Nintendo Switch


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A lot last that long because apparently batterie technology hadn't made any real advancements in years according to what I'm hearing.

But again as long as they're easily swapable it shouldn't be a problem.


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Im not much of a nintendo fan (I only got a 3ds to play dimensions, but it was worth it) but the whole concept of this find very interesting. I doubt it will be much of a home console (especially compared to the ps4pro and xbone scorpio) but the idea of being able to go portable anytime will set it apart, especially if it can support common mobile games. I particularly liked how the controller can be split into 2 and shared between people for multiplayer. If TN ever release a new doa game here and it looks as good as on xbone or ps4, I may just switch to this as my new main console (pun not intended).


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I mostly used my Wii to play GameCube games.

I mostly used my ds to to play GBA games.

I only recently got a 3ds to play hyrule and didnt toych it beyond that. Im not interested in any gimmick ware. All the good Nintendo games didn't use the gimmick controls at all.

So I can honestly say I'm not excited for this at all. Its just gonna be more trash bin shovelware with a couple good Mario/Zelda games and some decent jrpgs, as always with Nintendo.


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I second that. Why would one expect me to be unexcited? o . O
Sorry for the late reply.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but you're very analytical when it comes to specs and tech in general. So I figured the Switch wouldn't impress you as much compared to what's already available in the market.


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This thing needs the horsepower to fall back on in the event of the gimmick doesn't catch on, and lets keep it 100 this is a gimmick. I am tired of seeing Nintendo releasing gimmicky hipster bullshit. I want more competition among the consoles so that they can remain relevant.


This thing needs the horsepower to fall back on in the event of the gimmick doesn't catch on, and lets keep it 100 this is a gimmick. I am tired of seeing Nintendo releasing gimmicky hipster bullshit. I want more competition among the consoles so that they can remain relevant.

Nintendo is a toy company. It's competitors are not. People often forget this, though. It is their mission statement to create unique entertainment possibilities for audiences of all ages. Not just try to edge out the other consoles in power. Those "gimmicks" fall perfectly in line with the kind of thing they are supposed to be creating.


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Those "gimmicks" are also the reason the why PlayStation kicked their ass for like 20 years now. Don't get me wrong they should try something new but at the same time if it doesn't work they need something to fall back on and that has been lacking from them for a long time now.


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Some fail some succeed. Wii succeeded sales wise, and so did their dual screen mobile. 3D wasn't anything special and WiiU arguably died due to poor communication rather than what it actually was.

Yeah a lot of gamers looked at it and said "no" but that's a drop in the bucket compared to the number of average consumers who didn't even know what it was.

A gimmick is a gimmick till it works.


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The 3DS did not explode in popularity like the DS, but it's still very popular and sold and sells well.

Those "gimmicks" are also the reason the why PlayStation kicked their ass for like 20 years now. Don't get me wrong they should try something new but at the same time if it doesn't work they need something to fall back on and that has been lacking from them for a long time now.

Except the GameCube had far more power than the PS2 and that was like 15 years ago. Similarly, the N64 could pull off amazing things and stay on par with disc consoles, yet it lived mostly thanks to its first party line up of timeless masterpieces.
On the other hand, a good chunk of their consoles with gimmicks printed money (3DS, DS, Wii).
What would Nintendo gain from making a powerful system like what they did with the GameCube, nowdays? Losing to Sony again? Become an obsolete computer?

Horsepower does not sell a console. It's price, advertisement, piracy and word of mouth that do.
A lot of high selling consoles (PlayStation 1&2, Nintendo DS, Wii) had good advertising, were relatively cheap and could all be pirated easily.
Here in Italy, videogames took off with the PS1, and all the kids I knew had loads of pirated games.

Not to mention, PlayStations were never the most powerful consoles of their gens (not sure about 3 and 4), yet they still printed money.


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PlayStations were never the most powerful consoles of their gens (not sure about 3 and 4)

Playstation 3 i've heard is a bit more powerful than the 360 by a small margin, but devs were never able to use that small margin to do anything good. And i believe PS4 and xbone have pretty much similar specs, but i think the new version of the xbox one will be more powerful than the new version of ps4.

Honestly, i couldn't care less about that.

I follow a simple flowchart:

A new console comes out.

Does it have games i'm interested in?

If yes, does those games run well, and are unique to this console?

If yes, i try to get it. It is simple.


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The sad news about this is that we won't be able to hear more about the Nintendo Switch until 2017.


Master Ninja
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Current reports are going with about three hours expected battery life. All rumors but some coming from people who nailed the other details that have now been confirmed about the Switch. That is...come the fuck ON, Nintendo.


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Current reports are going with about three hours expected battery life. All rumors but some coming from people who nailed the other details that have now been confirmed about the Switch. That is...come the fuck ON, Nintendo.
Where did you hear this?


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I'm not getting this at all, unless it has Animal Crossing: New Leaf HD Edition with a lot of added content and DOA, it's irrelevant to me.


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I do remember saying they would share information about the battery life at a later date. If it really is three hours, then that's not a good sign.


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Watching the trailer I was like:


Again a console(?) of my actually favorite game developer that I won't buy.
I wished Nintendo would stop trying to be innovative and gimmicky. I want a "normal" console with up to date graphics that I can play Zelda and Smash Bros etc. on. Nothing more. They can keep their wiggle motes, 3D, console/handheld hybrids. :/

Additionally the announcement crashed Neogaf. Thanks for ruining my evening, Switch! D:

That's what a lot of people want. I prescribe them the PS4 since it's 90% PS3 games and doesn't innovate at all.