One thing I do appreciate about FG accessibility, at least for intermediates like me is getting to the human element sooner. I always hate when I play people that I know for a fact are hiding weaknesses behind a character or mechanic.
Playing BBTAG actually makes me appreciate the games the characters came from and the meta/options behind them. You don't realize how much you've learned until it's taken away.
I wonder how many people suffer from procrastination to the point when they finally decided to do things, it had to be during COVID19? A lot of shops and businesses are closed. Now, you can't get anything important done.
I kind of want the FGC to acknowledge the CoD community's ignorant backlash of SBMM. It's a regular thing for FGs in order to improve. If they said that about a FG, they'd be considered scrubs. They act as if your Rank and Skills is absolute.If you lose, you'll go back to the kiddie pool. That's just how it is. They don't like getting exposed.
Anyone else feels like they love fighting games because it makes them unique in the sphere of gaming culture as a whole? Especially among your cicrles. More so than RPGS would for others. That's my push to play them. Just hard to match-make because people perceive FGs as too difficult w/o realizing they're enjoyable on all levels.
Kind of wish an English professor could answer this question for me. However, I'm curious enough to ask here because Google doesn't help. Does slang & regional dialects overcome grammar rules?
Anyone else feel like it's too easy to block and run away from people in KOF14? Like I get punishing rolls and stuff but you'd be surprised how little you get to do what you want. GGXRD had this same issue but more so.
I like how Sega owns all the property rights for all the anime fighters, but since they don't directly make moves but Arcsys does, shit gets done. Otherwise we'd probably be waiting more long for those game releases just like VF.
There's people that feel as though Ranks should be taken away from FGs. Considering the nuances and the fact you can look amazing one day and horrible another. Overall knowledge isn't translated well. Esp with Tekken and GBFV Skills aren't predetermined like enemies in an RPG Region.
Do You guys think DoA6 lost hope in being a DoA game that can be viewed as a serious competitive fighter? A-Yay B-Nay C Unsure For US as players that is. Not for anyone else.
One of my friends says fighting games seem outdated to him because they're stuck on a 2D plane. That they should have evolved into some action game or Naruto Storm. I tried to tell him that Toshinden and Power Stone are kinda what he described. Says he feels too limited. I don't understand casuals.
DoA got so out of hand with their DLC practices that it garnered attention from the, "Dude-bro" side of gamers. Which irks me bc they wouldn't pay attention to fighters any other way. They don't understand our culture. That our games have been doing this for years before EA did lol
Not sure if this every Latino family but compared to Asian households or w/e if you're not a close friend or a family member, you can't take your shoes off in our house. That's like, an honor. Be harder to get you out the house. Meanwhile, I'm barefoot in this bitch.
People need to get it in their thick skills that it I don't see their fg as a game that teaches me useful skills to transfer to another game and it actually harms my playestyle in my favorite fgs. Then no, your game isn't the technical masterpiece they claim it to be. It was meant to be a braindead game with little depth bc people like playing like that. Well, I don't.