Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


Premium Donor
I don't think so tbh, I feel like they're gonna do what they did with 5 to 5 ultimate and basically include Phase, Nyo, Mai, Kula, and Tamaki in the latest package and add a ton of other content to make it an ultimate version. I think that's kinda pathetic since that means we'll have to buy another disc if they dont allow a digital upgrade like SF5 did but hopefully the game isn't over for good.


New Member
I don't think so tbh, I feel like they're gonna do what they did with 5 to 5 ultimate and basically include Phase, Nyo, Mai, Kula, and Tamaki in the latest package and add a ton of other content to make it an ultimate version. I think that's kinda pathetic since that means we'll have to buy another disc if they dont allow a digital upgrade like SF5 did but hopefully the game isn't over for good.
I just don’t understand how an ultimate version at this point would be financially viable. The game has been continuously criticized since launch and I’m positive sales have been abysmal compared to previous games. I mean I would hope they do but I’m not really holding my breath for another iteration.


Premium Donor
I just don’t understand how an ultimate version at this point would be financially viable. The game has been continuously criticized since launch and I’m positive sales have been abysmal compared to previous games. I mean I would hope they do but I’m not really holding my breath for another iteration.
It's been criticised but one thing most of the serious criticism had in common was that they voiced fixes like more content, stages etc. I think they may be working on a possible new iteration but they decided to pull the plug on vanilla 6 since at this point there's no digging a way out of it, they may as well make another one since most people just say they'll "wait" for the next version I guess since they think they'll magically have an affinity or something in the next one or something, idk xD

They'll need to make another iteration or something anyway since the digital version's file size is already like 61.56 GB on ps4, if they did continue dlc it'll be like 100 GB by the years and. Plus doa5 Ultimate released in 2013 September when DOA5 vanilla released in Spetember 2012, there's no telling what they could have planned next


Well-Known Member
LOL damn..

Guess it was inevitable, I mean what can they do at this point? Reasonably make the hair colors free? Actually make new content? Get interesting guest characters to bring attention? Stop making terrible overpriced season passes? Not making the game the laughing stock of fighting games? Nah not the Koei Tecmo I know. The fans, even its most die hard competitive ones, have been complaining about this game for a year and it stayed with its same stupid business model for reasons I can't for the life of me understand. There was nothing left for this trainwreck, and while I hate that it had to be a game series I love, DOA6 needed to be put out of its misery. In a good timeline they'll take their time and make a worthwhile DOA game in the future or let another company give it a try one day.

If not, I hope we get some ports/remasters in the meantime. More people need to play 2U, 3 and Dimensions.


Premium Donor
LOL damn..

Guess it was inevitable, I mean what can they do at this point? Reasonably make the hair colors free? Actually make new content? Get interesting guest characters to bring attention? Stop making terrible overpriced season passes? Not making the game the laughing stock of fighting games? Nah not the Koei Tecmo I know. The fans, even its most die hard competitive ones, have been complaining about this game for a year and it stayed with its same stupid business model for reasons I can't for the life of me understand. There was nothing left for this trainwreck, and while I hate that it had to be a game series I love, DOA6 needed to be put out of its misery. In a good timeline they'll take their time and make a worthwhile DOA game in the future or let another company give it a try one day.

If not, I hope we get some ports/remasters in the meantime. More people need to play 2U, 3 and Dimensions.
Well tbf they probably can do that but they probably feel the best thing to do is kill the current iteration, alot of people think it's probably a 6 Ultimate or something so it's not too shocking since that's what most of them want anyways xD

And I would like a port to ps4 but idk if they'll ever port dimensions since it had Nintendo content


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News Team
Too early to say RIP.... too early to consider premature solutions.

The first question my brain asked was:

1. Was this planned all along to end support?

2. Was this suspiciously done as soon as players decided enough was enough?

I'm going to let these questions resonate. I'll put all of it together in a night or two, but what does a criminal do when they are caught red handed?

They run with the money and try to keep as much of it as they can. I know that seems like a harsh statement, but when you try to pull off the Italian Job and it doesn't work and you leave quickly after it doesn't work - how are others supposed to perceive you?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Sweet heavens finally. Leave the vanilla version in the past. Let this be a lesson from the shitstorm that has been accumulated over the days and the result of having a low budget for this awful atrocious outcome. Here I was hoping they'd end it with a new stage at least, but they had to end it in a school pack as if we haven't seen those already from the modern norms of typical content.

I wouldn't say rip to the entire franchise. "If there's a milking will, there's a milking way". Lots of people at the competitive groups are having a blast right now and having a toast. But expect DOA6+all season pass edition come together at a later date or something. There's two pandemics in this world and the KT bait plague is one of them that has been contained (for now of course).

Luckily I checked the date to see if they didn't went for the attempt to drop this on April 1st for a April Fools joke, but woo boy, glad it's days before it.


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Standard Donor
Rikuto is having a field day right now lol yesss.

The main villain that is KT is still at large, but the evil has been temporarily contained so far yeah.


Premium Donor
Watch them make a doa6U xD hopefully the content will be improved if they do make it but idk if they'll do much to change the gameplay besides maybe some sidestep and meter overhauls, I know alot of players will be annoyed if they make an Ultimate version and they buy it with the game and their characters/game meta being the same which means they'll probably have to just wait for a LR edition if they make that but idk if a new iteration really means anything for people not feeling the game meta wise

I wouldn't mind them tbh even making a DOA retcon at this point since the story was meh at best. Stopping support of a game doesn't necessarily mean that's the end, DOA5LR did the same thing and we wound up with a 6 announcement months later. It'll probably be a while tho with this corona floating around tho


Well-Known Member
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News Team
Sweet heavens finally. Leave the vanilla version in the past. Let this be a lesson from the shitstorm that has been accumulated over the days and the result of having a low budget for this awful atrocious outcome. Here I was hoping they'd end it with a new stage at least, but they had to end it in a school pack as if we haven't seen those already from the modern norms of typical content.

I wouldn't say rip to the entire franchise. "If there's a milking will, there's a milking way". Lots of people at the competitive groups are having a blast right now and having a toast. But expect DOA6+all season pass edition come together at a later date or something. There's two pandemics in this world and the KT bait plague is one of them that has been contained (for now of course).

Luckily I checked the date to see if they didn't went for the attempt to drop this on April 1st for a April Fools joke, but woo boy, glad it's days before it.

I like: If there's a milking will, there's a milky way better.


Should have left a box of these at KT HQ before leaving.


Active Member
Don't get me wrong: I want a new DOA game (whether that's a re-release or another sequel) as much as anyone else, but this announcement reeks of petulance to me, so who knows if that's actually underway - or if they've decided to straight-up ditch the franchise now, because they refuse to make a quality product (that Western players would happily pay a lot of money for, contrary to popular belief, lmao) when the alternative is so much easier.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Don't get me wrong: I want a new DOA game (whether that's a re-release or another sequel) as much as anyone else, but this announcement reeks of petulance to me, so who knows if that's actually underway - or if they've decided to straight-up ditch the franchise, because they refuse to make a quality product (that Western players would happily pay a lot of money for, lmao).

In a sense, I do hope they still retain the franchise. But they have to come up with a whole new direction at this point. On top of it, it's confirmed by them themselves that they have a new IP in the works, so would imagine some of the focus may also be there. They need to reflect upon all this as a reminder that their potential is being hindered by shenanigans and gimmicks.

I like: If there's a milking will, there's a milky way better.


Should have left a box of these at KT HQ before leaving.

Will ship it via Amazon. Except "they" the ones paying for the shipping of course.