Aerospark Jan 18, 2014 I'm so close to the "Go on, cry. I don't care." title but so far at the same time. u.u Why couldn't it be 500 wins?
I'm so close to the "Go on, cry. I don't care." title but so far at the same time. u.u Why couldn't it be 500 wins?
Aerospark Jan 17, 2014 Instead of giving Alpha-152 nerfs why don't we just remove her from the roster
Aerospark Jan 14, 2014 Team Ninja: okay we're gonna nerf this move by like 1 frame and then buff this one by like 4 frames
Aerospark Jan 13, 2014 Now that I've gotten Mass Effect 2 out of the way, I'll start saving up for Razor's Edge because you know... Ayane + hurricane movement tits
Now that I've gotten Mass Effect 2 out of the way, I'll start saving up for Razor's Edge because you know... Ayane + hurricane movement tits
Aerospark Jan 11, 2014 There should be a way to separate the people who have Core Fighters and those who have the full game in online mode.
There should be a way to separate the people who have Core Fighters and those who have the full game in online mode.
Aerospark Jan 10, 2014 I can't wait for Alpha's trial period to be over. The amount of Alpha 152 players I'm running into is ridiculous.
I can't wait for Alpha's trial period to be over. The amount of Alpha 152 players I'm running into is ridiculous.
Aerospark Jan 10, 2014 What do I have to sacrifice to get the 1000 wins online with Ayane title faster
Aerospark Jan 9, 2014 I'm gonna need a new controller soon. This one's been pressing buttons on it's own and not entering my inputs for about a week now.
I'm gonna need a new controller soon. This one's been pressing buttons on it's own and not entering my inputs for about a week now.
Aerospark Jan 9, 2014 According to these online PSN lobbies, it is forbidden to use Ayane's 1P+K and 7P because they're for "cheaters and scrubs only". Goodbye.
According to these online PSN lobbies, it is forbidden to use Ayane's 1P+K and 7P because they're for "cheaters and scrubs only". Goodbye.
Aerospark Jan 9, 2014 There's two "Don't make me laugh" titles for Ayane. I cannot believe this shit.