Anyone else going to play through the entire story mode before anything else?

Sir Skeleton

New Member
I always do the single player/story mode of new games I get first. Helps me get a feel for the game and character before jumping into some online matches. Plus I like being able to unlock things before going online just because I wouldn't feel right otherwise for some unknown reason.

Arnell Long

Active Member
1. Options.
2. Complete each existing character's exerciser mode.
3. Story Mode.
4. Train rigorously with my 3 mains starting with Lisa.
5. Mess around with the new and improved sparring options.
7. Unlock costumes, characters, achievements, etc...
8. Complete the unlocked character's exercise.
9. Train rigorously some more.
10. Hop online a week or 2 later.


I'll probably do a little training to get used to the new mechanics and whatnot, and then I'll play a few hundred matches with my fiancee before i go through the story mode. I usually go for all the unlockables before heading online.


Pretty much what Arnell will do,plus insane amount of time in training first.I won't jump online without learning Rig/mila 's command list.I hate being caught by unknown ambiguous strings:).

But this time it will be with friends online,I can't wait to see how useful the new online training mode is.This really is a nice feature.


Well-Known Member
Currently rewatching DOAD's story mode while replaying DOA2 Hardcore... I forgot how much more emotional the scenes are in the new format. Now I'm kind of excited to see how 5 turns out. But man I'm gonna miss those nonsense endings.

Also I forgot how naked Kasumi is in Hardcore's opening lol (the Japanese version anyway)

Deleted member 473

Im going to pop in some Kanye West.
Go to arcade to try it out.
Go to story.
Then Online.
Then watch the bikini's in camera mode.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
What about unlocking Momiji¿ Aren't you gonna try her out after all the work you did figuring out she was in the game¿


Active Member
1-Options, change voice and hits effects.
2-Pick Brad and go online. Play 3 hours as much.
3-Turn off console.
4-Repeat from step 2.