Well Rain in MK11 had the most fluid block/dash cancel that resembled MK9 and a fairly decent walk speed. Perhaps they can apply that to more characters in MK1. It seems they're taking feedback and changing movement/dashes was the most requested.
The problem with MKX's run meter was that it was really oppressive. Characters were back up in your face putting you into a non-stop blender. I think MK9's dash-block mechanic is the appropriate fix and increased movement speed.
The biggest MK1 complaints seem to be the gameplay speed and lack of movement. Both are slow and need to be sped up; fortunately it seems Ed Boon and NRS are listening. MK9 actually had great movement and they should go back or incorporate some of it.
Haven't seen just about anyone play modern controls in SFVI but very curious to see how far I can go with Marissa. Should be a fun experiment. Just need to get down the control scheme.
I know. I'm loving the kombo system and the kameo's. I'm so excited to see more and happy we're getting this game in exactly three months. So much to be revealed this summer.