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  • It sucks being that lonely music fan who cares about audio quality and have nobody to talk to about it. Feels bad man LOL.
    Adele have such an powerful beautiful voice. Too bad the clueless audio engineers ruined the sound quality of her songs. :(
    I remember back when me and cousin used to sing, "Y'all gon' make me lose my mind
    Up in here, up in here
    Y'all gon' make me go all out
    Up in here, up in here" R.I.P. DMX. Man this is painful.
    Man it sucks being ugly LOL
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    They don't like fat dudes though LOL.
    @Chaos thats false, some women do. Most women prefer men taking care of themselves (That’s why they’re often attracted to the gays).That includes taking care of your body and it’s weight.
    If you find being fat a problem and have a hard time finding a woman, then you could just start to lose weight (unless there’s a medical reason for being fat). Being fat is something you can change in most cases, so dont feel sorry for yourself because people generally aren’t attracted to fat people.
    There's a few things that stands out on Crystal Dynamics Marvel's Avengers game, animation, gameplay (wish it had Ninja Gaiden's or Beyonetta's gameplay style) and every character have their own movesets. Sadly, CD fucked up big time.
    As much as I want to learn how to use Lidia properly on Tekken 7 and improve my fundamentals I don't have the motivation to do it. Getting into trying multiple fighting games is gone. Looks like DOA will be the only one. :(
    just play for fun! that's what I do at least lol
    Then just play DOA6 :p . I also don't think that Hitomi would appreciate you cheating on her with Lidia anyway. (Note: Lidia's actually pretty dope, one of the better DLC characters).
    Hitomi's irresistible face expression ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) LOL.
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    Her ponytail hairstyle is real nice too. She looks great with it.
    I remember how everyone was hot for her when she was new. Now i don't see her at all anymore. All the power creeps went to Honkers and blonde pedobait...and blue pedobait
    Quick movement, quick response when buttons are pressed and buttery smooth 60fps. DOA5LR feels good.
    I notice something interesting about Hitomi's 6T. If you throw out a jab after 6T she will whiff it because your opponent is a little too far but on DOA6, it will always connect.
    Yeah the first jab will whiff usually, but a PP will connect. If the opponent pushes any attack button that is not a sidestep or a tech crouch, they're getting counter hit.
    They fixed a problem with Gen Fu in 6 too...for Eliot's bear stance. The 2nd hit of Gen's PP string tends to whiff even if you are right in the opponent's face. Eliot's bear stance PP has like 3x the range now and actually works.. rip my old man ‍‍♂️
    Probably just an adjustment, in LR Kasumi's 6K has a bad hit box and will whiff even up close but in 6 they fixed it and added 0.24 to it's reach xD
    HajinShinobi a.k.a Professor Hajin (old school Ayane veteran) admit DOA6 is better without stagger escape. Interesting.........I thought every high level DOA player want it back.
    As the amount of players, majority do want it back, but it doesn't really change anything even if people wanted it back so might as well leave it out because the game does it for you now lol. Both sides are still guessing the moment you get put into stun.

    My issue with SE is that I hated "doing" it, but getting out of false setups and gimmicks at fastest did save lives. In the middle though.
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    By default I'd be neutral also. I actually don't like SE because it's a nuisance to perform (I hate forced mashing in FG's), and it can throw off the consistency of frame advantages in stun because you'd have to figure out what it is based on how much the opponent SE'd. Unless, of course you only used "Fastest Stagger Escape" combos (though most people would only SE up to "Fast" generally).
    However, it's moreso a case that the alternative of "Break Holds" is potentially more of a nuisance than SE because of the way how it disrupts the flow of a match arguably more. So both BH's and SE's have downsides. Either option is fine to me, however newer players understand Break Holds better, having a single stun launch height is better for consistency, and SE barely works online to put things in perspective.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but is crouching 3 frames on DOA5 vanilla?
    On launch it was very slow, then they speed it up to around 2 or 3 frames if memory serves, then they nerfed it again in DOA5U. It has stayed slow ever since.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Chaos
    What the absolute hell?! Why would they nerft it? It helped me deal with people who likes to play mind games by throwing often and trapping you with their insane 50/50 or should I say, 70/50 guessing maddness. TN being clueless never cease to amaze me.....
    DOA6 graphics is so weird to me. It's a nice improvement but at the same time, it's worse than DOA5 LOL. Attention to detail makes a BIG difference.
    T..J. Bernard
    T..J. Bernard
    I think DOA 6 looks really good with the stages and much of the big stuff. The stages look more colorful and vibrant, which I do like. However, there are some characters that I still prefer the DOA 5 version more in terms of looks (Hitomi, Nyotengu, Kokoro for example).
    Some of it of course is personal preference, but real talk, DOA6 looks a lot better than DOA5, especially if you can view it in 1440p60fps or better. The graphics are a lot sharper and the shadowing is miles better. Also, almost all the in-game engine graphics run at 60fps (including in-game cutscenes for instance), whereas anything outside of raw matches runs at only 30fps in DOA5LR.
    Though to be completely fair, DOA5LR still looks really solid even in 2021 (as long as you're not playing the PC version). The game still looks great on a 40" or 32" screen, which is a testament to how damn good a job Team NINJA did on the 2015 remastering. I feel that not enough people give credit to how amazing DOA5LR looks on a PS4 Pro. Makes Tekken 7 look like ass.
    Honoka's range is so bad it's not even funny. Characters like Ayane can easily make her whiff some of her attacks by moving 1 inch and jump away.
    She has almost every tool in the game, you want her to have range too? Damn..
    Nah, just fix her 9 frame jab range a little bit because sometimes she would be real close and still whiff.
    When a high level player throws out random stuff and let you win it means they're bored :(
    lol, i just know when the opponent going easy on me
    A win is a win tho imo xD if they're not trying they're just wasting time
    Keep thinking like that, and you'll be a slave to outside approval the rest of your life.

    If you know in your heart you did your best and the outcome was positive, own that shit and move on. At the same time, don't submit to arrogance.
    I think one of the most Unforgettable unexpected mind-blowing greatest moment that has ever happen to the DOA series is when DOA5 was announced back in 2011. It was unbelievable to me because I thought there would NEVER be another sequel..
    Mine would be when DOA Dimensions was announced, and Raidou being conformed for the game (who hasn't been playable since DOA1) along with Sakura Tange (original Kasumi Actress for DOA1-DOA2) voicing Kasumi Alpha.
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    For me it was when Itagaki announced DOA would be exclusive to a then-unproven contender for the PS2, the Xbox. Despite this, I bought the console and the game in good faith for Team Ninja's works prior to DOA3. Imagine that... a time when "Team Ninja" and "good faith" were often used in the same sentence.
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    Marie Rose reveal, it was unexpected,such type of female character in DOA. I didn't feel like it was best character or worst character, just shocked. After Dimensions release it was highly possible that they will reveal 5, Hayashi was saying something like doa series will be continued
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    Ever watch one of your youtube videos while thinking, "damn I came up with this amazing shit?!". Also, have you ever get kinda mad at yourself and laugh at some of the weirdest mistakes you did on your old DOA videos?
    I clearly understand why people hate Honoka. She has a weird annoying voice, sounds like a cat sometimes and has the "hey I'm an typical young innocent cringy cute school girl with big boobies teehee!" personality LOL.
    DOA is made for many people who has different preferences. Someone likes lolis, someone like wrestlers, someone like ninjas. It's normal, it's no lack of taste.
    Back in the DOA5 days I always thought she was an mediocre character who had ok move sets (although I like the character design). Now with DOA6, things have changed ever since I been discovering some of her shit that caught me off guard in training mode which caused me to fall in love LOL. xD
    Gameplay wise she’s a great character despite being a upgraded Raidou. However, her entire being is cringy and a mistake.
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