And everytime I read these characters they are "18" something dies inside me because is like that people never looked to real women like:
And she's 19.
Can we seriously stop this shit already? Can.. can this shit just die? Do I have to start giving you PORN ACTRESSES that look as young as Marie and NiCO so this can just die off a goddamned cliff? Or the plenty of cosplayers who look almost perfectly like Marie and NiCO and they are clearly above 18? Or you actually venturing outside of your goddamned house and comfort spot?
You two do realize that Marie Rose and co. are not real women who coincidently happen to look and act really young, but that they are fictional characters that were deliberatly designed to look and act really young? It was a character designer's intent to create Marie Rose to be that way.
Why was she intended to be that way? Let's drop the pretence and be real here: To scratch the itch of many Japanese fans (and many others around the world) of the sexualization and objectification of young girls. Lolicon is widespread in Japan, widely tolerated, and part of their culture for a long time.
Yes, the internet makes it very easy to experience foreign culture, to consume their content, to get accustomed to different norms and to get somewhat desensitized. But please don't act surprised, even annoyed, when people around you in the West, where the sexualization and objectification of young girls/boys is seen as very problematic, to say the least, voice their differing opinion on the matter.
As much as you find 18 in quotes annoying to read, many find the often repeated argument: "But there are many real woman who look very young!", or that Marie Rose looking and acting very young is undeliberate and entirely innocent, just as annoying. That sort of argumentation is either very naive or very disingenuous.
Everytime I read a insinuation like that I can't help myself and I just find traits of misogyny.