Dead or Alive 6 Trailer (Early 2019)

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Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice the fact that it says "4-way hold" under the timer in the health bars

This being pointed out specifically makes me wonder if this means something, like if you can pick between different hold systems, 4-way, 3-way, or even 6-way.

Mmmmm I hope not. That would cause quite a split on what to play on. I'm hoping more that its just a reference to the power meter that now allows you to use the meter to do a defensive hold that counters all levels. Though the meter is low in that image, so it would seem a little alarming if you can use it with that little of a meter.


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm, a close-up on Honoka getting punched in the face. I can see it now...


Anyway, I hope that they keep Leon in the game from the jump. I think they can differentiate him enough where he doesn't have to be relegated to "second string" again. Besides, it could be a chance for them to flesh out his and Bayman's relationship.

Also, where's Ayane? lol


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Well hey guys, I'm on an actual computer now... do you want to see the most stupid GameFAQs post with blatant misinformation about Dead or Alive 5 and onward? No? Well too damn bad:

None of this is new

KT toned down the fanservice in the original DoA 5 with their "I am a Fighter" slogan campaign.

They also gave the characters a more realistic look than the previous models before it.

And I think they even made the breast physics more realistic too then.

Then when the fans complained and whined, they went back to their old selves and thats when they started going overboard with the fanservice and hundreds of DLC outfits

Then DoA Dimensions got banned in Sweden or something because one gamer complained there and alerted the Gov there that you could look up the skirts of the character models in the gallery mode and they were underage. Then KT officially changed all the original female characters ages to be 18 or older.

Then KT trolled Sweden by making lolita character Marie Rose, who's birthday they made on the national day of Sweden
Then KT made another high school girl named Honkers who had big tits

Then people started making outfit mods and nude mods on the PC version and KT got mad and said don't do that

Then the FGC, who has always treated DoA like a joke, banned certain outfits from competition deeming them too much of a distraction.

Then the PS4 ports of DoA5 LR didnt really end up selling all that hot despite how much DLC spam there was

Then KT made that DoA Extreme 3 game which used a new soft model engine, but reused background assets and gameplay modes from the Xtreme 2 game that came out 10 years before it; so knowing it was a half assed product, they only released it in Asia and tried to use the SJW excuse that it wouldnt have been accepted in the West (even though the previous two Xtreme games sold well on the XBox and even the PSP port)

and now here we are. So dont be surprised if fans backlash again and once again KT gives in and puts fanservice back in with an updated version or something. Even if all this effort is really so they can get more respect and recognition into the esports field where companies are making a lot of $ in....(and they're not)....

(I primarily highlighted the really stupid parts in bold)
Dear GOD where to begin...

1. Dead or Alive Dimensions wasn't banned in Sweden, it wasn't published and it wasn't published not because of TN's naughtiness, far from it. It was banned because someone in Sweden used it as an example of how ridiculous their draconian laws can get to people being arrested or things getting banned for their definition of lolita. Nintendo overreacted in that situation and didn't publish Dimensions there, the person never wanted the game banned, it was a blatant misunderstanding.

2. What in the blue fuck does Honoka's creation have to do with what people believe is Marie's creation as a take that to Sweden? Especially when the endgoal is to try and make Koei Tecmo come off as buffoons(no seriously, he cements when someone basically tries a TL;DR saying that and he approves it).

3. Oh yeah, as if that wasn't also the case for Final Fantasy XV...maybe in truth, most Japanese Game Developers don't want to deal with the headache of PC because they don't really know how Valve works with mods(it genuinely feels like if people make nude mods for their stuff, it will negatively affect them in some massive way)

4. While the ports of Last Round didn't sell that well, I like how he ignored the massive success of DOA5 Last Round Core Fighters edition...6 million downloads is no joke, especially when that lead to Venus Vacation, basically F2P DOAX3 and possible more DOA games getting F2P versions.

5. I HAD to highlight this because it's like people can't even remember shit...the FGC!? If by FGC, he means the DOA competitive community and the ban. NEVER. WENT. THROUGH! I feel like he tried it as a source of mockery but like everything else, not even trying to inform yourself just screws you over when someone who knows simply shuts you up.

6. He partly right... until he gets to the KT making excuses part...
Again how does he know that this is an excuse? How does he even remotely believe that he's making sense...when you can actually see that they still bought the game internationally...JUST TO TRASH IT!(Yes, this actually happened as I think it was Jed Whitaker or someone in those lines who bought the game, tried to spin it as a new series in reviewing games that won't be ported to the West and trashed it and suddenly, the series never got anymore updates...hmmm...)

I'll even give out the GameFAQs link for the entirety of all the stupidity:

Just...drink it in...

Eh, it's GameFAQs. I recommend to avoid it like the plague. Your blood pressure and brain cells will thank you.


Well-Known Member
So here is something

reverse the 6 in the logo vertically and you have a perfect e (epsilon?)

and this reminds me of the final boss of DOA5 (the shapeshifter)

and this one

looks like this

and am diggin' the music choice, it gives me the naruto shippuden sasuke rescue arc feel.
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Well-Known Member
So here is something

reverse the 6 in the logo vertically and you have a perfect e (epsilon?)

and this reminds me of the final boss of DOA5 (the shapeshifter)

and this one

looks like this

and am diggin' the music choice, it gives me the naruto shippuden sasuke rescue arc feel.

Hayate is the Shinobi of the Wind and he has shown wind based abilities before, this is just a wind particle effect.


Well-Known Member
Something that definitely needs to be removed is recolors. Having 1-3 costume slots of the same outfit makes no sense. Same for something like 2 identical costumes, but with one not having the jacket.


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Standard Donor
After watching the trailer a couple of times I noticed that they forgot to give Zack a navel, lol. At first I thought that he might have the waistband of his shorts pulled up so high that it is completely covered, but in DOA5 he wears the exact same costume and his navel is clearly visible.


I hope they fix that, lol.

Team Ninja never fixed Jecht's missing nipples in Dissidia, did they?


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm I hope not. That would cause quite a split on what to play on. I'm hoping more that its just a reference to the power meter that now allows you to use the meter to do a defensive hold that counters all levels. Though the meter is low in that image, so it would seem a little alarming if you can use it with that little of a meter.
All the images with the HUD had it though.


Well-Known Member
Quick question, how long did Street Fighter V Arcade Edition came out after the vanilla version?

I'm honestly expecting an 'Ultimate version' down the road. Makes sense to make the game's life span longer.


Well-Known Member
Quick question, how long did Street Fighter V Arcade Edition came out after the vanilla version?

I'm honestly expecting an 'Ultimate version' down the road. Makes sense to make the game's life span longer.

Almost 2 years because of its major backlash of hardly any offline content (Arcade Mode especially) and how to obtain fight money to get in-game content such as the story costumes and the characters without using real money.


New Member
If anything, Helena's new costume looks more provocative than her default from DoA5. So calm your tits, folks (pun maybe intended), sex appeal isn't going anywhere. I do hope it'll be more elegant this time than fighting in lingerie on top of an iceberg. That shit was painful to watch.

On four-way-hold. Not all characters have such broad mixups, and if anything you would throw the defender if you read an attempt to hold. Not sure how different this will be, considering you're limited in its use and reward is pointed out to be small.


my wish list is going to be :

1 - helena big bow hair tie

2 - kasumi bright orange hair color

3 - game intro / opening sequence

4 - mai shiranui somehow helping the ninjas in story mode

5 - more asian stages like l's castle , burai zenin and the great wall

6 - neotengu as the final boss for arcade mode with a small cutscene pre fight

7 - doa2 style story mode short and sweet

8 - new characters soundtracks not stages


Well-Known Member
To be safe, better buy Asian region or to be safer Japanese region just in case TN sell a different built for different region.


Well-Known Member
Is there even any precedent that justifies such concerns? Far as I'm aware, Tecmo Koei doesn't exactly have a reputation for doing things like that, and Team Ninja certainly doesn't.

Anyways, I'm gonna express a likely unpopular opinion: I really hope we both get a dub and the return of as much of the English cast as possible. Considering he's become a pretty big name since 2012, it's unlikely that Troy Baker will reprise Hayabusa, which I'm not too worried about; he did an okay job, and he was actually pretty solid in Yaiba if I recall (haven't heard anyone mention that in a while, probably for good reason), but the role would probably be taken over by Matthew Mercer anyways, who sounds basically identical. Similarly, Laura Bailey coming back as Christie isn't super likely, either, but I wouldn't be surprised if Alexis Tipton took her place, as they sound remarkably similar and Tipton has been picking up a lot of roles that Bailey once had anyways.

That said, Eden Riegel has gotta be Hitomi. She's, like, my second favorite Hitomi voice. Out of four.

  1. Yui Horie in DoA3/2U
  2. Eden Riegel
  3. Yui Horie from DoA4 on
  4. Hynden Walch


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Similarly, Laura Bailey coming back as Christie isn't super likely, either, but I wouldn't be surprised if Alexis Tipton took her place, as they sound remarkably similar and Tipton has been picking up a lot of roles that Bailey once had anyways.
Or they could easily bring back April Stewart.

I'd also prefer they bring back Zinnia Su to voice Leifang. Nothing against Cassandra Lee Morris, but her take on Leifang was... distracting.

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
I wonder what the perverts are gonna jerk off to now since DOA won’t be as sexualised anymore. I guess it’s over with the sexy in game screenshots people masturbate to now, lmao.
everything from 2U to XVV. do you really have to ask this

6 might reel in some bruise fetishists though


Well-Known Member
Or they could easily bring back April Stewart.

I'd also prefer they bring back Zinnia Su to voice Leifang. Nothing against Cassandra Lee Morris, but her take on Leifang was... distracting.
April Stewart? Was she in Dimensions or Xtreme 2? ...Or both? I remember not much liking Christie's voice in Dimensions, it just felt really off to me. I also have no idea how she sounds in X2. I can totally agree with Leifang, though. I do like a lot of roles that Cassandra Lee Morris has played, but Leifang isn't exactly one of them, to say the least. If she does reprise the role, I at least hope her take on it is a lot less...squawky?.. I honestly can't think of a better descriptor for how she sounds in battle.


Well-Known Member
So... expeculation time?

Based on the trailer and the info we got, there is this momment where Ryu is doing some moves and there is fire and eletric effects on his hands. Some people talked about that being the "auto combo" button in action. I honestly don't like the idea of such a cool effect being used on something that will probably not be useful at high level, but watching the trailer, it kinda makes sense. I'm no expert, but from what i've seen, that whole sequence that ryu did was entirely mid punches, and i assumed from when i heard of about the auto combo button, that would give something extremely linear and easy to hold.

Anyways, since i'm yet to give my opinions about the trailer here in fsd, i have to say. I love this trailer and i'm good with every info we got so far, i have my hopes on some aspects of the game (like freestepping, stage variety and of course netcode), but honestly, it seems the game is a clear evolution of DOA 5 LR, which is great.
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