Anyone Knows about "Girls of Doa Blackjack ~the Kasumi version~" ?


New Member
Well.. that game was indeed real, and is a part of the DOA universe, launched for IOS after "DoaX Paradise" (for the PSP), althoug the title suggest that there are other versions with other girls, it never happend, since the IOS store completely remove it becouse of the sexual connotation of the game and its "jiggle physics", so i've been searching for this game to get the chance to try it, and the only download link i happend to found was in a video 14 years old, the link doesn't work but at least the video can give us the chance to know how the game was, a half of it, the other half lies in a page talking about this game with a bunch of screenshots showing how the game let you buy photos of Kasumi and clothing for her.

Here is the video i was talking about and here is the page with screenshots of the game. I really apreciate the beauty of Kasumi in those pictures btw xd.

I was really interested on trying this game, but since i can't found any download link, i can't try it. I was thinking about what if i remake this game and launch it for Android and Pc, since im a game developer this shouldn't be a problem (except for the part of the Kasumi's 3d model, scenarious and jiggle physics), but i have no idea if this is worth it becouse of the potential legal problems i'll have to bear, and the posibility for this game to be finally found.

If anyone can help with anything i'll be glad if you can tell me, and when i mean anything i mean finding the game or helping me to develop a remake of the game.



New Member
i couldn't wait, so i did some progress today, i spent like... 7 hours... on this...

any opinions? i think is pretty decent to be made in 7 hours



New Member
it doesn't seems like much, but i did a lot of progress today:
hit, stand and split buttons - done
cards value counter, with or without split - done
blackjack and burst popups- done
correct cards positioning - done (improvable)
kasumi last card reveal - done
card dealing - done (the movement of the cards could be better)
win, draw and lose - working on (too many scenarios to be aware of)
double down - just sprites
insurance - just sprites
re-shuffling - missing
main menu and options - planing
kasumi shop - planing
kasumi pictures album - planing
remake the dialog system - planing
kasumi movement and clothing - imposible (for now)

That and other stuff that im thinking about to make the game more enjoyable, that aren't part of the actual game, today i literally spent all day on this... totally worth it, i don't know if i can have the time this week to finish this game, so maybe i can finish on the weekend, and when i mean finish i mean that the game can be playable, not with everything it needs to be a full remake of the original game, so.. yeah, i want this to be something at least enjoyable if not perfect, so i'll be working hard, actually i dont have a deadline so i can take my time working on this and that's a slight relief, but i want this game soon, the world needs this game (even if no one knows about it).

if anyone can help or know someone that could help with Kasumi 3d model rendering, please, that would be a huge help and i really need it. Thank you.



New Member
i finally finished the winning system, now you can actually play with Kasumi, and it re-shuffle the cards so you can play again, that means now is barely playable, the only things that still missing is some of the side bets you can do, the double down and the insurance, maybe tomorrow they will be finished, so yeah, at least the split is on the game.

here, you can download the version indev 0.3
i still didn't try to make an android version, but, soon.

here the videos of the game, the second video is to show how the split works.

i have no support, but i still enjoy this.
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New Member
HELLO, i finally finished all the blackjack things, every bet, every posibility is programed and tested (that doesn't mean it couldn't be bugs) so here it is:

Girls of DOA BlackJack ~Kasumi version~ Full Casino! indev 0.4

there is no video this time, but is basically the same but with all bets, and i improved the card arrangement on the table, so it adaps to how many cards you have on your hand.
and thats all for now, maybe tomorrow i'll start adding a main menu and the kasumi pictures shop.

also, today i tried to create an android version, but some errors ocurred and i dont know why so maybe i'll try something latter.

I never knew anything about it. Cool though!
have you tried it yet?

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New Member
Welp.. today i did all the sprites for the menu of the game, and i did something else... i wrote an email, asking for permission for the use of DOA images and name, directly to KoeiTecmo, explaining my position on this, creating a non-comercial fan game, and providing the respective credits to the company KoeiTecmo and the TeamNinja (Developers of the DOA ip).

so im waiting for a response, i hope is a good one, that would give me actual legal permission to distribute this by the official name of the game and with Kasumi legally inside the game, i have so many things in mind, so well, i wont be posting anything about the game until that, none other version until i have an actual response, so yeah, here is the log:

i fix a problem with the Insurance, the problem was that when you start the game and in the first round you get the chance to bet for an Insurance, if you take it it will freeze the game and you have to restart, i tried to test it but never get the Insurance bet at the first round, but i manage to find a potencial (very potencial) problem trigger, and i fix it.

other thing is that now, as i said, i have finished the main menu sprites, so i'll be implementing them, other thing related to the graphics of the game, i turned on the interpolation between pixels, that means it doesn't looks crispy anymore. here is the comparison:


that's really all for today, i have hope they'll give me permission, but, maybe im asking too much, either way im finishing this game, even if it is only for personal use...
but that sounds a bit sad, so nevermind! lets stay hoped!.



New Member
Hello, maybe you are wondering if im still making this game, and the answer is yes, totally yes, the thing is im not doing too much to share but im still working, the other reason for me not showing what im doing is that i still haven't received a response from KoeiTecmo and im sure i possibly never will, because im a random guy making a random request, so yeah.

i wont be sharing the game again until i have permission to do so, and i hope you understand that. If this is my choise then, why am i still working on this?, well, because this is what i want to do, and even if i end up not being permitted to share it publicly i still want to play this game, and obviously try to get permission by any chance, and even if that doesn't work maybe ill still share the game without DOA related things, but until anything happens im still working on it, and ill be sharing the devlog here.

First, i fully implemented the main menu, kinda, other menus aren't implemented yet so the only working button for now is the "start" button, im planning to change it's name to "Casino", to be more descriptive.

Second, i did finally fix the issue with the insurance, and tested it to be sure i fixed it, it was related to the buttons and not the way i manage the insurance bet.

Third, i implemented a card transition between screens, its very pretty ngl.

Fourth, i added some scenarios that i was missing when the game tests how you win, draw or lose the game.

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New Member
Im coming with news everybody, i haven't recieved any email from Tecmo yet, but i decided to launch the game publicly anyways, maybe in the future Tecmo will know about this and will send me a "Cease and Desist" solicitude, so, until that doesn't happend, ill share this with everyone, for anyone to enjoy.

the last thing i did to the game was to change the cards, now the cards have pictures of Kasumi on them, the card set that was before this change it was tooked from google, but now i made them myself, i hope its fine. ill show some of them.

(the back of the cards)

the number cards are repeated from 2 to 10, and any other card like J, Q, K or A are different, this is for two reasons, 1. hard to find good pictures of Kasumi's old 3d model, and 2. makes the bigger cards more special. i did some of the graphic part of the album shop, that's all for now. next i will finish implementing the album and ill try to make an android build.

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Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
xbox/360 era kasumi is a work of art and i'm saddened that design was lost to time. i admire your dedication to an entire project to honor that
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New Member
Good news, i managed to find and use these models of Kasumi, the thing is that there are no models with bikinis and stuff, the thing is i know nothing about modeling and texturing things... but this will come eventually, maybe i can find someone that could help me with that, im also trying to get the scenarios models with a 3d ripper, idk if it will work but ill try it, at least i have Kasumi and a lot of her costumes, all of this thank i found <HenryDLCs> that extracted the models from DOA Dimensions and post them to DebianArt.


Kasumi peace pose (it took me some time to do this pose xd)

And also, i want to thank you all for the support, maybe this could be more than a silly project someday.

If i want to make this happen, i need a team to work with, im willing to know pepole who can help me with this proyect, not sure where to find but... ill think of something, i cant do this all by my own actually, so i really need help.

this is my discord: cerosxdeveloper

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New Member
Hello guys, i've came with news, i finally managed to port the game on Android and it works perfectly, now, i have to finish everything else, i haven't done the album yet and i fixed some minor bugs and mostly visual things. im also planning on adding some sound effects for the next post. now the game doesn't save any state so if you close the app and enter again the money will reset.

You can download this version [here], since is not from the playstore your device will tell you that is unsafe, and it'll probably ask you if you want to scan it before the download.
i will update the download links for the previous versions of the game.

Here is a video of the game working on my Android device:

Also, i found another way to contact with Tecmo since it seems that they will never answer to my email, so im trying to contact with them trough my twitter account, an account made today... i posted something so it doesn't looks like i'm scamming, so... i'm waiting for their response, also, i would post my twitter account, but its in spanish only, anyways, it will probably help if you can follow me, that way i can be an account with interactions, and probably less suspicious.

My twitter: @ZeroXdevelopear

that's all for now, i hope you all having a great day!



New Member
Any news? Love your work.
Thank you so much ^^

Since i haven't post anything lately and there is people who are following my work i'll update you guys, first, i'll be bussier than ever since i will be preparing to enter the university, second, currently im working desinging mechanics and visual things, like Kasumi poses and stuff, things that im struggling with cus im not a 3d artist and i barely know how to use XNALara, so these are the things that will take me a lot of time to do since im working solo, so im not going to be able to follow the workflow like at the begining of the project, third, this IS a side project, im currently working on a big project called FullL0gicSimulator, is a simulator for logic gates, im working on both projects at the same time, although im still being able to focus on both projects, but, like i said, the things im currently working on on DOABJ are going to take me a lot of time to progress with, the fourth thing i want to mention is that even when i directly tried to contact Tecmo via Twitter they didn't gave me a response yet, i'm a bit frustated with that but there is nothing i can do about it, even so i will still be working on the project so dont worry, that's all for now, i'm not going to post anything about the game cus it has been hard to progress with it, if anything i'll be responding to comments and questions about the game. again. thank you all, see you latter.



New Member
This is how im doing:
im finishing my principal project, i have decided how to progress with the DOA game, i will have plenty of time during next week and im not getting any response from Tecmo yet.

the roadmap to finish the DOA game (at least the original game):
- Remake the casino (its a complete mess, i cant work there or many things will break, i had a lot of training doing readable and optimized code so im sure it wont take long).
- Remake Kasumi's dialog system (this is alongside the casino).
- Finish Kasumi animations (i have decided to only use the models i got, so im not creating any new models with bikinis and stuff, sorry).
- Adding the album, where you can buy pictures of Kasumi, ill be adding the original pictures and try to add new ones (if any of you have more, please send).
- To finish evetything ill be adding sfx to the casino, free music or music from DOA, and the options menu.

i said the original game becouse, as i said before, im planing to add new stuff but that would be another version coming from the original with a more interactuable Kasumi.

i haven't really designed anything yet but i have ideas:
- a map where you can go to different locations (casino, hotel rooms, zack of all trades)
- Kasumi's love levels that will unlock special dialogs and cutscenes like chapters
- different cards skins for the casino
- adding a poker game to the casino and these casino machines

these are just ideas, maybe they will come, maybe they will go, tell me what you think, im willing to read it!.



New Member
another update: i have succesfully imported the XNA models to blender and fixed the errors that came with it:

The first one was that the kasumi hair was buggy. the other one was the light and everything shining (im not a pro in blender but i managed to fix these things)

so here it is, ill be easily animating Kasumi with all her variations, there is one with a swimsuit? i guess it counts.

The Kasumi Army.


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