Well, I can't speak for anyone but myself, but you earlier claimed to know me, and if that's true, then you know that I tend to be a pretty critical person. That's not the same as being "negative" as some people like to write it off as, but I take a lot of interest and pleasure in analyzing, dissecting and critiquing things. Some people are content to say that they either "like" or "dislike" something and leave it at that, whereas I'm not really capable of such. In many respects, the "why" is more important to me than the "what." As a result, I tend to be pretty fervent in praising the things I like and in scorning the things I dislike, sometimes through exaggeration or hyperbole. But I never get so caught up in that that I lose sight of my genuine assessments. Those are merely outlets to express my genuine assessments, whether they align with any larger sentiments or reject them entirely.
So I'm not really sure what "further than that [criticism]" is, in this context. If you're getting the sense that I'm largely unhappy with the game because I've criticized certain elements of it, you'd be exactly right. All games have their flaws, and I will mention them along with what I like. But I do objectively think that DOA6 is a mess. The things is does well are mostly the uncorrupted carry-overs from previous games, things that I've praised time and time again. I continue to engage this game for certain social reasons and, because at the end of the day, it offers something I do like that doesn't have any competent competition. But I really have to dig through a lot of headache to get there, making the game feel more like a tedious obstacle course with a cookie at the end. Good games make the obstacles fun so that the majority of your experience with the game is both fun and rewarding. DOA6 doesn't do that.
So I get that maybe you just tire of other people's assessments and jokes and stuff. That's fine. But what I don't get is this attitude you're projecting that somehow those comments are bad or unwarranted or something. It's like you can't imagine why people would continually make jokes or snide remarks to express their frustrations with a game that has so much potential thrown to the wayside. Dissatisfaction with the costumes, DLC and season pass is just one of many elements that fit such criteria.
As for the whole publisher vs developer thing, I still have no idea what you were on about. It was genuine inquisitiveness since I didn't understand the point you were implying, not something malicious or cynical. But whatever.