Character development *Future patch discussion*


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Well, there's two ways you can do it: you can either try it as a whiff punish or as an intercept (keep in mind if your hit connects at the same time a WU kick does, your move will beat it out if it does more damage). You can see both styles below. It's probably just a matter of visualized the space/time properties. Note that it's far easier to do if they use a mid WU kick rather than a low.

Whiff Punish
You can see it twice, here. Once @ 0:08 and then again @ 0:45

You can see it used to intercept the WU kick itself here @ 0:54
Hmmm lets see...Badazz Ninja vs Ayane, Izuna drops=2
Badazz Ninja vs Kasumi, Izuna drops=4
Total=6 :p Brute, I was literally having fun watching you trolling around with these players XD hope you post more videos ;)


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Hmmm lets see...Badazz Ninja vs Ayane, Izuna drops=2
Badazz Ninja vs Kasumi, Izuna drops=4
Total=6 :p Brute, I was literally having fun watching you trolling around with these players XD hope you post more videos ;)
I actually have a channel-full of them xD

My Izuna spam trolls can be found here, and all my other cool matches (mostly as Hayabusa) here.
My record is for 3 rounds is 5 (vids 5 & 6). I'm aiming for 9 one day.


Doing a grounded 2P after Hayabusa's normal MK hold is NOT guaranteed.
Getting up backwards (hold Back & mash Guard) will avoid the 2P entirely.
Oh, I didn't know that.

I think in the E3 build what is now the advanced MK counter hold was the normal one.


found a good alternative for us who play online and cant perfom shoho izuna consistently due to lag
:214::P:, :9::K:, :6::K::K:, :426::F+P:.NH 99dmg CH 123dmg HCH 148dmg (all without wall), works on all weightclasses and :6::K::K: is only escapeable when set to fastest. :9::K: after :214::P: is guaranteed.


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found a good alternative for us who play online and cant perfom shoho izuna consistently due to lag
As long as you have 3 or so bars you'll be able to get it around 75% of the time.
Honestly the more difficult part is timing/spacing the initial 236P+K with lag. After that, it's typically not so bad. I find the Shoho to be more reliable through lag than the Otoshi (Senko definitely gets hit worst).


As long as you have 3 or so bars you'll be able to get it around 75% of the time.
Honestly the more difficult part is timing/spacing the initial 236P+K with lag.

yeah exactly, I can pull it off on 4 and 5 but anything below that and i'll just get mid punch holded, which is why i tend to do the combo instead as it can be done much more reliably with lag and only does 1 damage less anyway :)


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yeah exactly, I can pull it off on 4 and 5 but anything below that and i'll just get mid punch holded, which is why i tend to do the combo instead as it can be done much more reliably with lag and only does 1 damage less anyway :)
But it doesn't look as cool. xD


found a good alternative for us who play online and cant perfom shoho izuna consistently due to lag
:214::P:, :9::K:, :6::K::K:, :426::F+P:.NH 99dmg CH 123dmg HCH 148dmg (all without wall), works on all weightclasses and :6::K::K: is only escapeable when set to fastest. :9::K: after :214::P: is guaranteed.
I usually do :214::P:, :3::3::P::4:, :K:, :8::P:, :426::F+P:. I don't know the damage right now, but it's all guaranteed.

Actually though, I ran into lots of people online who are pretty good and actually never hold. I don't know if it's out of fear of Izuna, but I find I have to get out of the habit of holding as well. So I've been working holdable combos into my play more.


Active Member
Lots of little changes to mess around with. Been a bit of an airhead lol. Anyways chances are soon I will bring up a few little things. I haven't messed with his force techs all that much yet though, the sad thing is they could have been there before the patch since I was to lazy to test them all against myself. The computer can tech them so I should have been smarter about that.. a bit embarressed to be honest.

Also I feel a little dumb that it took me this long to realize that Ongyoin PP will limbo as long as both of you are in the same stance..not just open stance.

4F+K does guarantee 3P now even if they SE.

The new 2K can rot in hell. The "I wanna go into handstand" reflex muscle memory..


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Just a heads up, starting next week I'll be able to fight against my PS3 using friends here courtesy of the Vita version. I look forward to getting to fight you guys.
Awesome, man! If you can find some time to indulge me, I'd love to go a few rounds with you.
Undoubtedly I'd be an embarrassment, but I always like fighting better Ryus. Lot to learn from.

Then again with a NY connection, a good connection may not be the most reliable assumption.


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probably old news but just for those who doesn't know yet:

:214::P:, :9::K:, :6::P: = guaranteed threshold

This is partially true. It depends on the characters and their hit box and sometimes stance. but the majority of the cast usually gives it to you guaranteed. :6::P: is not guaranteed (Technically) on some characters (EX: Bayman, Elliot etc). But of course its only possible to escape :9::K:, into :6::P: by one frame, and :6::P: is un-holdable so they can only block assuming they do SE in time.



Well-Known Member
Safety on 1kp? I'd love that. It's a problem that happens with Hayate's 1pp as well except Hayate's 1pp can be interrupted by a simple jab (maybe by Kasumi only but I didn't write this down, I just know it can be interrupted). Difference is that Hayate has 1pp, and 1p2k. I'd like to see -8 or -7 on that 1pp though. Regardless, this is about Busa though so I'm done.

On another note, 1k does seem a bit empty. It's one of the things I really dislike about the move and have always disliked about the move. By the way, didn't this guard break open the opponent up from the pp2kp before for like, + a million? Maybe I'm wrong.

Ongyoin. Yea I wanted a low parry actually for it. The idea came from a video of gameplay I saw. He Ongyoin 6P4'd in a few times and once it connected he didn't transition with the 4. He took the -5 and low held. It was an amazing thing to see honestly. I guess the real reason that Ryu is how he is now is because TN wanted him to have a clear weakness. -Shrugs-

For now I'm fine with taking the -5 and chancing a low hold, but amping up Ong 2K to low crush would be nice as well as making the crush frames on Ong 6p+k. 3h+k as well... in fact all the crushing in the game could be worked on a bit... but I digress...

As for new stuff I want to see, maybe someone said it already but I'd LOVE to see 66K become a threshold breaking launcher. Basically a threshold break is when you stun the person enough to where the next hit will spill over the white section of the bar. This is where you input a launcher. Instead of really giving Ryu another straight up launcher this would give him something to do when he gets a deep stun at max threshold as a mixup and perhaps could create room for a new combo which would also be better because he wouldn't have to rely on 6k, air throw instead. Gimme feed back on this one.

Do you guys like 8p as a launcher? Seems like it'd be better as a stun since its so deep. That's my idea though.

The Ongyoin PP Limbo stun only happening in closed stance bugs me, but unless there's some sort of... incentive to getting the crumple stun instead, I'm all ears.

Yeah but it looks cooler because the camera doesnt fritz out unlike ongyyoin T. :p
I find it so weird that you don't like the strange camera angles xD. I liked them more in the E3 Version for it though. I saw Master do it against Vanessa and I was like, "yea I'm playing Ryu in this game".


Well-Known Member
Now that we have Dead or Alive 5: Ultimate I'm hoping the inclusion of Momiji will mean that Hayabusa will become more like his older self from DoA2-4 I have to admit I love Hayabusa in 3, 2U & 4 but I have a hard time with DoA5 Busa..

Forgive me for sounding like a n00b but, he needs to be faster, stronger and more like a super ninja.. I'm also not a fan of the Izuna holds as expert holds and a good portion of his attacks are unsafe and not many actually guard break, don't get me wrong Hayabusa has alot more tools to work with but unless he goes back to his old glory he'll be stuck as the worst Ninja in DoA5 and that's no good since he's supposed to be the Super Ninja.

Now I'm not saying make him god tier.. Just make him good enough to be actually Hayabusa, DoA5 Hayabusa doesn't feel like Hayabusa much at all IMO.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
UpSideDownGrund if you want you can train with me ^^. If you want to be good with him dont give up and practice. IMO I am glad that Ryu is very hard to use because you need so much skill. He is called the super Ninja. In that case only the true dragons are worth to use him . You want to be a dragon then dont give up and practice. :hayabusa:

So I want the old and best handstand move possiblitys. For example
Go to 1:10


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying I find him hard to use I just find the expert Izuna holds awkward. I just want him to be Hayabusa again like in DoA2-4. He's too slow and weak to be Hayabusa in DoA5.

I just want him to play like he did in DoA2-4 a quick, agile and ferocious striker like Ninja and not a Grappler hybrid I hate how slow he is in DoA5 I still use him more than any other character however unless he goes back to his glory days that will change in DoA5U and I'll probs go back to Ein. also I only just picked Hayabusa up early last year I've been playing Ein much longer