Mila damage report


New Member
If you're trying to tell me that my (middleweight) 233, and (lightweight) 213 dmg combos do not work anymore... I'll be livid, somebody please test.




New Member
Ok not good, so the nerf on SS:P:, does that prevent followups like :4::K::H+P::h::P:? or does SS:K: now allow it?
I do hope the patch has paid due attention to Mila, and not just nerfed the things players have complained about!.


Well-Known Member
Though it has been changed I just found that it gives a +0 frame pseudo:
:7::P: :3::H+K: so that is something if it wasn't already like that. (Tested this vs. Ayane only).
Careful with this one, it could put you at BT against them if they tech to the left or right, which could be detrimental in the end.
Her 9P is still guaranteed a ground throw on normal hits (33 frame window, is the term "advantage"?), you just can't do the throw as fast as you would with her 3H+K. Tested just now with a Training Com set for recovery (Tech Rolls) and fastest recovery for staggers (sure not the right category but what better to use?) and I could get the follow up ground throw on it.
It only bounces on Counters, Hi-Counters, Critical Stuns (red), and Critical Bursts. Can be tech rolled at this time. When it bounces I found if you want to deal more damage 6PP, 4K, 2P, 3K, 2K, and 4H+K are the only options that hit fast enough to deal damage.
Opponents can tech it with the "white" Critical Stuns.
I was messing around with 9p some more. Basically his is how it works. This all tested with Recovery on.

With NH, like you said, the ground grab is still guaranteed. You can force them up with 3H+K or 2H+K guaranteed as well if you'd prefer the pressure.

With CH, it seems no one's been thinking outside the box or maybe I over looked a post, but 6PK 2P (ground hit version) is guaranteed and it's worth more damage than 6pp, 4k, 2p, 3k, 2k, and 4h+K. Even if 6pp wall splats (60) 6PK 2P beats it (64). On top of that it leaves them right at your feet, of course you'll have to possibly deal with a wake up kick though but you can kbd out (the real kbd not her bootleg one) or play the guessing game, so choose wisely.

9p does wall splat though, so if that's the occasion, a wall combo is probably a better idea.

Now on HCH, this is where it gets dirty (or may have already been dirty): You get a full juggle off of 9p and forced techs are still intact here (3h+k and 2H+K). You can also pseudo for neutral with 3pp 3H+K.

So the NH and HCH may be the same deal as they were before but CH 9p 6pk 2p can be really useful and beats out every other option on damage.


Well-Known Member
You even use 9P in the game :??? I just cant imagine in which situation 9P is a good move
I've seen it used sparingly but the fact they changed it caused for a lil research on it. I've been looking for a use for 6pk anyway, since it gives a decent amount of relaunch but has terrible recovery. Seems that it finally has a place.


Active Member
I use 6pk in the following situations:
As a counter after block the full string. If they blok 6pk(-5 frames) you side step -> tackle.
After this combo: CH , 3PP , 3PP , 6pk , (2T or 3H+K).
I will field test 6PK after 9P.
Anyway You have more advantage After you finish with 6P than with 6PK


Well-Known Member
I mean that 6p Has faster recover than 6pk

Well... no.
On Block:
:6::P: -11
:6::P::K: -5

On Normal Hit:
:6::P: -6
:6::P::K: +11

On Counter Hit:
:6::P: +30
:6::P::K: +11

The only time :6::P: is better is on a counter hit, that is due to a larger stun. At which point you should be using a different follow up to the base :K: anyway.
On RECOVERY it is unsafe as sin.


Well-Known Member
6pk recovers slower but it also has an extreme block stun which causes it to be safe. The only place that 6pk really fails is on whiff. At that point you're pretty fucked.


Well-Known Member
k so... hold on, so with this patch, you can't SE out of Mila's 3pp SD stun. But now get this, I use 4H+K, 3PP, 6P+K (CB), as a setup... but everyone holds the 6P+K. How and WHY is that possible if everyone else can get guaranteed setups off of their sit down stuns that SHOULDN'T be guaranteed?

Do I just have bad luck in picking characters or something? It seems that way right now...


Well-Known Member
k so... hold on, so with this patch, you can't SE out of Mila's 3pp SD stun. But now get this, I use 4H+K, 3PP, 6P+K (CB), as a setup... but everyone holds the 6P+K. How and WHY is that possible if everyone else can get guaranteed setups off of their sit down stuns that SHOULDN'T be guaranteed?

Do I just have bad luck in picking characters or something? It seems that way right now...

3pp never gave that long of a stun to begin with even without SE.


Well-Known Member
It's +25 which gives enough for 6P+K to land.

You can't SE her SD stun as it stands right now. If the person doesn't hold the mid punch she gets that guaranteed CB, but during the stun she can be held... for whatever reason. I'm literally testing this right now.

Now granted that makes it basically a must hold situation with a 50/50 on the 6H+K or 6P+K as the launcher, it's kinda of ridiculous when people like Pai are walking around with CB's that shouldn't be guaranteed lol.

On a different note, I have a question. What's the best juggles off of her low punch hold? PFT setups and damaging juggles welcome, I just need knowledge.