Katanateen33 Jun 24, 2014 over kill doesn't bother me personally but it does make you look dumb as hell in my opinion
Katanateen33 Jun 23, 2014 I'm convinced like two people play rank on psn because I can never find a damn match.
H4LF-D3AD-ANG3L Jun 23, 2014 Recently was told i was best Tina on the face of the Earth. And all i could say was "ikr". hairflip
Katanateen33 Jun 22, 2014 ayane can fuck you up from basically every angle. not to mention her incredible hitbox.. she's beyond stressful to fight @.@
ayane can fuck you up from basically every angle. not to mention her incredible hitbox.. she's beyond stressful to fight @.@
Katanateen33 Jun 22, 2014 I've actually ran into quite a few Leon trolls ever since the infinite was discovered. it actually works on the circus place too. :l
I've actually ran into quite a few Leon trolls ever since the infinite was discovered. it actually works on the circus place too. :l
Katanateen33 Jun 20, 2014 some of y'all got fsd mistaken with Facebook. save your DOA drama and your personal problems for someone who cares
some of y'all got fsd mistaken with Facebook. save your DOA drama and your personal problems for someone who cares
Katanateen33 Jun 20, 2014 Tina's 3P+KK is probably her only useful gaurdbreak and 90% of the time it glitches right through your opponent... UGH!!!!
Tina's 3P+KK is probably her only useful gaurdbreak and 90% of the time it glitches right through your opponent... UGH!!!!
AkaShocka Jun 20, 2014 I hear you are making fun of people and their lag...... lag is awesome. My Christie can do what the hell ever she wants without worrying about getting held or punished. Thats so cool. Why hate such legit tatic? Lmaoooo
I hear you are making fun of people and their lag...... lag is awesome. My Christie can do what the hell ever she wants without worrying about getting held or punished. Thats so cool. Why hate such legit tatic? Lmaoooo
Katanateen33 Jun 19, 2014 words can not describe how messy DOA's net code is. and quite frankly it's pissing me off.
Katanateen33 Jun 18, 2014 I'm growing to love tina more every day. she's such an incredible person inside and out I love her <333
I'm growing to love tina more every day. she's such an incredible person inside and out I love her <333
Katanateen33 Jun 17, 2014 idc about P4 at all, I just really want the new costumes but TN is taking their damn time releasing it.
idc about P4 at all, I just really want the new costumes but TN is taking their damn time releasing it.
Katanateen33 Jun 17, 2014 I was tempted to get P4 but she really doesn't look that much different from kas minus a few moves. and more teleports nty
I was tempted to get P4 but she really doesn't look that much different from kas minus a few moves. and more teleports nty
Katanateen33 Jun 13, 2014 tbh I'm more excited over the overalls DLC then I am over phase 4. Tina NEEDS overalls! )))
Katanateen33 Jun 13, 2014 shout out to @Silent-Screams1 for being an incredible Pai/Akira Player and a great friend! love yaaa <333
shout out to @Silent-Screams1 for being an incredible Pai/Akira Player and a great friend! love yaaa <333