Ironheart Jul 15, 2014 Every single god damn time i do legend survival, i get halfway(50) then 1 AI goes berserk like its offended and refuses to die.
Every single god damn time i do legend survival, i get halfway(50) then 1 AI goes berserk like its offended and refuses to die.
Ironheart Jul 11, 2014 If i could keep my ayane and kasumi play at a consistent level theyd be my best, but i always leave vital things out of my play with them.
If i could keep my ayane and kasumi play at a consistent level theyd be my best, but i always leave vital things out of my play with them.
Ironheart Jul 10, 2014 With this Kasumi guide out, guess theres no reason for me not to level mine up again finally. Now to patiently wait for a sarah guide.
With this Kasumi guide out, guess theres no reason for me not to level mine up again finally. Now to patiently wait for a sarah guide.
Ironheart Jul 9, 2014 i just made some cocky Bayman player so mad with bass that he messaged me a lifestory of one line hatemail. Mission Accomplshed.
i just made some cocky Bayman player so mad with bass that he messaged me a lifestory of one line hatemail. Mission Accomplshed.
Ironheart Jul 8, 2014 after using a ton of characters, it appears that tina is my best. I feel more comfortable with her than anyone else for some reason.
after using a ton of characters, it appears that tina is my best. I feel more comfortable with her than anyone else for some reason.
Ironheart Jul 7, 2014 GGs to Kwiggle, Step Live and lOl-xSx-lOl. Lost, but i had fun and learned how to be a little more mixup heavy. Gonna hit the lab today.
GGs to Kwiggle, Step Live and lOl-xSx-lOl. Lost, but i had fun and learned how to be a little more mixup heavy. Gonna hit the lab today.
Ironheart Jul 5, 2014 GGs to LordXav1er and everyone else i played in his lobbies today. Now im gonna hit the lab hard with sarah.
GGs to LordXav1er and everyone else i played in his lobbies today. Now im gonna hit the lab hard with sarah.
Ironheart Jul 4, 2014 Was gonna buy some sf and DOA costumes when i noticed DOA has a 20 buck deal for all the original DOA5 and DOA5+ costumes. Im so conflicted.
Was gonna buy some sf and DOA costumes when i noticed DOA has a 20 buck deal for all the original DOA5 and DOA5+ costumes. Im so conflicted.
Ironheart Jul 2, 2014 Online hayate makes me fuckin sick. The bastard has the most get out of jail pressure ive seen online besides gen fu and hitomi
Online hayate makes me fuckin sick. The bastard has the most get out of jail pressure ive seen online besides gen fu and hitomi
Ironheart Jul 1, 2014 Picking sarah back up was a great idea. I love using her, but now i want her racer outfit and have to wait to get it.
Picking sarah back up was a great idea. I love using her, but now i want her racer outfit and have to wait to get it.
Ironheart Jun 29, 2014 I am noticing an increase of eliot online. Why is everyone picking that little asshat up? F**K eliot.
I am noticing an increase of eliot online. Why is everyone picking that little asshat up? F**K eliot.
Ironheart Jun 29, 2014 Training my Pai Sarah and Phase 4. I call it the Virtua Phase. But knowing me, it wont last.
Ironheart Jun 27, 2014 Shoutouts to the players that slam their faces on their controllers to mash holds everytime they get hit. And by shoutout, i mean f**k you.
Shoutouts to the players that slam their faces on their controllers to mash holds everytime they get hit. And by shoutout, i mean f**k you.
Ironheart Jun 24, 2014 So is the Phase 4 hype already dead? Because now that ive had more time with her, i love her. Definitely gonna stick with her.
So is the Phase 4 hype already dead? Because now that ive had more time with her, i love her. Definitely gonna stick with her.
Ironheart Jun 23, 2014 My reaction to Phase 4's combo challenges
Ironheart Jun 22, 2014 i stopped using Sarah because it felt too cheap, but then i remembered that i constantly abuse BURST with Alpha, so its time to hit the lab.
i stopped using Sarah because it felt too cheap, but then i remembered that i constantly abuse BURST with Alpha, so its time to hit the lab.
Ironheart Jun 21, 2014 Why do people feel the need to tell you they arent playing seriously online? And more importantly, why do they say it when they lose?
Why do people feel the need to tell you they arent playing seriously online? And more importantly, why do they say it when they lose?
Ironheart Jun 21, 2014 Welp, im never gonna be good at DOA. I can't deal with constant pressure and mine always gets shut down. I have no idea what to do.
Welp, im never gonna be good at DOA. I can't deal with constant pressure and mine always gets shut down. I have no idea what to do.