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  • I am weak, I realize that now.
    im going through tht same phase bro -_-
    It's not that we're weak. We're just not strong enough. We'll get to the level we want to be if we keep at it.
    Hm. Wise words. You are correct.
    I... don't see how I can get much stronger with Ein. I could improve my reactions and fundamentals but that will only take me so far. *sigh*
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    Reactions: Tenryuga
    I know what you mean, even when I'm playing my best I barely win with Ein but switch Busa and infinitely better. Ein needs buffs it's sad that such a powerful character is so bad it makes me cry. I won't stop using him though
    I'll agree, after playing with Ein, when I switch to Hayate things just become so easy. Not so much as Akira but it's moreso the clunkiness of the character. Point is Ein makes you a better player because when you win a lot of it is you and not so much the character.
    ^ amen
    Marirose. Could've been better, could've been worse. I'll take it. Seeing her movelist looks like she's a fast grappler. Prolly will be OP.
    Hm... I'll take her. She's animeish but not a typical fanservice girl. Gonna try her out. Also NORMAL LORELEI STAGE ARGABLARGHBLARGH.
    Marirose, is it? Going to shoot myself in the foot if she's a Tengu replacement. Otherwise, ugh another female DOA character to fawn over.
    fuck this shit
    I'm hoping for pics and deeper info. But at the moment I am quite disappointed about it.
    Something told me it wouldn't be Tengu. Thats too easy. He could be the Boss. Who said Tengu had to be new? ;)
    You know things are bad when your mom sees you playing Ein and tells you to stop playing with losers and pick the characters that win. :(
    iThe Apprentice
    iThe Apprentice
    Lol Ten. But at least Ein can have some guaranteeds. Eliot really doesn't have very many good guaranteeds. All of his parries only give you 1 free hit, the others are to be countered. His low sweep is only really guaranteed on Ice or water. So in high level play, it's just not right.
    Face it, Eliot needs just as much buff as Ein does.
    @Apprentice: Who's parries give you more than 1 free hit?
    Also, weird example, given that Ein has no parriers.
    iThe Apprentice
    iThe Apprentice
    Eliot's parries as an example to his non-existent guaranteeds.
    Lol I said i was gonna be away but I saw a vid of you vs Ayane so I just wanted to mention a few things. You were cautious which is good but you do that when the opponent gives you a reason to be cautious. You both were respecting each other at range alot so you either of you could have just ran in to test responses from each other.
    ties with him*
    I ended up reading what you and Hajin said on Skype last night. Funnily enough this is most of it and a good bit of what you just said Hajin said to me when I got on. I'll definitely work on the matchup.

    Also on the subject of 2P, I find 2P > 6T/33T works a good bit as well, when you get 2P on CH it really locks people up.
    My biggest problem with Ayane is actually 66KK4, Ein has no real answer to that. Hajin's advice was just to react to it and crush the 2nd kick, so I'll be working on that from now on.
    Struggle just to get 5 straight wins with Ein. Switch to Hayate, get an easy 16 win streak. smh I'm mad. This game's balance royally blows.
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    Reactions: Tenryuga and Brute
    Sly Bass
    Sly Bass
    People tend to have a play style. That style doesn't always translate well across multiple characters. Maybe you're playing Ein wrong?
    Ein is primarily a defensive and spacing character. That being said, he struggles up close, especially in this game. He worked fine for me in 4 but the problem is tools he lost from 4 make it harder for me to use him in either field.

    The whiff punishing game only works for so long when I'm only getting a 236P or 4P out of the deal and then when they do get in (and they WILL get in) Ein has a hard time up close.
    I might be a bit more offensive than I should be, but really I just don't think Ein's that great of a character in this game.

    If he had 2 specific things from DOA4 that they took away, I would probably be winning more than 80% of the time by playing offensive OR defensive, because I'd have what I needed for either situation.
    Where Ein struggles Hayate just rapes everything. Kinda annoys me that he's my best character even if I have been using him since vanilla.
    But what he deserves in my opinion is a good 2H+K and return of 2H+KKP, 2H+KKK, and a mix-up of 2H+KKT which would be like his new jump thing but instead of going into the jump, he'd drop to the ground like the other moves and go into a flip like guillotine throw (8T)... some how. Same for WR 4KT.
    For 2H+K itself, on NH it should sweep out one of the opponents feet putting them into a stun like Vanilla Kasumi's 4H+K (the kneeling stun but in more of a motion that shows that foot was caught. That being said the stun will keep the opponent from moving back but the 2H+KK will be holdable. In the case of in stun and on CH+, the sweep will trip like normal and natural combo with 2H+KK making a 2 in 1 launcher.
    In stun, 2H+KK should launch pretty high at max threshold if it doesn't effect the comboage of 2H+KKP/2H+KKK, the reason being at max threshold it'd be good if he could air throw off of the actual launch.
    Since it's already off the front page, for those interested, check out my recently uploaded set vs Offbeat Ninja in the media section. Boyah
    It takes that one player to just own you and make you realize you aren't as good as you think you are. I truly am an intermediate player...
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    Patrick Wimmer
    Patrick Wimmer
    I have had that feeling too man, just keep practicing and think out a strategy that could work on that opponent :)
    His Reverence
    His Reverence
    My dumbass nightshift brain read that as "and you..."

    I'm turning into mush.
    Lol i dont even think im intermediate yet. Ive always labelled myself as "rising intermediate" which is basically the lower end intermediate tier lol
    Got an Ein blowout coming up, tons of replays from my weeks of training. My skill level may vary.
    Offbeat Ninja is a hard nut to freaking crack, holy crap.
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    Reactions: Tenryuga
    Talked to him a bit, he says Ein is still solid so he probably still uses him, I just haven't seen it yet. I really want some mirrors with the guy though. The Hitomi vs Ein battles alone were epic in their own right.
    Did you record? I want to see lol
    Some yeah lol
    When you play as crappy as I did today, you know it's time for a break.
    like our little set awhile back and how bad i was playing? Dont sweat it man...
    Momiji is definitely a dangerous opponent, she just needs to be played a certain way and not be reliant on easily avoided Tenku setups. I still feel I'm not fully comfortable with any of my characters except Hayate yet though. I can't reliably go into a match with Ein or Akira and feel comfortable that I'll win, Momiji's new so I'm only somewhat aware of what I'm doing and I haven't even touched Jacky yet.
    That leaves Hayate carrying most of the weight currently. I could probably stick to him and win most of my matches but I'll never get into a flow with my other characters if I do that. I'll just have to spend more time in the lab and adjust. For a little while tho, I'll be taking a break from the game to cool off.
    Since I'm back, I figure an avatar of a man walking away doesn't really suit me anymore. So presto~ Sorry Emp. Cow for the semi-rippoff.
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