Jorian Tennn Apr 2, 2015 Whats a 36T? Did Kasumi get a new throw orrr?
Whats a 36T? Did Kasumi get a new throw orrr?
His Reverence Feb 16, 2015
Jorian Tennn Feb 15, 2015 The game isnt supposed to be officially released till TUESDAY. Why would anyone expect the online connection to be good?
The game isnt supposed to be officially released till TUESDAY. Why would anyone expect the online connection to be good?
VAND1TA Feb 14, 2015 If you would be kind enough to help me with some tips for sarah, I would be grateful. Mainly I wanna learn her flamingo stance and how to do does tricks and feints.
If you would be kind enough to help me with some tips for sarah, I would be grateful. Mainly I wanna learn her flamingo stance and how to do does tricks and feints.
Jorian Tennn Feb 14, 2015 How is everyone playing LR and NOT even on Xbone? WHAT IS THIS, HELP !!!!!!
Jorian Tennn Feb 14, 2015 For those on PS3, cant you guys just make a UK acc. and download LR since the delay is for N.A only?