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Premium Donor
By "the pack", are you referring to next month's pack, or this one because it's already known that only the five new girls are in this month's. I still think it's likely that the newcomers are going to be the focus for the DLCs until the 30 costume one comes.


Well-Known Member
I dont know why you would be upset? Ein probably wont get a costume anyways
I stopped caring about Ein DLC like a year ago. Also, I play Hitomi and Leifang too who are usually always in the packs.

By "the pack", are you referring to next month's pack, or this one because it's already known that only the five new girls are in this month's. I still think it's likely that the newcomers are going to be the focus for the DLCs until the 30 costume one comes.
This pack as I costume set, since I always call them packs.

They're not even that behind either Honoka and Marie have more costumes than half the roster.


Well-Known Member
It'd stupid to prevent other popular girls like Kasumi or Ayane to have costumes for so many months. Good way to loose your fans...
I think the 3 remaining packs will be for "everyone".

Predictons : animal-esque pack, cocktail dresses, DOAX3 swimsuits...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So, guys. This is probably a stretch but what if the 30 costume pack is a Dynasty Warriors crossover? And what if the new stage was Burai Zenin, you know, to go with the pack. 30 costumes is the same amount as the Samurai Warriors pack and at this point, I'm positive the ones that are for sure to be excluded will be the VF guests. But, I'm not going to go too far ahead on this.

30 costumes would mean just about everyone. I've got a feeling it could be another crossover pack. Or maybe we'll finally get those Yakuza/Kimono costumes that some of us have been requesting.


Well-Known Member
The entire season pass devoted to just those 5 is bonkers but I wouldn't put it past TN if they wanted. Who are we to say the 30 pack costume is just the Famous Five getting 6 costumes each? (I really should stop bringing that up lest it actually happens)

Now, this is all conjecture but if the worst case scenario does happen, then I'll just settle for the stage , assuming that's paid DLC as well, until the Halloween pack drops (which I'm pretty sure is part of another season pass).



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Oh gawd, if they really just gave 30 costumes to 5 characters, then there's going to be a shitstorm. Honoka and Marie have wayy more costumes than most already.


Active Member
Oh gawd, if they really just gave 30 costumes to 5 characters, then there's going to be a shitstorm. Honoka and Marie have wayy more costumes than most already.
You mean they have gotten More then most characters consistently? Probably cause there still catching up Kasum just hit 50 Costumes And Ayane aswell along with Her season pass costume...Sooo.....


Well-Known Member
So, guys. This is probably a stretch but what if the 30 costume pack is a Dynasty Warriors crossover? And what if the new stage was Burai Zenin, you know, to go with the pack. 30 costumes is the same amount as the Samurai Warriors pack and at this point, I'm positive the ones that are for sure to be excluded will be the VF guests. But, I'm not going to go too far ahead on this.

30 costumes would mean just about everyone. I've got a feeling it could be another crossover pack. Or maybe we'll finally get those Yakuza/Kimono costumes that some of us have been requesting.

Oh how I would kill for a Dynasty Warriors crossover *A*. However, as much as I want it to happen, I don't see it happening :( But nice theory though! I have a feeling the stage is somehow connected to that last pack.


Anyone has hope for pack with costumes from casual contest? If there will be one i still hope for that costume:
(i know im spamming that picture very often) but Kasumi finally get that dress:
so maybe there still is a chance for Helena :D


About Season pass 4 - I am really happy that it is gonna have new stage. I don't think that TN will charge for stage. If they gonna use a stage from previous games i would like to see: Dragon hills, Great opera, Demon church or Aerial gardens.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully it's free! :) As much as I'd like the freedom survivor the fact that its coming the same month as another pack of 30 outfits makes me think its a Dynasty warriors pack. If not then some other collaboration.

To be honest I like the newcomers so if this season was dedicated purely to them it wouldn't be devastating but I definitely prefer other characters ( Christie and Lisa) so I'm hoping that it isn't.

Number 13

Well-Known Member
lol Raidou missing. Granted he technically isn't a new character, but it doesn't help that since his release he was always under Honoka's shadow.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Anyone has hope for pack with costumes from casual contest? If there will be one i still hope for that costume:


Thing is, Helena looks beautiful in this costume in the illustration but in the 3D model? In the game Helena isn't that thin and delicate. Many costumes look odd on her, like the white one with the roses collar for example.
I'm always wondering why people are so obsessed for her to wear all the ballerina stuff too. There's always so many of those in costume contests. Helena is one of the women that a ballerina costume would fit the least. Not just because of her almost full-figured built but also because of her fighting style. There is like nothing delicate and light about her powerful movements and crouching stances.
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