Halloween Designer Challenge 2017

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Also I was checking the doacostumes...thing, Thread? Is it called that on twitter...hashtag...ANYWAY I was checking it and saw these that I thought were really good also somehow I always manage to not to see some of the designs then see them later and am shook. Like it happenes every time. -

This one is so 80's I love it! :D


PS: Since we don't have a dlc thread for reasons... I'll use this as an excuse to post this. If they ever do a collab with Extella this would be a good outfit for Lisa.



Well-Known Member

Also I was checking the doacostumes...thing, Thread? Is it called that on twitter...hashtag...ANYWAY I was checking it and saw these that I thought were really good also somehow I always manage to not to see some of the designs then see them later and am shook. Like it happenes every time. -

This one is so 80's I love it! :D


PS: Since we don't have a dlc thread for reasons... I'll use this as an excuse to post this. If they ever do a collab with Extella this would be a good outfit for Lisa.


I know this is about the costumes design, and not about the quality or technique of the art, but holy shit do i love all those things in that tina pic...

And the design is really cool, the 80's visual fit DOA like a glove...


Well-Known Member
I know this is about the costumes design, and not about the quality or technique of the art, but holy shit do i love all those things in that tina pic...

And the design is really cool, the 80's visual fit DOA like a glove...

Yes! :D The Tina design is amazing. The technique of the art, the 80's aesthetic. Everything It's just so good. I'm really excited to see what happens with the contest this year in October.

lisa in a bananakira costume except it's a coffin instead of a banana

... It needs to be stopped lol.


Premium Donor
Rupaul - "The winners of DOA's Halloween design contest drag race 2017 will win a one year supply of the dumpster Naotora Ii lives in, Rig in OR out of his Andrew Christian underwear, And $1.

:kasumi: "That's a lot of fucking money!"
Fuck a dumpster, I wanna cop that coffin Lisa resides in!

If my designs win I don't know how im gonna break it to my sister that the Kasumi and Eliot ones were designed by me... the least they could do for the winners is give them a one free dlc outfit code so they can get their design costume DLC free


Well-Known Member
Fuck a dumpster, I wanna cop that coffin Lisa resides in!

If my designs win I don't know how im gonna break it to my sister that the Kasumi and Eliot ones were designed by me... the least they could do for the winners is give them a one free dlc outfit code so they can get their design costume DLC free

This killed me tbh lol! Just the use of the word "resides". The coffin she resides in! XD
and she isn't dead so shush

I remember you made your designs were pretty skimpy lol so maybe it would be awkward saying to people that you'd designed them but who cares lol be proud of your designs. :p It feels like March was so long ago now that it's August, And we only have maybe a month until we finally start to see what designs were chosen this year!


Premium Donor
This killed me tbh lol! Just the use of the word "resides". The coffin she resides in! XD
and she isn't dead so shush

I remember you made your designs were pretty skimpy lol so maybe it would be awkward saying to people that you'd designed them but who cares lol be proud of your designs. :p It feels like March was so long ago now that it's August, And we only have maybe a month until we finally start to see what designs were chosen this year!
Yeah I was trying to make my designs initially pretty conservative but then I opted to do what I'm sure everyone expected so I intentionally made my designs both revealing and impractical like something you would wear to a college Halloween party. That's why Kasumi wears a micro gypsy top and a slitted thigh skirt and an inner thigh tattoo and white stilettos, idk what I was on when I made Eliot's design, but I've no shame since Kuma-Kun on Twitter has done way more revealing designs for him, but imo revealing designs for him XD

Oh and also it's just two more months until October!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was trying to make my designs initially pretty conservative but then I opted to do what I'm sure everyone expected so I intentionally made my designs both revealing and impractical like something you would wear to a college Halloween party. That's why Kasumi wears a micro gypsy top and a slitted thigh skirt and an inner thigh tattoo and white stilettos, idk what I was on when I made Eliot's design, but I've no shame since Kuma-Kun on Twitter has done way more revealing designs for him, but imo revealing designs for him XD

Oh and also it's just two more months until October!

Yeah lol I was trying to remember that. The belly dancer type Kasumi one, The gothic lolita Naotora and the Eliot one. I don't remember it's name sorry. Personally I liked them though lol even If you did just make them revealing to match people's expectations of what they would be. :p

And yeah I'm really excited to see what we'll see in October and at TGS in September for a possible design reveal among other things. In fact ( And I know it's early to be thinking about ) but I wonder with the dlc continuing If there will be a "2018 design contest"? Or even when they move onto doa6 If there will be contests for that?


Premium Donor
Oh man, I just remembered about the contest. The suspense will be a killer on the weeks before it's grand costume release. Here's hoping you guys get your stuff in.

Everyone is going to be like:

This is gonna be me when I see the Kasumi and Eliot and Naotora entries that won't be mine and will likely be generic reincarnate:



Well-Known Member
All you clowns and stoners need to stop with the belly dancer requests xD
There's going to be that one stoner who makes another Belly Dancer outfit for Marie Rose and it wins just because.


Lol. The describing word of the day is "stoner" apparently! XD true though I imagine it coming out of left field and winning the whole thing.... Is that gif playing backwards by the way?

I've actually been hoping my ninja outfit for Mila makes it in to the point I completely forgot I submitted other costumes as well.

The Oni one was really good too so I feel like that could win.


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Standard Donor
I'm grateful that I have zero hopes of any of my submissions to be picked, lol. So, I'm neither excited for the reveals nor will I be disappointed in the end.
These contests have become so overblown, with many people submitting like 30 submissions at once, for one single character. It is virtually impossible for TN to collect and properly review all of them. That's why there also are no submission confirmations anymore.

I hope once DOA6 is around, they'll have quality over quantity contests again. Just one submission per designer or at least character and finally not just Halloween themed anymore.


Well-Known Member
I'm grateful that I have zero hopes of any of my submissions to be picked, lol. So, I'm neither excited for the reveals nor will I be disappointed in the end.
These contests have become so overblown, with many people submitting like 30 submissions at once, for one single character. It is virtually impossible for TN to collect and properly review all of them. That's why there also are no submission confirmations anymore.

I hope once DOA6 is around, they'll have quality over quantity contests again. Just one submission per designer or at least character and finally not just Halloween themed anymore.

That's a shame that you don't have any hope for them cause they were really good. ( Your Helena one did really well on twitter. :eek: ) But... yeah I've seen that sort of stuff too. Certain people posting seriously 20 - 30 designs in the space of 10 minutes. All of the designs being a theme like ( belly dancer, Pop star etc ) All using the same template drawing with no face drawn... :x And some times they'd do it just after I posted one of my designs which instantly buried them lol. Oh well though It didn't really bother me since the designs were good but I did see it happening so I get what your saying.

I'd be happy to see that too, More contests that are just general contests rather than specifically Halloween themed although I love the Halloween contests. And I totally expect doa6 getting design contests too.


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Standard Donor
They need to stop with "Halloween themed" contests though. It simply just makes one to ignore any of that Halloween shit to just come up with their own. Can they do other contests besides Halloween? come up with your own summer outfit? winter clothing? stage contest?

Also might as well tell the team to just stop with making their own too and just let the artist upload theirs so they can just pick one. Do it on the same months as any other ordinary content.
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