Question, how the heck do get Fatal Stun off Tamaki 3kp? done it by accident in matches a couple times but i can't replicate it in training mode to save my life
ugh, latest MK11 patch got me blown, game already has limited movement options as is, and they nerf those by making them cost resources you have no influence over. wth???
So, if an OH and a throw collide, the throw wins (obviously), but even if the OH technically lands first, the throw will win out, was throw start up being OH invincible always a thing or this 6 specific?
Tamaki's running T is a 16 frame OH with high crush (and possibly mid crush) properties, that's gonna be annoying.... but once you have the spacing down its free Hi-counter low throws all day
color me surprised, Tamaki is not a i9/i11 character, and those 6p mix ups are gonna be annoying af to deal with week 1, hopefully you can just fuzzy out of it, also the range of her 2h+k is forever
Ashamed to admit but I actually spent 55$ on that "Big in Japan" sale, on the plus side I have 5 awesome games for price of 1 new game release so I'm gucci for a looong time