Has anyone figured out how to get stage music? I set a stick with rapid fire up to grind arcade while I'm at work on PC and I'm up to player level like... 50 something KEK. It's not tied to that.
They really are going to have to do something about the Costume Parts thing. DOA Quest is not enough to unlock everything. So what after that? We're relegated to grinding out 500-1000 parts per costume while making at most 30 per ranked match?
Can confirm that Arcade is pointless and doesnt even go up to Legend. I unlocked and then beat True Fighter without losing and got 7 costume parts and no Legend difficulty xD
If it wasn't clear already it's pretty much confirmed there will be a Core Fighters DOA6. Steam has the roster broken down like individual DLC for unlocking each character.
So just to confirm, the "Deluxe Demo" coming up does not have offline versus but will have Free Training where you can presumably turn on two controllers?