Active Member
I just hope these things aren't $3, they need to do better for that $3.
Any ideas what time there going to be on US PSN?
That would be cool. I would like to see Hitomi have gotten her DOA 4 Black phoniex tank top.Rachel and Momiji getting ninja gaiden outfits and lisa getting doax all make complete sense. I would have preferred it if every doa1 girl got a doa1 outfit though...
I just hope these things aren't $3, they need to do better for that $3.
Boots?Lol. Shouldn't it be reversed? One is an actually quite good casual look and the other one is...I don't even kow what it is. D: Also, have you seen the rabbit boots yet? XD
Lol. Shouldn't it be reversed? One is an actually quite good casual look and the other one is...I don't even kow what it is. D: Also, have you seen the rabbit boots yet? XD