Senran Kagura Series


Well-Known Member
@Juihau I'm not simple...
I dunno, that immediately preceding statement says a lot.
I would've never liked Ayane, Imu, Ryobi, or Daidouji had I not been forced to use them and appreciate their appearance >.>

But yeah, @Chapstick, I would definitely recommend the 3DS games. Burst's super-low framerate takes a bit of getting used to, but it's actually really fast-paced and fun, where EV had a much slower pace. SK2 fixes the framerate and keeps the fast pace as well, and they're both just kind of a blast. In terms of writing, I still personally consider Crimson Girls (the Hebijo story in Burst) to easily be the series' high point, and with less characters to try and all give screentime to, both games have a better time fleshing out each character individually. I can't say for sure if you'll come out of it liking characters like Katsuragi and Haruka, but I can almost guarantee you'll have a better opinion of them than you do now.

Shinovi Versus also has its moments, though they're a bit fewer and further between. It mostly goes on to make Hibari surprisingly relateable for those of us with low self-esteem and provide some super strong shipping fuel for Asuka and Homura.


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Number 13

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately this is the current direction the SK brand has been and and will continue to be heading.

Their 3DS origins was somewhat serious [fighting "evil" ninja/demons that actually kill people] in the side scroller back when Asuka was relevant.

Then series went with a different direction with SV which is a separate continuity [Not Burst > SK2 timeline] with different gameplay, different characters [Where one pretty much replaced Asuka as the poster girl/protagonist], and overall different atmosphere with the relaxed atmosphere such as the festivals/contests premise they keep doing.

SV, Bon Apetite, and EV "spinoffs" being well received by their core SK fan base while the declined interest shown in SK2 mainline sales you can see why they decided to shift directions.

Would be surprised if a SK3 happens rather then a Peach Blast sequel that is a SK Kart game.

It is a shame SK is ditching their handheld roots with the latest game. No remote play or laptops don't count.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It is a shame SK is ditching their handheld roots with the latest game. No remote play or laptops don't count.
yeah it sucks, the graphics are still the same as EV but PSVITA couldnt handle the wetness feature or particles, which is an "imporant part of the game" smh..
SK is the type of game I prefer to play on the go.
It's really frustrating when a series takes such a weird turn, but I think Kenichio-sans team needs the funds so they're really milking the system to fund something bigger and juicier!!

Speaking of which heres some spoilers of the first 35 mins of the game:
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Well-Known Member
I dunno, that immediately preceding statement says a lot.

But yeah, @Chapstick, I would definitely recommend the 3DS games. Burst's super-low framerate takes a bit of getting used to, but it's actually really fast-paced and fun, where EV had a much slower pace. SK2 fixes the framerate and keeps the fast pace as well, and they're both just kind of a blast. In terms of writing, I still personally consider Crimson Girls (the Hebijo story in Burst) to easily be the series' high point, and with less characters to try and all give screentime to, both games have a better time fleshing out each character individually. I can't say for sure if you'll come out of it liking characters like Katsuragi and Haruka, but I can almost guarantee you'll have a better opinion of them than you do now.

Shinovi Versus also has its moments, though they're a bit fewer and further between. It mostly goes on to make Hibari surprisingly relateable for those of us with low self-esteem and provide some super strong shipping fuel for Asuka and Homura.


Don't forget the scene in Estial Versus where Yumi (I think?) pretty much admits she ships Asuka and Homura. She says something like "aren't you two dating?" or something and they both get flustered.


Well-Known Member
I still want the game either way, hot girls, long hair, water guns, and more water...hah, it'll be so great shooting water guns while reloading my very own :-D ...Take that which ever way you like XD

Did everyone try the chicken?

I dunno, that immediately preceding statement says a lot.

But yeah, @Chapstick, I would definitely recommend the 3DS games. Burst's super-low framerate takes a bit of getting used to, but it's actually really fast-paced and fun, where EV had a much slower pace. SK2 fixes the framerate and keeps the fast pace as well, and they're both just kind of a blast. In terms of writing, I still personally consider Crimson Girls (the Hebijo story in Burst) to easily be the series' high point, and with less characters to try and all give screentime to, both games have a better time fleshing out each character individually. I can't say for sure if you'll come out of it liking characters like Katsuragi and Haruka, but I can almost guarantee you'll have a better opinion of them than you do now.

Shinovi Versus also has its moments, though they're a bit fewer and further between. It mostly goes on to make Hibari surprisingly relateable for those of us with low self-esteem and provide some super strong shipping fuel for Asuka and Homura.



Aww that's actually sweet. :D They pretend to be bitter rivals but they really love each other. Honestly I actually do like how the characters are deep in SK.

Also I have to admit I've seen footage of the old SK and I don't really like the look of the game play style, But If it kept the musou style game play I'd like to see a more serious type of story in the game after PBS whether that introduced some new characters from new wave too. Also didn't PBS already ship all of it's stocks? Maybe I'm just imagining that? I hope it's successful anyway.

PS: I just realized @Mayor-Of-Mustard your avatar is that image of Mila from Skyrim! XD


Well-Known Member
Wait! And if a new game came out would it be the 7th not counting spinoffs? This is exciting! :D

It seems right after PBS we are going to be seeing another SK game. And a new main title this time! I hope its a serious story but with EV type gameplay.



Well-Known Member

From the looks of it, Senran Kagura 7 will go back to the canon action series

* Ryobi and Ryona are seen with the Gessen girls in their uniforms (probably a flashback from when they went there)
* Ayame will actually be in the story (she's running past Hibari and Yagyu)
* The Arc Angel girls seem to be involved

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Premium Donor

From the looks of it, Senran Kagura 7 will go back to the canon action series

* Ryobi and Ryona are seen with the Gessen girls in their uniforms (probably a flashback from when they went there)
* Ayame will actually be in the story (she's running past Hibari and Yagyu)
* The Arc Angel girls seem to be involved
It was only a matter of time before Sonico joined XD Although I admit it's kind meh since we already have Honoka.

Also The ikkotousen girls drop tomorrow, can't wait!!! I'm buying the full bundle!

Also that trailer has me hype...Ryona looked great in the gessen uniform, and it seems like Yagyu's ponytail will remain hee default hairstyle...interesting!


Well-Known Member
Super Sonico cool! :D When they revealed Honoka it reminded me or Sonico so its cool she's in as well.

And yeah Senran Kagura 7 ( whether that's its name or a working title ) looks really interesting already. For the people that wanted a serious story again and learning more about the characters, not to mention more new wave girls ( Matsuri please *crosses fingers* ) it seems they've got their wish! :D

I think this is good! Something more chilled and relaxed like PBS and then something serious that gets more in depth like SK7!

I can't wait to see more about SK7 already, I'm guessing it will be on ps4 etc, I hope it brings a lot of new stuff to the series and maybe even new looks? But I'm excited regardless.