- Traditional
- Red Carpet
- Avant Garde
- Decade inspired (20's, 30's, 50's...)
- Future inspired.

It's up to you ! I NEED Y'ALL !
Since its not official, don't worry if the design isn't perfect, the only important things are the costumes.

And, you could also have feedbacks on your costumes, and you could use it again for an eventually new official contest.

Thank you !

Source: https://www.facebook...f_t=photo_reply

Some of the outfits realized so far:




As much as I want to design decent costumes for each character, I really hate when there's a deadline because it reminds me much of school *cringes* and makes me rush on things while I study. But I'll try to enter cuz I want to try to put my studies to the test and there are decent themes in there I want to try o;. Heck I might finish those Halloween designs that I didn't submit. Also I finish that Skyrim Gaiden paint:

and I've been doing master studies on colour. Painted Bayman and Helena based on J.C Leyendecker's Arrow Collars and Shirts for Dresses Illustration. Wanted to see how gentlemanly Bayman could be

the real one: