Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • Slowly re-learning DOA6 Nyo and im reminded that she has a bnb that works on every character in the game except for Hitomi and Kokoro, whaaaaaaaat :/
    lul, inputs?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    stun 3P SSS 2K 2T

    for some reason Hitomi and Kokoro fall out of the third S multihit and the combo drops, weirdly enough if you just land raw CH 3P the combo works just fine. but yeah, that combo works on characters that are lighter than them and it works on characters that are heavier than them, so it's not a weight issue, probably just some weird character specific jank that'll never get fixed
    "the appearance of certain characters have been altered/removed" is a line you find multiple times going through Capcom Collection 2 change list, which to me just screams "look, some of these designs could fly in the 90's, but it's 2024 and we don't want to get in trouble"
    That has been a problem since Capcom Arcade Stadium where they removed Rising Sun from E. Honda's Stage in SFII. Capcom isn't just altering/removing content from classic titles, but also remakes (example Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster).

    These changes are reason, Capcom shouldn't get involved with gaming, and let third party developers/publishers (mainly Double A like Honey Parade Games, and Indie).
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    The Rising Sun removal I get, since there's alot of complicated feelings towards that imagery and Capcom just not wanting to deal with it is understandable, as for what designs will be altered/removed, we'll just have to wait and see

    that said im putting money on it right now, Gunrock and Galuda's Powerstone ending art will most definitely get altered lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Dimitri's Midnight Bliss is one thing we do know is getting altered since they specifically mentioned it in the change list, and that's I am a little down on, since Midnight Bliss is so iconic, it makes sense for Dimitri, and I just find it hilarious, but if Capcom wants to label it problematic and change it then oh well, it's their game, they can do what they want, all I can do as a consumer is buy or don't buy
    PS5 Pro is the goofiest console ever, 700$ for a slight PS5 upgrade with no disk drive and barely any exclusives despite being 4 years into this generation? miss me with that nonsense
    Love it when high end graphically intense games are like "we now have an update that let's you play at 240 fps" bitch I can barely run this shit at 60 fps, but thanks for the option I guess
    Visions of Mana is a great game, but it's release is bittersweet knowing that the developers got their studio shut down one day after the game came out :/
    Random shower thought; OH's should have been exclusive to grapplers, because outside of their standard throws being 1 frame faster wth does being a grappler even mean in a game where EVERYone has untechable command throws
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    grapplers in DOA should have more than just faster throws to classify themselves as such, and having exclusive access to a special throw that goes throw block and attack start up frames would be perfect for that. sure some characters would lose out because of this (Jann, Marie Rose, Bayman, etc), but then you just give them better strikes,strings and counters to compensate

    just a thought
    Nah, I love Kasumi being the best grappler with 236T, 33T, 1T and an i9 jab haha :p ! Seriously though, I wouldn't mind all strikers (i9 jabbers or i11/i12 elbow strikers) having throws & holds akin to DOA5 Pai's which do negligible damage but provides frame advantage follow-ups.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    that'd be interesting way to balance throws for fast characters, I always thought it was whack when characters with the best strike priority in the game would also get throw launchers or throws that lead to unholdable stuns, but throws that lead to holdable stuns DOA5 Pai style? that could work
    At the risk of losing my FGC card, imma say it, yes im glad the Capcom Fighting Collection 2 has CvS1, CvS2, and SF Alpha 3

    but screw those games all my hype is for Power Stone 1 and 2
    What was the point of introducing Mai with a modesty outfit if 30 seconds later in the same trailer they were just gonna give her the original red outfit that we all know and love?
    DEI requirement
    The new outfit still shows some sex appeal: cleavage, figure, curves and midriff.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it has sex appeal, but in the most boring way possible, its a step above stuff like DOA6 Kasumi's battle suit but compared to the classic it's just very generic and boring, to point where you wonder why even put it in the game

    unless there's a story reason for it, shit maybe Mai joined a motorcycle gang in the past few years and she's dressing to fit the part, if that's the case I take back what I said lol
    If you're one of those fossils old enough to remember Mystical Ninja Goemon, I suggest checking out BAKERU since it was headed by some Goemon devs and has a very familiar look and feel
    Was losing hope we'd ever see it in English. May be my most wanted game right now.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    That's an easy conclusion to make given that BAKERU is the most japanese game i've played in a while lol

    but thankfully it does have an english translation, no english dub though, but I don't think anyone will mind
    MK1 keeps buffing my secondaries to the moon and yet my main girl Kitana hasn't budged in viability since launch, such injustice :/
    Sad to see Gameinformer go, but such is the fate of print media in an increasingly digital world, though i;ll always be thankful for it back in the pre internet days when your only source for videogame news and releases were magazines like Gameinformer, EGM, ODCM, Xbox magazine and the like
    to this day I laugh seeing how Honoka and Marie Rose had to get their ages specified in their debut DOA5 trailers, that shit will never not be funny
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's like Koei Tecmo was like "hey mainstream audiences! just wanna let y'all know, they're legal! no weirdness going on here!" nvm that Kasumi and Ayane were both underage (at least in America) when they had their jigglies out, but that was back in the day when their were alot less eyes on DOA so they could get away with it lol
    looking at this latest Genshin drama and all I can say is, not totally unexpected, but still disappointing, I just really didn't think mihoyo would double dip on the whitewashing :/
    srsly what was the point of dramatically killing off Heihachi and giving him a successor if they were just going to bring him back?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's a valid question! cause at this rate we're going to be playing Tekken 12 and we're still going to be focusing on these effin' Mishimas
    Because Harada is a marketing genius. He sells his games, he sells his workers and he sells himself like a legit boss. But his games are not balanced at all and the content for Tekken sucks. The story sucks. There is no care because the cash is flowing in and the creativity is down the shit can.
    SVC Chaos is a game where characters do KoF levels of damage off of basic SF style combos, and I love it
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Curious, do wonder if it's a sign of good things to come with bringing back Vs titles between those two. CvS3??

    Besides a CvS3 imagination, curious if they'll bring back CVS1 or CVS2 in some shape or form.
    Game is janky as hell though. I can see why many people didn't like it because many mechanics from KOF (hopping, dodging, rolling, etc.) are missing. Then I found out that meter will deplete when you throw whiff AND there's a max mode...
    Just wait 'til you master Zero.

    People will officially hate your guts...
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