DOA6 Gameplay Thread

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
i don't use overkills to disrespect, but i like it when my finishing blow that fully depletes their health bar puts them in a unique animation. it adds more impact to the hits (especially when from 4 onward they just *shakes my head at u fam* on the ground all the time), and more animations means less visual repetition
i hoped they'd at least expand on overkills and KO stuff since they boasted a lot about "more violence"


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Standard Donor
My apologies I read it wrong, i agree with the region lock think as well then. Zack not being able to use 2KKKK as force tech again is something I’m really happy about (feel sorry for you though).
I don’t mind the nerf, because I’m fine tuned to using 2H+K in those setups instead anyway. One 2K is enough to get the enemy to panic tech up now, so if anything the level of pressure is the same.

OOOOOOOOO I cannot fucking wait to find all the tech.


Premium Donor
i don't use overkills to disrespect, but i like it when my finishing blow that fully depletes their health bar puts them in a unique animation. it adds more impact to the hits (especially when from 4 onward they just *shakes my head at u fam* on the ground all the time), and more animations means less visual repetition
i hoped they'd at least expand on overkills and KO stuff since they boasted a lot about "more violence"
But attacks already do that tho, if you use certain attacks or they counter hit, a unique animation like when you overkill will happen. I personally don't mind if they don't return since people always complain saying they hate it but they have no issues doing it themselves and only complain when it happened to them. Plus taunting and overkill after a match imo is obnoxious

Hopefully they'll improve the ground game since atm it's pretty boring since you can't FT or anything besides just hitting the opponent around so I find myself just backing away when I get a knockdown since the ground pressure seems almost non existent like in DOA2 or DOA3


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Standard Donor
I don’t mind the nerf, because I’m fine tuned to using 2H+K in those setups instead anyway. One 2K is enough to get the enemy to panic tech up now, so if anything the level of pressure is the same.

OOOOOOOOO I cannot fucking wait to find all the tech.
I can’t wait for NiCO with her BS she’s probably gonna be annoying as hell.


Well-Known Member
The fatal stun and fatal rush allows for creativity. It's also a great way to force your opponent to burn through their meter so you don't have to worry about break blows later in the match. But if they're not willing to break hold it can lead to big damage



Well-Known Member
I hate FT for reasons so I'll leave my opinion out of that lol.

I do agree with the break hold. It should definitely only be usable during unholdable situations.

I kinda don't want to deal with FT's, but at the same time the oki game is waaay to bare bones, I hit my opponent on the ground and nothing happens? They can still opt for a wakeup kick and wake up kicks maintain there same properties. I don't think that's fair.


Well-Known Member
I kinda don't want to deal with FT's, but at the same time the oki game is waaay to bare bones, I hit my opponent on the ground and nothing happens? They can still opt for a wakeup kick and wake up kicks maintain there same properties. I don't think that's fair.

Ya but that's kind of the point. You just took 60% of their health, they kind deserve a reprieve.


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Standard Donor
Not even. Just speed up the time where you stay inactive on the ground so you can do a WUK faster. If you stay on the ground for longer than that... You deserve to get slapped back up.

Or at the very least, in DOA6 can the enemies be pushed back to a neutral area if they are hit on the ground with a string? As it stands you can be hit on the ground by a singular attack and still be in range to land a WUK.

I believe DOA6 needs to blend their current ground game with aspects from the other games. DOA5 Vanilla has less invisibility frames for enemies on the ground. We can take that aspect. Not all low strikes and true mids FT in DOA6. Keep that.

I still think there should be 1 to 2 moves that give true FTs. And the rest can do what they currently do. Just so that we don’t get Helena blenders etc etc etc. I’ll put it in note form in another post.


Active Member
Personally, I don’t think the BH should only be usable for unholdable situations. If someone wants to waste it for a situation they could have gotten out of in a different way and then eat a FR or another fatal stun without being able to defend themselves, that’s their problem. The real problem is the brain dead way you can use the Break Blow in a lot of situations. It’s basically a better defensive option than the Break Hold.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I don't actively dislike any of the changes, some stuff could use some tweaking though…

For the Ground Game I think it's fine if FTs are restricted to certain chars (Bass Pickup…), but if there are no general FTs they could get rid of the iframes when landing on the ground (they only added them to prevent the PFTs from 4, no?). After that just increase Dmg Revision and maybe add some Dmg to Ground throws in general. This probably adds enough incentive to tech in certain situations and not just wait for the WUK.

Sabaki and GB for BB is too much imo. I'd personally get rid of the Sabaki props, but keep the GB.

I can see why the went with the 50% meter at the beginning of R1, but imo unholdable stuns are hard enough to land, so that's not really necessary.

I didn't really form an opinion on the DOA4 style wall stun since these seem to be fairly uncommon.


Well-Known Member
Not even. Just speed up the time where you stay inactive on the ground so you can do a WUK faster. If you stay on the ground for longer than that... You deserve to get slapped back up.

Or at the very least, in DOA6 can the enemies be pushed back to a neutral area if they are hit on the ground with a string? As it stands you can be hit on the ground by a singular attack and still be in range to land a WUK.

I believe DOA6 needs to blend their current ground game with aspects from the other games. DOA5 Vanilla has less invisibility frames for enemies on the ground. We can take that aspect. Not all low strikes and true mids FT in DOA6. Keep that.

I still think there should be 1 to 2 moves that give true FTs. And the rest can do what they currently do. Just so that we don’t get Helena blenders etc etc etc. I’ll put it in note form in another post.

I definitely think the game should force you up faster. I don't like how long you can lay there on the ground and they should give less invulnerability on the ground and tone down the WUK's. I think its fine to allow the player to get hit on the ground easily to pressure them to tech away instead of just chilling on the ground, but I just don't wanna see FT's again lol. I know its necessary, I just don't want it lmao.


Well-Known Member
:)this beta is a mistake.

It just telling newcomers never spend $60 on this awful game.
its a beta. problems were expected. what makes you think these problems will stop people from buying the game. they played an incomplete version. please get out your feelings.


Well-Known Member

At least voice what you don't like about it bro

1,only 5 characters
2,a boring map
3,an unstable frame rate(I played this beta on PS4 pro,graphic performance was way worse than in TGS pc)

well at least netcode seems better than DOA5(except fake full-bar signal bug),I can literally connect Korean&Japanese friends in 5 bars which was 3 or 4 in DOA5.


Well-Known Member
Final thoughts are

-Tone down the meter gain. What's the point in baiting someone to spend meter if they get it back just as fast? I don't think players should have to worry about break holds every time they stun their opponents. To top it off, players start off with 50% meter at the beginning of the round which is unnecessary. I think TN should present a lock out mechanic similar to Killer Instinct;

- Fatal SDS; if you attack too late players become invulnerable and fall to the ground resetting the neutral and you have to play the wake up game. Not a fan of it.

- The ground game; I was okay with the ground game at first but after a knock down I found myself invested too much in trying to predict what my opponent is going to wake up with. At least in DOA5 the attacker had some control and could maintain momentum. I feel if they plan the keep the ground game this way then they should nerf wake up kicks either make them both unsafe or make it so they don't stun or give any frame advantage on hit.

- I'm iffy on the sidestep attacks, they seem to have a lot of invulnerability on start up, people are using it as "get off me" mechanic and that's not how SS's should work BUT they are punishable!

+ they should keep the rank mode the same it is at launch, let us know who's on wifi and who's on ethernet. Keep the players anonymous and punish people for rage quitting.

+ I love the inclusion of bound combo's and how well they work with break blows and break blow cancels.

Game has a lot of potential if they can get the mechanics right/meter. Now that players have touched the beta it's up to TN on what they do with the feedback, only hope they listen.