I did not think I was ever going to see Yu Suzuki tell us that it's funny when someone farts if they're trying to be serious. Anyways, I'm guessing he's working on 110's racing game but so far there's no direct indication of that.
But ok, so, wow:
Yoshifuru Okamoto, the producer (I think?) of Ninja Gaiden 2, is the producer for Wanted: Dead
Hiroaki Matsui, the director of Dead or Alive 3, is the director for Wanted: Dead
It looks like this publisher had the money to go to Soleil, knowing they were made up of former Team Ninja devs with proven talent, and gave them the money they needed to make the game they wanted to. Matsui even said in the developers video that he wants this game to really get the story right this time. The actress of the MC actually described the script as being really big.
Seems really early right now though, I need to see more, but I like the concept (even though I'm a little sad it didn't turn out to be Ninjas vs Cowboys like I speculated, lol). The scifi Hong Kong setting with a female protagonist is reminding me a lot of Ghost in the Shell, which is always a wonderful thing in my book.
Also, I don't know whither to laugh or be impressed at how in the trailer they prominently mentioned being the creators of Dead or Alive Xtreme next to NG and DoA, lol.
(btw, I think this no longer qualifies as being a discussion for Team Ninja DOA6 social media news, if it ever did, right..? lol)
Female ryu hayabusa lol, doesn't look AAA though
I'm not really seeing her as a female hayabusa at all so far. They're intending this to be a shooter/slasher. Even though she can use a sword I don't see her being as acrobatic with it as all, especially lugging around a gun at the same time. She's a lot slower compared to him.
I guess her name is Hannah? That's what it sounded like from the actress. Which is another thing... I'm not a fan of real actors being used as models for game characters. I know it was inevitable to become a normal thing in video games eventually, I'm not saying game developers shouldn't do it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. At least this is a new character and not an established character being remade in someone else's image, though.