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with the exception of Lisa (I figure I'll give her a break due to being dead.


Your all evil for bring that up all the time.

She's in a better place.


Premium Donor
Guyss, stop bullying Jadeinchains....or your main will die too! After what went down in story mode with me thinking Kasumi had really died, I advise y'all not to take any chances....


Well-Known Member
I hope no ones main is Gen fu because I see him dying as party of the story before/during doa6's story. Who knows though? And yeah I really though they'd killed off Kasumi when I first watched that scene and was shocked! When it comes to Lisa I'm just hoping they reveal she survived.


Well-Known Member
I hope no ones main is Gen fu because I see him dying as party of the story before/during doa6's story. Who knows though? And yeah I really though they'd killed off Kasumi when I first watched that scene and was shocked! When it comes to Lisa I'm just hoping they reveal she survived.

Of course she survived! The one in the lab was OBVIOUSLY a clone. Its always a clone.


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Whoa, how do you make that happen?
Really? I've been trying to find a way how

Yeah Manny (Master) posted a video with the characters off the map. It's an old method that was also in DOA5U in the Temple Dragon stage. It happens when you constantly reset the training mode during a move animation. Like when you do a PB into a breakable and then immediately reset the position using the training mode function. What happens is that one of the characters go off the map except for the player. Now to have both characters off the map, you as Hayabusa, would teleport to where the other player is located (2P+K~6) and voila, now you and the other character are off the map. Manny recorded it when Naotora was already off the map so it didn't show how exactly he did it via FB.

However, I am going to assume that Manny got lucky to get it at the bottom portion of the stage because I tried to redo it and the game gave me a auto freeze. (He may have done this on the XB1 because the PS4 gives you that blue screen which is similar to what me and @Chapstick encountered using the slow motion glitch, but you can bypass this by exiting into the XMB menu before this happens and then go back.) The characters were Hayabusa and Naotora, so likely that Manny may have done it using Naotora's PB or a completely different glitchy method that only works in Azuchi to get off the map.
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Lol, I doubt Team Ninja is even aware that people think Lisa is dead. XD
Seriously, it would be the most anticlimactic death of a fairly important character in a video game ever. If they killed her off or if they wanted the audience to think she's been killed off, they would have handled that scene very differently. Lisa's little scream, when the ceiling collapsed in front of her, was more like a: "Shit, I spilled my coffee!" than a "Shit, my body is being crushed, mangled and pierced to death by an avalanche of metal debris falling onto me!"-scream. XD


Well-Known Member
Yeah Manny (Master) posted a video with the characters off the map. It's an old method that was also in DOA5U in the Temple Dragon stage. It happens when you constantly reset the training mode during a move animation. Like when you do a PB into a breakable and then immediately reset the position using the training mode function. What happens is that one of the characters go off the map except for the player. Now to have both characters off the map, you as Hayabusa, would teleport to where the other player is located (2P+K~6) and voila, now you and the other character are off the map.

However, I am going to assume that Manny got lucky to get it at the bottom portion of the stage because I tried to redo it and the game gave me a auto freeze. (He may have done this on the XB1 because the PS4 gives you that blue screen which is similar to what me and @Chapstick encountered using the slow motion glitch, but you can bypass this by exiting into the XMB menu before this happens and then go back.) The characters were Hayabusa and Naotora, so likely that Manny may have done it using Naotora's PB or a completely different glitchy method that only works in Azuchi to get off the map. Manny recorded it when Naotora was already off the map so it didn't show how exactly he did it via FB.
Meh that sounds like a hassle. I wish they hadn't fixed that ledge glitch for Azuchi, I just want to see what all the stuff beyond the playable borders looks like because it appears as though they put a lot of work into that.


Well-Known Member
Why would they got rid of one of the best moveset in the game ?
Well, I guess they could still replace her with a young white/Asian chick.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I doubt Team Ninja is even aware that people think Lisa is dead. XD
Seriously, it would be the most anticlimactic death of a fairly important character in a video game ever. If they killed her off or if they wanted the audience to think she's been killed off, they would have handled that scene very differently. Lisa's little scream, when the ceiling collapsed in front of her, was more like a: "Shit, I spilled my coffee!" than a "Shit, my body is being crushed, mangled and pierced to death by an avalanche of metal debris falling onto me!"-scream. XD

I really wish they'd just come out and say yes or no on if she's dead. That would be funny as hell though if after all that time they didn't even mean that scene like she'd died!

I'd laugh if she's in doa6 and no one even brings up her being crushed and left there by Kasumi and the ninjas.


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Meh that sounds like a hassle. I wish they hadn't fixed that ledge glitch for Azuchi, I just want to see what all the stuff beyond the playable borders looks like because it appears as though they put a lot of work into that.

It was actually easy at first and usually only took about 2-5 tries at best since there was a huge window time to do it back in 5U. The problem seems to just be Azuchi where even attempting it can give you a blue screen. Either that or a different way to get off the map (wouldn't surprise me) considering how moderate it is to get glitches here.


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There are usual (random) freezes when wallsplatting them into the wall that leads into the rooftop of the bottom portion as well.

Actually check this, Tomonobu Itagaki commented on Keisuke Banno's status on the competitive DOA group that Azuchi's parameters are not correctly done well on DOA5LR. But then again, he was not so sane either because behold this glorious Azuchi issues that were enjoyable as well as other stages :rolleyes::cool: Lol!

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