When: Sunday November 17th, 2012
Registration: 1:00 pm 2:45 pm
Starts: 3:00 pm
Venue Fee: $10 You must pay venue if your just playing casuals (Girls dont pay venue)
DOA5: 2 out of 3 / 3 out of 5 wf/lf/gf (I'll be bringing a copy along with an Xbox I just need someone else to bring another 360 and their copy). People can bring as many setups as they wish.
SSF4: AE: 2 out of 3 / 3 out of 5 wf/lf/gf
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3: 3 out of 5 the whole tournament
KOF 13 : will be run by LazyFreddie
System: Xbox 360
monitor: Asusvh236h
Tournament fee: $10 per game
Stream: www.twitch.tv/newchallengers
Call the store if your going to be late call or text me BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT STARTS!!!! at 203.446.6528
Notice: Solo Mode will NOT BE BANNED IN TEKKEN TAG 2
Food: Outside food is not allowed in the venue.
Smokers: The venue has a policy of no smoking by the front door. If you are going to smoke, please do so in the grass across the the parking lot.
We will have setups now separately in the back, so you can play casuals while waiting for your turn in the tournament. Also feel free to bring in your own setup to play the game you want(space permitting)
If any information changes I will update as quickly as possibly.