Since we got new moves to equalize fatal stuns across the cast, fingers crossed TN does the same with bounds, cause I'm still miffed how some characters can get a bound off any launcher and others can get it off only one or none
Capcom filing for a Darkstalkers trademark have ppl speculating about a possible sequel being in the works,but I wouldn't get your hopes up. Pretty sure they're just doing it so Darkstalkers stays as a Capcom property
I take back what I said about the SFV 2nd V-skills, I thought they were gonna be gimmicky content fillers but they're actually really good cause they either cover a weakness the character had or they make a character better at something they were already good at, kudos Capcom
Idom is like the one guy whose Laura play makes me go "oh, it's possible to actually play Laura smart, and not just +2 vortex ppl to death" so kudos to him and his Capcom Cup win
Seth, now for a new 2019 wishy washy generation, be whatever sex YOU choose! least his moves looks cool and tbh, the whole female Seth does kinda tie into his SF4 story but i dunno, not a huge fan
huh, looks like they updated the game so if the timer runs out in the middle of a throw/hold/break blow animation, the game will include that damage and the winner will be whoever has the most health at the end of the interaction
Bravely Default 2? And it's on Switch? kick ass! Now if only the rest of the kick ass rpgs that are relegated to the 3DS/DS could move onto the Switch, that'd be awesome
The first Life is Strange starred a time traveling lesbian, the second one starred a telekinetic immigrant, what's the 3rd one gonna star? A pyrokinetic handicapped person?