New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Welcome Malesoun, hope you have fun meeting the crew on here. Maybe will get the chance to see you and the family at The Fall Classic in September - assuming you're in the States.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Well, might as well enter the fold myself. Just wanted to say hello and thank you all for the awesome info you put out there for people who would like to get better at this game. Considering I've been pretty actively lurking these forums the past few days, I thought I might as well join the site.
I think I've met some of this sites residents online as well, and they probably were the best matches I've ever had in this game, even if some of them lagged like crazy.

I don't know how active I'll be (just got my gaming pc back from repairs heh) but I'll be sure to at least give kudos for usefull and insightful posts from time to time.
And here's to hoping DOA5 Ultimates netcode is worth a crap!
Welcome to FSD.

Good games earlier today.


Well-Known Member
*peeks out from under a rock, looks from the left to the right. Gets out from underneath the rock, and pats dust off*

Hey everyone? I'm new here, DOA5 is actually a different kind of game to be honest. something I'm not used to quite yet but I'm getting there. When I first started playing DOA5, I had no clue who to use. I started with Lei-Fang, I figured she may be useful then I ended up playing Kokoro. later I decided to go back to Lei-Fang and now I alternate between the two. Also since Akira was my main in VF5 I'll also be using him.

I'm from Maryland. I'm usually online but playing the game every now and then to try and figure out way to play DOA. Because really it feels STIFF. x_x either people make me look like im standing still or I end up holding by accident when i'm trying to guard.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Stiff huh? Yeah you just need some practice. DoA is the least stiff 3D fighting game on the market with SC pretty close. Just ask around and get some FSD members to jump in and teach you some movement and you'll get the hang of it in no time. I'd help but my only method of playing on PSN is with my Vita.

Regardless, welcome to the forums! We look forward to seeing you around and you happen to live right in the middle of one of the most active offline play regions in the country.


Well-Known Member
Stiff huh? Yeah you just need some practice. DoA is the least stiff 3D fighting game on the market with SC pretty close. Just ask around and get some FSD members to jump in and teach you some movement and you'll get the hang of it in no time. I'd help but my only method of playing on PSN is with my Vita.

Regardless, welcome to the forums! We look forward to seeing you around and you happen to live right in the middle of one of the most active offline play regions in the country.
I'll get to it later today. Thanks a bunch.


Well-Known Member
first time to dead or alive series, thanks to psvita . i just get mashed by everybody and their mother. I main Helena just because she's french, she's cute and she's so difficult to master.
My hobbies are programming in haskell, playing the accordion and spend my time with my little boy.

i'll post a little toy haskell program. It converts 234Notation to something prettier :2:

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I'm from Maryland. I'm usually online but playing the game every now and then to try and figure out way to play DOA. Because really it feels STIFF. x_x either people make me look like im standing still or I end up holding by accident when i'm trying to guard.

Where in md? I'm in Columbia, we tend to do local meetup at least once a week.


New Member
Helloooo beautiful people of FSD!
I have been in love with the DOA series since playing DOA2 on my Dreamcast. I have owned and played 2, 3, and 5. Unfortunately I do not have a Xbox 360 (hence the fact I did not play DOA 4).

Despite being in love with this series, I have never felt the urge to play it competitively until now.
I have been lurking this lovely forum for a while now and the content is stupendous. Finally joined this forum in hopes to one day learn the ropes of competitive battling and make some new friends.

However, this is the first fighting game I have ever sought to learn all the core mechanics and use them competitively, so it has been EXTREMELY hard for me to get into the groove and I lose quite often online.

I am seeking for some buddies that can casual battle with me online and somewhat tutor me on how to play well. I live around the Seattle area and welcome making friends!


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Helloooo beautiful people of FSD!
I have been in love with the DOA series since playing DOA2 on my Dreamcast. I have owned and played 2, 3, and 5. Unfortunately I do not have a Xbox 360 (hence the fact I did not play DOA 4).

Despite being in love with this series, I have never felt the urge to play it competitively until now.
I have been lurking this lovely forum for a while now and the content is stupendous. Finally joined this forum in hopes to one day learn the ropes of competitive battling and make some new friends.

However, this is the first fighting game I have ever sought to learn all the core mechanics and use them competitively, so it has been EXTREMELY hard for me to get into the groove and I lose quite often online.

I am seeking for some buddies that can casual battle with me online and somewhat tutor me on how to play well. I live around the Seattle area and welcome making friends!
Seattle rules.

Welcome dude. If you're losing a lot online, it may not always be your fault. Lag's a bitch.

Anyway, welcome and good luck. Feel free to add my PSN and hit me up for a match sometime.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Hello dear Free Step Dodge Community , I am new here and I wanted to say hello ^-^. I love the Dead or Alive and the Ninja Gaiden series. My favourite Dead or Alive games are the Ultimate 1 & 2 , Dead or Alive 3 & 4. I dont like Dead or Alive 5 so much but I am excited for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate ^-^. Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 are my favourite Ninja Gaiden games. I am on Youtube too. My Main Character in Dead or Alive is Ryu Hayabusa . My Tag Team are Ryu and Kasumi ^-^ . I love this couple ;D.

Hmm what can I tell else ^-^. I am a fair player in Dead or Alive. I dont attack people If I see that they are away or writing messages. I dont jump over or attack people even they are k.o ^-^. In Ninja Gaiden doesnt matter If I lose because of you , because everybody makes mistakes or have bad starts.

I am 19 years old and go to collage. I want to study medicine because I want to help people. I love to work on a hospital there are my true workplace.

I hope we can get friends ^^.


New Member
Hey! Thanks for the welcome. I will add you.

Nameless Sama
I am a 20 years old and go to college to study medicine as well! :D
Best DOA friendz 5ever now? :B

Also, since I am going to college, I won't be on very often until the quarter is over.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Wow , thank you very much Smiley ^^. Medicine are very hard but we can do it ;) . After I am though with my exams I will play so much again ^^.