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  • im seriously this close to giving up Bayman, hes cool, but i cant fucking use him right. i have no skill with my main its embarrassing
    Forlorn Penguin
    Forlorn Penguin
    At least your main is still in the game, man. Just stick with it.
    I need to add a lady to the team I'm thinking Christie,Rachel, or Mila.
    Pictured Mind
    Pictured Mind
    I vote Rachel.
    Christie! I made tons of videos for player they want try to learn her, so pick her and she rocks crazy with Bay as Tag Team! "Bravery leads to early death" HAHA
    There is something that prevents me from putting Bayman as my Main in my profile. maybe I just don't feel like I'm good enough with him :/
    I don't see why everyone talks shit about Momiji . she's apparently "brain dead" without being "OP"...what?
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    People don't know the meaning of "training mode" or "adaptation".
    Don't get me started on that "adaptation" BS, lol d3v started and ruined that hilarious little trend all on his own.
    The better wording would be the players adjusting within the match gradually. Sorry about that.
    i developed a new combo for Bayman,but its an alternate to THE b&b combo so im having difficulty using it without mixing myself up
    If I can land 9p I don't normally miss the rolling grab, but I'll try these later cause right now work -_-
    Forlorn Penguin
    Forlorn Penguin
    Ah, okay. Well, let me know what you think.

    I personally never even used PKP until you piqued my interest with this. I like the results. I'll have to remember to try to use these setups when I start relearning Bayman.
    I remember messing with it back in DOA5 but nothing I had could reach them. I was messing with it one day and figured my long range techniques could hit them now. his 9k can even do it though it's probably more trouble than it's worth.
    Naruto is ending,apparently the author has been thinking about Sasuke becoming hokage since the beginning, i dont read it anymore but WTF!
    I think that it's impossible to summarize everything here, but basically when you realize that the problem behind the death of your family is on the government/system, a possible solution is to become the head of that system for changing it in first person.
    Anyway I'm saying that to be logical is his current wish to become Hokage, not his effective election (also because he is showing that he hasn't the mindset for being an Hokage, contrarily to Naruto).
    lol Uchiha logic.

    "my brother is obviously very traumatized by his family dying,whelp better show him again."

    "my brother destroyed our clan to save the village, whelp better go destroy the village"

    "i have no loyalties to this village nor do i even like it, whelp better become its leader."
    Christmas eve gift: Dishonored GOTY edition :)
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    Reactions: Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    and plus Steam has sales everyday at like 50-75% off, dishonored is currently $23 on steam
    of course it isn't to you, you actually know what your doing. with PC you gotta worry about drivers, video cards, overheating and other shit like that. im too lazy to build or upgrade one constantly
    Fiend Busa
    Fiend Busa
    its worth it though, im currently saving for another gtx 670 and either get another monitor or upgrade to 1440p
    I don't want to wear the Santa outfit D: How bout I just wear Bayman's winter gear and call myself a "tactical elf"?
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    Reactions: Jaguar360
    How about we all just wear whatever the fuck we want and I keep rocking the Throwback outfit?
    Forlorn Penguin
    Forlorn Penguin
    Brute, you know I can't wear what I want. If I could, I be rocking Tengu's C3 from DOA2U.

    Oh, and speaking of Santa costumes, did anyone else notice that the five new ones don't have Santa hats? Weird.
    Some in the original pack did and some didn't. Same with the chicks having stockings (Christie's didn't when most did). Also, Rachel got a special version with boots (even neglecting the Bass color scheme). The Santas are weird.

    And yeah, sucks man.
    i despise 33 standing throws they never fucking work. seriously what's the point of giving them such a retarded input?
    I despite them too, but for a different reason. The game's option select will prioritize a 33T as either a 3T or 33T depending on the situation, and if different, it will choose between a standing or ducking throw, meaning you can blanket a throw on either a ducking or standing opponent.
    Forlorn Penguin
    Forlorn Penguin
    I had no problem with them in vanilla, but I find it very difficult to do them in 5U.
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