Steady G Nov 27, 2012 You know what will be awesome!? If someone have a tournament with PlayStation All Stars included.
Steady G Nov 21, 2012 Everyone always asks me to help them get better in DOA. I'm not annoyed with them, I just want to know why me? o.0
Everyone always asks me to help them get better in DOA. I'm not annoyed with them, I just want to know why me? o.0
Steady G Nov 10, 2012 What do you know. My boy Emann said he will at least get top 3 and guess what? He did! BooYah!
Steady G Nov 10, 2012 Good Luck to my boys E-Mann and SweetRevenge that is attending the DiD8 tournament today. You guys got this! =]
Good Luck to my boys E-Mann and SweetRevenge that is attending the DiD8 tournament today. You guys got this! =]
Steady G Nov 10, 2012 Just finished like a 35 winning streak in a lobby with Kokoro. Phew! I am exhausted! GGs to everyone in that lobby. (Except Max536Drago)
Just finished like a 35 winning streak in a lobby with Kokoro. Phew! I am exhausted! GGs to everyone in that lobby. (Except Max536Drago)
TakedaZX Nov 7, 2012 Excuse me strange, a word in your ear if I may. What does it mean when someone says a character can critical burst in 3 blows? Does that mean Hit Hit Hit Burst? or Hit Hit Burst?
Excuse me strange, a word in your ear if I may. What does it mean when someone says a character can critical burst in 3 blows? Does that mean Hit Hit Hit Burst? or Hit Hit Burst?