*Me waiting on whenever TN want to show any of Lisa's alt hairstyles and her deluxe outfit*
And this is you when they finally do:
*Me waiting on whenever TN want to show any of Lisa's alt hairstyles and her deluxe outfit*
And this is you when they finally do:
Omg, SCV was so bad. I mean, so Bad. That game pretty much killed the IP for me. The second I saw they made Sophitia a Weapon Master , replaced Taki, and added these wack characters to replace them, my childhood died with the seriesNot to turn this into a SC discussion, but SCVI IS a desperate attempt to keep the series alive. They screwed up big time by replacing 90% of the roster in SCV. SCVI is really boring after a while and the customisation options are rather scarce. For me the SC series went downhill after SCIII, if this is the last instalment for the series I feel bad for all of the SC fans because this game is trash.
Its not really that much of a problem imo, the create a soul may be a bit obnoxious but I think in comparison to DOA's problem with the fanservice overshadowing the actual game each iteration, it's minor in comparison to what DOA goes through.but But then again it gets away with alot more that DOA can't due DOA's oversexualized image from old gamesTotally. When the thing everyone is talking about in your fighting game is the character maker and not the fighting, you know you’ve got a problem.
That's why custom presets exist, make a custom preset in DOACENTRAL, press R1 at select screen and choose your costume straight away.Anyway... back to DOA (why the SC bashing I have no idea), im so annoyed at the costume selection but it's what ever. The recolors taking up space AGAIN isn't gonna do anything but make it take an unnecessary amount of time to scroll through 87 icons with the question mark on them while the timer runs out (cuz u know... dlc) just to get to one costume that isn't tacky. PLEASE tell me that wont happen in this game.
That Hitomi picture is fake, a FSD member here( I think @ShinobiOfTheWind) photoshopped that as a concept. And it's not really complaining more or so than disappointment since they had us thinking there were gonna be a ton of costumes, but it seems like a bulk is just recolors.One of the images I saw featured Hitomi with Helena's braid. Something she never had access to before. I'd say wait and see what you have to work with. Don't assume everything is so bare from the start. They went heavy on the recolors instead of actual costumes this time but there could be varied customization in other ways. And don't act like they aren't going to release a million costume packs because they are. And you're most likely going to buy them.
Also I'll say that Kasumi scene with the fireflies could easily be from the end of the story mode and Aerial Gardens could be unlocked upon completion. All these people that are playing the full build aren't unlocking 100% of the content and no one knows if there are locked stages either. Seriously all I see in this thread (and pretty much everywhere else) is complaining. You wouldn't think anyone was actually a fan of the series.
That's why custom presets exist, make a custom preset in DOACENTRAL, press R1 at select screen and choose your costume straight away.
Yeah sucks ! And why are the Guys AGAIN Undertaken . I thought we love them ,too . ANY GuyLover here ? I wanna know what Costumes they have to offer ,Hairstyles ect pp . All this Girlie Talk ;POh, that sounds sexy... but it still sux kinda.
not i. eliot is the only male character i care about. the rest annoy me.Yeah sucks ! And why are the Guys AGAIN Undertaken . I thought we love them ,too . ANY GuyLover here ? I wanna know what Costumes they have to offer ,Hairstyles ect pp . All this Girlie Talk ;P
There’s a lot of us lol. As an example, here I am waiting for more Bayman costumes AND HAIRSTYLES options. But considering everyone is saying the guys ain’t gonna have much variety I guess that means I’ve already seen everything for him lol.Yeah sucks ! And why are the Guys AGAIN Undertaken . I thought we love them ,too . ANY GuyLover here ? I wanna know what Costumes they have to offer ,Hairstyles ect pp . All this Girlie Talk ;P
christies red recolor for her new costume! i stan!