Fullmetal Jun 20, 2014 Life, girls, and video games are similar. If you complete them on "easy", it's not very impressive. Go hard, bro.
Life, girls, and video games are similar. If you complete them on "easy", it's not very impressive. Go hard, bro.
VAND1TA Jun 16, 2014 Hey mate, we had some great games! the Mirror matches where epic!!! ^_^ And you lied about your Lei Fang... She is incredibly strong. O_O It was funny taunting though. ^w^
Hey mate, we had some great games! the Mirror matches where epic!!! ^_^ And you lied about your Lei Fang... She is incredibly strong. O_O It was funny taunting though. ^w^
Fullmetal Jun 13, 2014 Any Leifang experts that can help me train a little? I think I have bad habits that I need to break and some guidance would be great
Any Leifang experts that can help me train a little? I think I have bad habits that I need to break and some guidance would be great
Fullmetal Jun 12, 2014 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=795388877161723&id=100000718546378 Have to admit it really grinded my gears xD
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=795388877161723&id=100000718546378 Have to admit it really grinded my gears xD
Fullmetal Jun 12, 2014 Trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt, and keeping it real gets you hated.