Dead Or Alive 6 Builds On Franchise's Core Strengths While Renewing Focus On Inclusivity

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His thoughts echo the vast majority of so-called experts here. I'm telling you flat out - you are going to have a very hard time building up a community when that kind of elitist attitude prevails around these parts.

You said you didn't recall where he said people who liked the boobs 'weren't real fans.' I posted a comment he made on some guy's youtube video. No, he didn't specifically say they 'weren't real fans' but rather, 'they're not the type of fans you want in your community.' That speaks volumes, doesn't it?

So all the tens of thousands of fans who wasted - and yes, wasted is an apt term - their money on the first past iterations of DOA, the ones who bought even one DLC costume are basically scum that need to be removed, huh? Gee, great attitude. Who wouldn't want to join such a great community? : /

I'm telling you - as an idiot who wasted their money on the first 5 games in this series - the direction they are going in is going to fail them. It will NOT bring in new players and attitudes like Rikuto's and many others around here are certainly NOT going to help.

Yep. I did say that. Stand by it too -- Well, they are not straight up scum, but I feel the vast majority of those players are highly damaging to the games brand image as well as overall community growth because most people simply don't want to be associated with them. It's one thing to have a fetish and it's quite another to parade your fetish everywhere you go. The DOA community has a number of people who do that and it drives people away. They can be gotten rid of and I will shed no tears for them. I don't mean to say that their interests alone are damaging, but rather the way they carry themselves. DOA is the only 3D fighter that has the problem of being seen as "that game".

As for them not being "true fans", I stand by that as well. I've suffered through games like DOA 4 and Dimensions I didn't find competitively good, but still supported them. Yet these people flail about and threaten boycotts like little children when they are told DOA 6 is bringing one aspect of the game back in line with the rest of the series. So as I said, not true fans.

As for my personal attitude, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I've been "that guy" for well over fifteen years now. Being placed at a higher plateau of responsibility and acknowledgment will never change my opinions or my tendency to speak them. It hasn't killed DOA yet, so I doubt it will now.
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I don't know about him, but my name was in that credits because of the Make Your Move contest. :D

Vanessa, Kayane, and Chosen1 were in that list too.

I also never claimed ownership of it, and have always said Team NINJA is the owner. I am just the type of fan who puts $300 a month into server space and other stuff so that fans of the game can congregate and share their fandom. Are you going to suggest I disown Twitter too because I used it to contact Team NINJA with my opinions?

Good to know you're so far divorced from the series then.
Yep. I did say that. Stand by it too -- I feel the vast majority of those players are highly damaging to the games brand image as well as overall community growth because most people simply don't want to be associated with them. It's one thing to have a fetish and it's quite another to parade your fetish everywhere you go. The DOA community has a number of people who do that and it drives people away. They can be gotten rid of and I will shed no tears for them. I don't mean to say that their interests alone are damaging, but rather the way they carry themselves. DOA is the only 3D fighter that has the problem of being seen as "that game".

As for them not being "true fans", I stand by that as well. I've suffered through games like DOA 4 and Dimensions I didn't find competitively good, but still supported them. Yet these people flail about and threaten boycotts like little children when they are told DOA 6 is bringing one aspect of the game back in line with the rest of the series. So as I said, not true fans.

Good on you for owning what you said.

I think you'll find it hard to grow a community while you ostracize and attack the majority of the DOA fanbase, but hey, you do you.

The reason this series is considered trash is twofold -

1. The beach volleyball crap has forever branded this as a tiddy series. Nothing anyone can do will ever change that now. Hell, the latest update to that xtreme shit has groping mechanics now, FFS. Way to "improve" DOA's rep, Shimbori.

2. The mechanics are considered subpar. Watch Aris' video on PerfectLegend and DOA being a joke. It's NOT because of the tiddies, but rather wonky hold mechanics and ez mode crap that makes DOA considered busted and babby's first fighting game. You're a fool if you think fanservice is the problem. r/kappa has zero problem with tits and love the shit out of Soulcalibur. DOA is only harming itself in the long run to suit the few elitists like you that post on this small forum.

There is nothing "in line" about anything shown so far or discussed. Fuck, go read the interviews. Your pal Shimbori made it clear that the old games were nothing but pathetic fap bait, but fortunately, he has seen the Light and now DOA has become "serious, mature and cool." Thank God for that, since the other games were all apparently nothing but masturbation fodder for otaku, right?

No idea wtf "that guy" is, but whatever. I guess you feel you're somehow important so that's nice I guess.
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Well-Known Member
2. The mechanics are considered subpar. Watch Aris' video on PerfectLegend and DOA being a joke.

Do you really think that aris' opinion is representative of any truth whatsoever?

Do you even know DOA mechanically?

Man, this thread is hilarious.


Do you really think that aris' opinion is representative of any truth whatsoever?

Do you even know DOA mechanically?

Man, this thread is hilarious.

Yep, it's totally the boobs why no one takes this shit seriously.

You guys are fucking gone. There is no reasoning with you.

Go enjoy your SJW fighter 6.


Shimbori says what his marketing team tells him to say, with a few of his own opinions thrown in when it won't get him into trouble (which in japan is almost never). That's the job. If it were up to me, everyone in marketing would be loaded into a metal crate and dumped into a volcano, but here we are.

I don't believe the majority of DOA fans out there are there just for the tiddies. I do believe that the ones who are, however, are the most vocal and most likely to buy DLC. Fap material is an addiction.

At the end of the day, I'd rather TN try to go for a more serious route like they did with 3 (which sold very well). If they fire and miss, then I fully expect them to unleash the DLC floodgates. Doesn't hurt to try. They've had success both ways.


Shimbori says what his marketing team tells him to say, with a few of his own opinions thrown in when it won't get him into trouble (which in japan is almost never). That's the job. If it were up to me, everyone in marketing would be loaded into a metal crate and dumped into a volcano, but here we are.

I don't believe the majority of DOA fans out there are there just for the tiddies. I do believe that the ones who are, however, are the most vocal and most likely to buy DLC. Fap material is an addiction.

At the end of the day, I'd rather TN try to go for a more serious route like they did with 3 (which sold very well). If they fire and miss, then I fully expect them to unleash the DLC floodgates. Doesn't hurt to try. They've had success both ways.

Except you're an idiot since 3 had fanservice, unlike this.

So you've already shot yourself in the foot. Go watch the "She kicks high" commercial from 2001. DOA3 was never marketed as some dark, serious, ghetto fighter. It was a fun, light-hearted fighting game that didn't take itself too seriously and had T&A.

DOA6 is trying way too hard to appeal to SJWs and westerners who love their violence but recoil in disgust at exposed women's flesh.


I'm going to take the liberty of ignoring personal insults, since that is what most of the people on your sides arguments boil down to.

She kicks high was indeed the marketing for DOA 3, and I'm glad you brought that up. But let's examine the difference between marketing and the actual game. What fanservice did DOA 3 have, aside from a couple ending videos (helenas and christies come to mind).

Very few costumes, I can think of one with a low cut T-shirt for Tina annnd.... thats about it. i'm probably missing something, but there wasn't much of the sexual fanservice at all in that game. It just happened to be marketed that way. The game even got a T rating.

I would love to meet some of these fictitious SJW's you guys keep talking about though. The only thing that comes close so far is some delusional people whining about brutalizing women because there's small amounts of blood now.


Well-Known Member
This guy is still going? Aren't you tired sweetie?

Nvm he used the SJW card against DOA6 because he can't read they tonned down the fanservice and not completely removed it lol.

Go back to the DOA6 gamefaqs board where you belong. Like I said to you before, it's just clear you made your account just to troll.


I'm going to take the liberty of ignoring personal insults, since that is what most of the people on your sides arguments boil down to.

She kicks high was indeed the marketing for DOA 3, and I'm glad you brought that up. But let's examine the difference between marketing and the actual game. What fanservice did DOA 3 have, aside from a couple ending videos (helenas and christies come to mind).

Very few costumes, I can think of one with a low cut T-shirt for Tina annnd.... thats about it. i'm probably missing something, but there wasn't much of the sexual fanservice at all in that game. It just happened to be marketed that way. The game even got a T rating.

I would love to meet some of these fictitious SJW's you guys keep talking about though. The only thing that comes close so far is some delusional people whining about brutalizing women because there's small amounts of blood now.

I've been up till now very gracious and not resorted to insults for anyone, despite their rudeness towards me. However, in your case, you seem to not be averse to insulting everyone who likes boobs and is a DOA fan, so I felt you could handle it.

DOA3 had Tina in a thong, had boob jiggle physics and large boobs and tons of panty shots.

DOA3 had these costumes (see images). A far cry from what 6 has shown thus far.

Ah, the "fictional SJW" argument huh? Let's start here...

For DOA, you can start with all the "fans" whining over how "embarrassed" they are due to video game titties. Or how about you guys that banned costumes in tourneys? Let's start there.


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New Member
Except you're an idiot since 3 had fanservice, unlike this.

So you've already shot yourself in the foot. Go watch the "She kicks high" commercial from 2001. DOA3 was never marketed as some dark, serious, ghetto fighter. It was a fun, light-hearted fighting game that didn't take itself too seriously and had T&A.

DOA6 is trying way too hard to appeal to SJWs and westerners who love their violence but recoil in disgust at exposed women's flesh.
I swear the word SJW is losing more meaning the more it's thrown around carelessly. If this game was turning 'SJW' as you claim, then all the females would be ugly, everyone would have xyz sexuality and genders, men would be seen as evil and such. I am not seeing any of that, so what the hell are you on about?


The Tina one just looks like your typical wrestler costume. The hitomi one we didn't even get until the booster disc released for it. Its dumb looking, but not really going to upset anyone. And the kasumi default... is just the kasumi default. I don't see a problem with that either.

You understand there's a big difference between those outfits, and what happened with DOA 5 in releasing a bunch of different variants of playboy bunny outfits, exploding costumes that go down to underwear, being covered by ribbons, and who can forget the Aloha set.... it goes on and on.

There are big differences. I'm fine with how things were in 3. Hell, I'm fine with how they were in 4. 5 was overkill.

I don't care if you people like boobs. I like them too, they are amazing things. I care about how much you talk about them. Size, color, frequency -- nobody cares. No one comes out of a Bond movie and talks about nothing but the girls tits. If that's all they got out of it, they'd be the kind of person you'd leave at home. That's what is damaging and DOA 5 pandered way too much to those people.


The Tina one just looks like your typical wrestler costume. The hitomi one we didn't even get until the booster disc released for it. Its dumb looking, but not really going to upset anyone. And the kasumi default... is just the kasumi default. I don't see a problem with that either.

You understand there's a big difference between those outfits, and what happened with DOA 5 in releasing a bunch of different variants of playboy bunny outfits, exploding costumes that go down to underwear, being covered by ribbons, and who can forget the Aloha set.... it goes on and on.

There are big differences. I'm fine with how things were in 3. Hell, I'm fine with how they were in 4. 5 was overkill.

I don't care if you people like boobs. I care about how much you talk about them. Size, color, frequency -- nobody cares. No one comes out of a Bond movie and talks about nothing but the girls tits. If that's all they got out of it, they'd be the kind of person you'd leave at home. That's what is damaging and DOA 5 pandered way too much to those people.

Minus the "aloha" set, I wasn't a fan of any of that DLC garbage either. I know I sure as hell would not spend any money on that crap.

But what you see in 6 is nowhere near what you saw in 1, 2, 3, 4 or even 5 vanilla.

There can be a balance - provided the current Team Ninja knew what the word even meant. Instead, they've simply done a complete 180 in the opposite direction. The game can be somewhere inbetween where it currently is and DOA xtreme groping sexual harassment simulator 3. I personally find the beach volleyball crap creepy and it's not my thing. That said, I won't say those games ought not to exist. I just don't like the image they convey. DOA - minus 4 - does have a good fighting engine! I like it. But I do not approve of them going 180 degrees away from part of what made the series what it is. DOA without fanservice is like MK without any gore. Sure, the combat would be just as good (or bad, in MK's case) but it would still be missing something.

We could just as easily argue there should be no alternate costumes in game, since it's merely "cosmetic" but I doubt most fans even here would somehow be welcoming of the idea.

I think 5 was fine. I think DOA5U is where it started to get a bit... weird. And LR... definitely. I'm NOT saying let's go back to 900 DLC packs and make more fighters like Honoka. Ugh. But I'm also not saying, let's make this game as accessible as possible by completely removing all sexiness to appeal to feminist journalists who don't even play these games or for ESPN - who will never even air this game to begin with. There can be a balance. Something 90% of you do not understand.

You assume anyone unhappy with this change is 100% into DOA5LR's approach or the xtreme beach groping simulator shit. SCVI is a step in the right direction. DOA6 could learn a lot from that game.


So basically, you just discovered you're on the wrong side of the argument. Congratulations. You even realize that shit can be creepy, and should by proxy also realize the people who parade it around are also creepy to the eyes of most others.

Now all you have to do is come to the realization that the majority of your assumptions about where 6 is going have been made in error. Shimbori said what he did in relation to all of that "creepy dlc" because that is what was complained about the most by vocal people on twitter and the like. What you guys assumed was that he meant everything from the ground up would be butchered, and that was never the plan.
Ok cariño, lo que tú digas. No me menciones más, hazme el favor.

And speak English if you're in a forum where Spanish is not talked by the majority, just to be respectful to them.
Mira compa, a mi nadie me ve la cara, y tu me haces los mandados. But if you get offended, just ignore the request. There are more people.
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