Search results

  1. Chaos

    Hold up, I can edit my profile banner?! Nice! :cool:

    Hold up, I can edit my profile banner?! Nice! :cool:
  2. Chaos

    Wow [MEDIA]

  3. Chaos

    Damn your birthday was yesterday? Happy Birthday! :akira:

    Damn your birthday was yesterday? Happy Birthday! :akira:
  4. Chaos

    Resident Evil 3 REmake is $42.99 on Amazon but I'm not buying that shit until the price goes...

    Resident Evil 3 REmake is $42.99 on Amazon but I'm not buying that shit until the price goes down to $24.99 because Capcom cut out certain contents and its shorter than the classic verison. Fuck you Capcom LOL.
  5. Chaos

    If you're having a hard time doing :3::3::P:/:3::3::K: it means your dpad will break.....:confused:

    If you're having a hard time doing :3::3::P:/:3::3::K: it means your dpad will break.....:confused:
  6. Chaos

    Lets go Team October this is our mouth! LOL.

    Lets go Team October this is our mouth! LOL.
  7. Chaos

    Mortal Kombat thread.

    Mileena: "who are you?" Rambo: "you're worst nightmare" Me:
  8. Chaos

    I hope DOA5 and DOA6 is playable on PS5. It's better than nothing and it would be better than...

    I hope DOA5 and DOA6 is playable on PS5. It's better than nothing and it would be better than playing on the lagstation 4.
  9. Chaos

    Mk11 and Tekken 7 is getting the good stuff.

    Mk11 and Tekken 7 is getting the good stuff.
  10. Chaos

    PS5 teardown is incredible.

    PS5 teardown is incredible.
  11. Chaos

    Happy Birthday! :hitomi:

    Happy Birthday! :hitomi:
  12. Chaos

    I'm glad I didn't get rid of Def Jam. It still holds up today and I'm still not selling it.

    I'm glad I didn't get rid of Def Jam. It still holds up today and I'm still not selling it.
  13. Chaos

    I's insane LOL.

    I's insane LOL.
  14. Chaos

    Check this PS5 out on ebay LMAO!!!! HAHAHA!

    Check this PS5 out on ebay LMAO!!!! HAHAHA!
  15. Chaos

    Most expensive games I've seen on ebay: Nba Elite 11 Silent Hill 1 Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill...

    Most expensive games I've seen on ebay: Nba Elite 11 Silent Hill 1 Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill 3 Def Jam Fight for NY
  16. Chaos

    Thats why I never sold my copy LOL.

    Thats why I never sold my copy LOL.
  17. Chaos

    Imagine competitive players playing this weird ass game LOL

    Imagine competitive players playing this weird ass game LOL
  18. Chaos

    Marie should let Honoka know that she see her as a sister. :D

    Marie should let Honoka know that she see her as a sister. :D
  19. Chaos

    Konami? Ughhhhhhhhhh! Sony is better off buying TN.

    Konami? Ughhhhhhhhhh! Sony is better off buying TN.
  20. Chaos

    Warning: cringe level is dangerously contagious LOL [MEDIA]

    Warning: cringe level is dangerously contagious LOL