marussya Jun 3, 2020 In russian TV there is official homophobic add I'm shocked, situation is much worse in Russia, there is no official tolerance at all
In russian TV there is official homophobic add I'm shocked, situation is much worse in Russia, there is no official tolerance at all
marussya Jun 2, 2020 I think they will announce something in 2021. It will be 25th anniversary of DOA
marussya May 31, 2020 One day I loose almost all matches in lobbies, another day I increase my rank. It's strange
marussya May 19, 2020 Strange feeling when you're 23, and you are at home and you are stumbling , falling and hitting the floor. And because of pain the only thing you can do is crying. What's worse my lip is broken, I have a bruise and probably crick of neck
Strange feeling when you're 23, and you are at home and you are stumbling , falling and hitting the floor. And because of pain the only thing you can do is crying. What's worse my lip is broken, I have a bruise and probably crick of neck