DOA6 interviews


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News Team does cost money to develop can only do so much under a budget.

I want to see the millions of dollars that got put into DLC at work. I know that games cost money to make, but a better product means more money for the game they are making now. Don't have money to do something get more; that's what I've always been told.

Rachel, Momiji and Leon are money. Ein I don't know, but I wouldn't mind him being in too.

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
An interesting new interview (Japanese):

It seems (it's hard to be sure because of the strange automatic translation) that the most feedbacks about the beta are some requests : more characters, more stages.
Shimbori would say in that interview that he does want to add more stages in future. And more costumes, but we all know that !

He also would say that it's not possible to make a mix between the upper part and the lower part of costumes in DOA central. We can only add accessories.
Good. Limited customization is better than the garbage they have in Tekken & SC. When I’m playing people I want to look at the characters designed by the game’s artists, not Mardi Gras floats.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Good. Limited customization is better than the garbage they have in Tekken & SC. When I’m playing people I want to look at the characters designed by the game’s artists, not Mardi Gras floats.


Well-Known Member
Dang am I the only one who actually likes crazy customizations? I’m not talking the insane Soul Calibur ones but sometimes after playing Tekken ranked for a bit it’s fun to come across and laugh at a weird random custom/cosplay LOL! The best limited customization was what VF5FS and Tekken 6 had because there wasn’t much weird or overdone items but you could still make cool outfits. Idk I just like being able to make my own styles for my favorite characters in games. For those who don’t like it there should just be a setting to turn off seeing others customs online >.>


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In the DOA Central mode, where the acquired points are expended in the DOA Quest mode, there are 6 outfits for the male characters, and 15 for the heroines.

They include the recolors there, don't they? So two for the men and 5 for the women?


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This is not okay, like no joke. Seriously only 6 costumes? Why does TN think DOA is only about the girls? DOAX may be only about the girls, but the fighting DOA isn’t. TN needs to quit with this sexism, seriously.

Still more variety than other fighters out there, even if that's true. When my sister played with Barbies she thought the same thing about Ken. Girls always have more dress up options.


Premium Donor
Are you kidding me, only SIX? I guess that means Eliot won't be getting much then... If they count recolors I don't think that'll actually be alot of outfits in general since they're going by outfit types since a bulk of the costumes are just two additional recolors of base outfits.....


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Still more variety than other fighters out there, even if that's true. When my sister played with Barbies she thought the same thing about Ken. Girls always have more dress up options.
That is true but I wish they would be more equal in dividing the costumes. The girls will get twice as much costumes again which is just stupid, not everybody plays with female characters.
They include the recolors there, don't they? So two for the men and 5 for the women?
They don’t include the recolours, those are considered as patterns and not as costumes.

Edit: nvm, I guess we can call this a budget issue too? Or are they too damn lazy to come up with something else?

Vigoorian King

Well-Known Member
They don’t include the recolours, those are considered as patterns and not as costumes.
They do, here's the full quote:
In the DOA Central mode, where the acquired points are expended in the DOA Quest mode, there are 6 outfits for the male characters, and 15 for the heroines. But for these 15 disguises, we must actually count 5, which come in 3 different colors.


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Wow...two costumes for the guys... And months ago I was telling everyone they should keep their expectations low, the guys will probably only get 3-4. XD Even that was a way too generous guess.


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Wow...two costumes for the guys... And months ago I was telling everyone they should keep their expectations low, the guys will probably only get 3-4. XD Even that was a way too generous guess.
It's just one costume, and then they took the jacket off.
Worst part is that it's not even a good costume to begin with.

This character is such garbage, lol