Senran Kagura Series


Premium Donor
Yeah the only SK related thing I feel like there has been news for the past couple of months has been Peach Ball which I am completely uninterested in. :I And they seem to go so long with complete radio silence of giving us no info/news on whats happening.

There's new link and new wave which I enjoy seeing the new cards/art that comes out for the characters every couple weeks/month etc since character art is always nice. ( Even though Matsuri doesn't get new art nearly as often as she should. :p ) But obviously new cards/art in New Link and New wave is not the same as actual new mainline game news.

I'm just continuing to hold out for us to eventually actually get news,screenshots,trailer...Something about SK7. ( or whatever If it's maybe undergone a name change or something ) I want SK7 news and to see what it looks like, Learn when it could be coming out etc. What little we did see of it ( like...1.5 year ago now? ) with the WIP new Asuka model looked great. I just hope we'll get some news of it and it will eventually release and that even with Takaki gone that the series can continue.
Is there an account that releases those cards?? I used to follow one but I haven't seen them on my feed in ages so I think maybe they jumped ship since SK7 is far off xD

And I do too since some new updates are long overdue. The producer should probably collab with DOA and KT and maybe have them publish the game since TN is really good at handling other game IPs and the producers are friends too. Who knows, maybe doing that could result in like a SK fighting game where I could use Ryona and Fubuki as fighters?!:eek:


Well-Known Member
Is there an account that releases those cards?? I used to follow one but I haven't seen them on my feed in ages so I think maybe they jumped ship since SK7 is far off xD

And I do too since some new updates are long overdue. The producer should probably collab with DOA and KT and maybe have them publish the game since TN is really good at handling other game IPs and the producers are friends too. Who knows, maybe doing that could result in like a SK fighting game where I could use Ryona and Fubuki as fighters?!:eek:

SK and Doaxvv recently collabed with SK outfits appearing in VV and Marie and Honoka appearing in New Link. They really do love to do collabs together, They seem to always be collabing. :p

And yeah I used to see the cards get posted on twitter too but now that you mention it I haven't seen them on there for a while either, I guess they stopped since news about SK has sort of..stopped for a while now. Unfortunately I can't really think of a specific account on twitter or anything that might post them besides on the SKI discord.

But yeah I'm hopeful that sooner rather than later we'll actually get some SK7 news but I'm not expecting anything after how long we've had to wait so far.


Premium Donor
SK and Doaxvv recently collabed with SK outfits appearing in VV and Marie and Honoka appearing in New Link. They really do love to do collabs together, They seem to always be collabing. :p

And yeah I used to see the cards get posted on twitter too but now that you mention it I haven't seen them on there for a while either, I guess they stopped since news about SK has sort of..stopped for a while now. Unfortunately I can't really think of a specific account on twitter or anything that might post them besides on the SKI discord.

But yeah I'm hopeful that sooner rather than later we'll actually get some SK7 news but I'm not expecting anything after how long we've had to wait so far.
Me either, I feel like we'll get Cassandra in SC6 and Naotora in DOA6 before any news comes out because they probably even stopped the game completely and are holding it for later until the whole Sony censorship dies down(which I hope it does, I don't mind toned down sexuality in girls at all but I feel the censorship sony does creates alot of problems for games that have it as a core attribute)

I might get SK burst renewal to tie me over since I haven't got it yet but idk, I'm getting turned off buying games that are remasters and that don't really have any changes added to them nowadays


Well-Known Member
There was an announcement of a project being worked on by marvelous and Takaki but It turned out not being anything SK/SK7 related. Instead it's a brand new IP called "JET GIRLS" which is going to be multimedia with a game and anime. They are going to show footage of it it seems on the first of August during a livestream.


Well-Known Member
There was an announcement of a project being worked on by marvelous and Takaki but It turned out not being anything SK/SK7 related. Instead it's a brand new IP called "JET GIRLS" which is going to be multimedia with a game and anime. They are going to show footage of it it seems on the first of August during a livestream.

I take it that means they've abandoned the Valkyrie Drive series?


Well-Known Member
Senran Kagura Peach Ball on Steam

Publisher XSEED Games has announced the release date for the PC port of Senran Kagura: Peach Ball.

The breast-filled pinball game is launching for Windows PC (via Steam) on August 14th, for $39.99/£35.99/€39.99. The game will be 10% off for the first week of release.

Source: steampowered via nichegamer (info)


Well-Known Member
Here's the livestream that happened yesterday for the new game Jet Girls, It reveals a lot of the characters in the game as well as I think hints at Yumi and Asuka being in the game as well. And then there was some sort of collab thing between Jet Girls and SK:NL at the end.



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Standard Donor
Apparently this was leaked:


Senran Kagura characters will be in for BlazBlue Cross Tag. They have a 1-year contract so might not just be her.


Well-Known Member

At least in Peach Beach Splash, neither Yumi and Me-a-be were the main characters in their team's stories; in the Gessen story, the main character was arguably Shiki and in the Hebijo story, Me-a-be was essentially the 5th wheel in the main conflict between the 2 pairs of sisters she was leading (a fact she even calls attention to).

Granted, Asuka was also not the main character in the Hanzo story for PBS (the main characters being Katsuragi and Ikaruga) but the final cutscene in the game did emphasize her rivalry with Homura.

At least in the Shinobi master anime, Asuka shared main character status with Yumi and arguably had more character development despite Yumi getting more screentime.


Well-Known Member
Hmm It seems Mai from SNK got added as a character to New Link. Also Mai from SK:New Wave's hairstyle and outfit were added to the game though not Mai herself.

Also they are adding more new characters soon it seems, Daidouji and new wave character Ushimaru, Who's this character btw for those who don't know -


So they are starting to add more New Wave characters in now, I'd obviously like to see Matsuri get added. ;) But we'll see. :p
Unfortunately though besides New Link news we don't have anymore news on SK7 the next main game, How long are they going to leave us waiting on news? I'd hope for something at TGS but it's more likely we won't than we will.


Premium Donor
Hmm It seems Mai from SNK got added as a character to New Link. Also Mai from SK:New Wave's hairstyle and outfit were added to the game though not Mai herself.

Also they are adding more new characters soon it seems, Daidouji and new wave character Ushimaru, Who's this character btw for those who don't know -


So they are starting to add more New Wave characters in now, I'd obviously like to see Matsuri get added. ;) But we'll see. :p
Unfortunately though besides New Link news we don't have anymore news on SK7 the next main game, How long are they going to leave us waiting on news? I'd hope for something at TGS but it's more likely we won't than we will.
Hopefully we won't have to wait long! And I don't know who that cowgirl is but I think I've seen her a few years ago as one of the new girls for new Wave xD and hopefully mai in Newink means she'll be in Burst Renewal or any other new SK game that they announce


Well-Known Member
Hopefully we won't have to wait long! And I don't know who that cowgirl is but I think I've seen her a few years ago as one of the new girls for new Wave xD and hopefully mai in Newink means she'll be in Burst Renewal or any other new SK game that they announce

Well It's nice to see that they can do collabs with things like SNK and stuff. And yeah the cowgirls little pet "bucketcow" was also in PBS.


Well-Known Member
Since I'm in Tokyo, I went to Akihabara again and found these:


I didn't want to spend too much (I was saving up for DOA stuff amd I have a small budget) so I just got this:

Also saw this promotion for their new game:


Premium Donor
Did anyone else wind up getting Burst Renewal? I got it for Ryona like several days ago but so far she has no part of the Hebijo campaign, it's mainly Miyabi and Imu being gay for each other which isn't surprising since they're basically bishounen guys trapped in a girl's body xD I did see my Bi icon Ryoki but she died so the story went back into nothing.