It looks like That He used Blender to swap the textures
the costumes from doax doesnt work in doa2u beacuse they don't have the bones.However they work in DOAO if you open SLoaderC5.exe or QloaderC5_IPFSD.exeHas anyone figured out how to make these costumes work with the original DOA2U? Especially the swimsuit generator?
Please apply this outfit to other female characters
im trying to remove the skirt and the other things from the costume but the the costume as a whole is good
Please apply this outfit to other female characters
The lisa mod doesn't work in doa2u but only on doa onlineAmazing work ! I really love all the costumes listed here. I've been using them a lot !
However, the Lisa costume doesn't work for me and I don't know why. I'm still seeing the regular C2 for Tina.
Any idea why ?