New York DOA5


Well-Known Member
Is it only Fridays you folks play DOA?
Friday as of right now yeah..However, if you post a day that you are free, then we can set up a session locally....When are you free this week/next week? I am hardily working because retail jobs don't give hours in january =[


New Member
I couldn't tell you exactly how far, but I live in Freeport and from what I'm seeing here it'd take about 2 hours by train to reach there. (Not including the time I could take getting lost :p)


Well-Known Member
So I don't make it to 2 sessions and man the thread, and the thread is just dead D:....I can't let that slide....So next friday 1/18, I will be at Next Level for a DOA5 Session :D...Who is interested in coming?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
Wasnt Xcalibur blades the person that won at NEC last month? Too lazy to check the results lol...But yeah if you are free tomorrow, come to next level :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
Had a great time playing at TNL with Smithy...I am definitely bringing my console next time for sure...Next week's sessions will be happening just don't know an exact date D:...I will inform everyone in a few days about it :D


Well-Known Member
I am going to postpone the session tomorrow. The reasons for this are the following:
1. It's really cold outside and the heating isn't the greatest at Next Level
2. The platform station is outside which only helps reason 1
3. It's suppose to snow tomorrow =[


Well-Known Member
I am going to host our next session next weekend on 2/15 or 2/16. Which day would ya prefer the session to be on? In terms of location, we can do Next Level like we always do. So what do you guys think?