New York DOA5


that's ok, i'll have a lot of new stuff to mess around with since i haven't played the patched version yet


Well-Known Member
If your on PS3 what about exhibition mode?
I didn't know exhibition mode existed until smithy showed me yesterday D:.....I want to say thanks for Smithy for showing up to yesterday's session. We played about 100 games and I lost the majority but it's all about the improvement :D :D :D :D....I will be doing another session this friday coming up on 2/22 since I won't be going to Winter Brawl =[...If anyone wants to come, you can hit up this thread. I will be at Next Level at 2pm and I will leave at 11pm. Hope to see more ppl show up for it that way I can record using my camcorder :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
good games man. those destined battles in the dojo were hype. FEAR DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS DOJO, DOES IT??
Those destined battles in the dojo are so =[....God Rig is so random =[...Going to hit the lab up today for that character. Those matches were hyped though and remember MRS. CLAUS SARAH :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


New Member
Sorry I couldn't make it. Been real busy now that class started again. I'll try and see if i can make it next week around threeish.


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up, the session for this weekend will still happen. I will bring the ps3 with me to TNL. Hopefully I will have a tripod with me so I can record some of our matches. Of course that is if ppl want their matches recorded :D


Well-Known Member
Iight so the session will be today...I will be at TNL at 2pm with my ps3 and a copy of DOA5. I will probably be playing SFxT, PSAS or Skulgirls in the front setups :D


Well-Known Member
Ok so the next session that I will be doing will be on 3/8 at Next Level. If the patch doesnt come out by that time, then I will bring my ps3 to the venue. I hope to see a nice turnout for it :D


Well-Known Member
you should bring your ps3 anyway cause they're still on the retail patch at next level afaik
I will definitely bring my ps3 to the next session. And while I wait for the ppl to come, I will personally update the ps3 at next level lol


i don't think the ps3's at next level can be updated because of the same issue that prevents the xboxes from being updated. also, if you use your ps3, you can upload our games to youtube when you're at home (i think)

nF ColtZ

New Member
If anyones having sessions in the midtown locations, let me know. I'd go to that. Brooklyn's not really my thing, takes me forever to get to that place. lol.


we've been meeting at next level in brooklyn on fridays starting in the afternoon: it's $10 to play all day and night. you can bring your own pads/sticks or you can rent theirs. we'll be there this friday, 3/8, and we'll post what time of day in this thread when we decide. coltz, next level is only half an hour or so from manhattan via subway - it would be great if you could make it :) if 4+ people show, i can run a free entry tournament for fun or we can just play casuals, whichever people prefer.

nF ColtZ

New Member
Blah. Midtowns already like an hour and something from me. Ill look into it.

EDIT: It's about 2 Hours each way, I'll just play online lol.